Should I get a 2nd opinion??



  • vegaspack
    vegaspack Posts: 30 Member
    I saw video last night that said be careful with calcium. If you take too much calcium and not enough other vitamins it can impact the arteries and not reach the bones. I believe magnesium was on thing you need to accomplish this
  • sljohnson1207
    sljohnson1207 Posts: 818 Member
    I'd get a second opinion as well, but take the Vitamin D3 first and see if you improve with your levels rising. And be forewarned, it can take months to get them up. Your level is very low.

    I've had chronic Vit D deficiency for years. Even with the prescription strength, my level didn't go up after 6 months. I currently take 5,000IU per day with a fatty meal (well, all my meals are fatty).

    Until my doctor told me to get some some without sunscreen for 10-15 minutes per day, my levels never rose up. Once I did that for a few weeks, we saw them get up to 32. I did/do feel better. My main symptom was depression.

    Have you ever been tested for mono? That can cause debilitating fatigue. I'm not sure on the hair loss symptom though. Most places you read will tell you thyroid.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yes vegaspack I think the K2 helps with that tho from what i've read. So far anyways....

    sljohnson I'm very controlled (or you could call limited) about my sun exposure I have ALOT of cancer in my family, and my dad had to have a chemo cream on his face, watching that happen...that did it for me. *Heebie Jeebies* I am trying to get a little more actual sun though, it just makes me nervous I know it's all in my head though.

    I'm not sure about the mono - isn't that only a temporary thing though? I ask becuase I don't know. Yeah everything I read leads towards thyroid, but apparently mine's fine.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    At one time fibromyalgia was not accepted either. It was thought to be a psychological problem akin to hypochondria. But now they know it is a real condition in the nervous system.
    But there is plenty of literature on links between processed food and hormone imbalance problems. SO there is a good chance that there is a non drug related resolution.
    Getting off the pill is a good start. [After our second child I volunteered to get snipped so my wife could get off the pill and not have another surgery since child 2 was a c-section. ]
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Just because your thyroid is in "standard ranges" does not me that it's "okay." Mine has to test at mid to high level of the range for me to feel human. Luckily I found an endocrinologist who understands this! It took almost ten years after symptoms showed up for the problem to show up on bloodwork.
  • kimberwolf71
    kimberwolf71 Posts: 470 Member
    Yes adrenal fatigue is real. Second opinions are always great, especially if you are uncomfortable with the first one, but its impressive that an MD is mentioning adrenal fatigue.

    Stress itself can wreak havoc on your hormone's and bodies can rebel in a wide variety of ways.

    I'm actually impressed this doctor looked at hormone's and detailed bloodwork and didn't just prescribe "a pill" to mask the symptoms, but instead seems to be trying to find and treat the cause... which is a win in my book. The bloodwork was not a waste of time, because you are not "normal" if you are suffering hair loss, exhaustion and other symptoms which prompted you to go to the doctor in first place.

    Questioning is excellent. Dismissing is possibly dangerous.
  • LynnSullivan1
    LynnSullivan1 Posts: 24 Member
    First, RUN to a naturopathic physician for that second opinion. Secondly, adrenal fatigue is real. Naturopath can do tests that quantify what you need. Also, vitamin D and D3 are different. And although skin cancer is real, a bit of sun per day likely will not hurt unless you are on certain photo-sensitizing drugs. The standard chem panel tests only a couple of types of thyroid but there are multiple ones, if you ask. Also thyroid anti-bodies. As well as there exists a difference between circulating thyroid vs. bio-available thyroid (one that can actually enter into the cells). So, yeah, really complicated. Look into liver healing using SAM-e--- Source Naturals is one I'd recommend. Stuff at Costco (think it's Nature-Made) is absolute crap. School of hard knocks experience. Email if desired.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Options might help with some of the thyroid questions, too. I can't remember how much actual data there was there though.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    For a quick reply on what I have learned about Vit K2 in recent months. One can not over dose on it from what I can read. Overdosing on Vit D3 (hitting levels like 200) is hard but as @KnitOrMiss mentioned without taking Vit K2 taking a lot off Vit D3 can lead to one not feeling as well long before overdosing on Vit D3. Under doctor care 115 units of Vit D3 daily is the most I have read about and that was to stop MS. It is on Youtube and the complete English text version is in the comments if you want the info faster. The audio is in Spanish I think with English subtitles. He is a USA trained MD practicing in Brazil I think.

    @farmers_daughter after my research I started the wife and I on the LifeExtension brand of Super K with Advanced K2 Complex. I am sure there are others but when the research was fresh on my mind it looked like the best option to me and the price has really come down a lot lately with 90 softgels being in the $15-$20 range. I take one each night and morning. I like it because it has Vit K1 but mainly it has two types of Vit K2 and there is no agreement on which type is the best. :)

    Read what @vegaspack posted about calcium and magnesium and dig deeper with Google on that critical subject. Assuming at age 64 I have calcium in the arteries I am working hopeful with vit D3 and K2 to move in out and into my bones and teeth. It worked in some animal studies and since there seems to be no way to overdose on K other than a little $$$ I see no downside to taking Vit K2 to help get Vit D3 up and calcium moved to the right places in my body at my age.

    When I find the Super K mentioned above for around $15 I buy 5-10 bottles. I have never found it like at Walgreens, etc and I had rather have it than bullets if society were to fail. :)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I got the liquid vitamin D3 + K2 at my local small pharmacy (not a big name place) since they do compounding, they carry a lot of less common items. The brand is NuMedica, and I like it because I don't always absorb things well if they aren't liquid... It's easy to dump in my tea, which has calcium from the heavy cream, too, so whammy all the way home! :) Thanks Gale for the updates. Awesome info.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Please read the article in the link posted in regards to Mg and vitamin D. Most people are Mg deficient.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Yeah, I found that out this last bloodwork. and Magnesium makes the world go 'round, apparently. Felt tons better since I've been taking it regularly.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    8 ways Mg affects your hormones. A short summary whichm ay point you to do further research.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    wow. this is all fantastic informatoin, I can't tell you enough how thankful I am to have real life advice from people who have gone thru it. Not just read about it.
  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    I fired my internal medicine dr. Wanted to treat my new type 2 like type 1.

    No effort to reverse it

    So I fired him and got one that would work with and for me

    Not some pill pusher
  • bringon30
    bringon30 Posts: 75 Member
    I had a chiropractor/kinesiologist tell me I had adrenal insufficiency, which I'm guessing is another name for adrenal fatigue. Upon going to my doctor for bloodwork, the only abnormal thing he found was a low vitamin D level. To make this a short reply, though, I do believe it's a thing! Like you stated, we are not imagining our symptoms. I wake up feeling like I slept for only 1 hour, no matter how long I actually slept. Getting through the of the day is a huge chore because all I want to do is sleep. I get a second wind somehow late, late in the evening. It's really weird and really frustrating to feel this way and not have the medical community as a whole accept it as a diagnosis.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Yes!!! bringon30 Mine's more like a very short 4 pm wind, then I crash, fix yourselves supper kids crash. I don't have it every single day, but when I do, that's when I get the so tired I could throw up crash.
  • walkinthedogs
    walkinthedogs Posts: 238 Member
    I was told that once, went on supplements etc., no change, I didn't think it fit me anyway. It's hard to describe debilitating continual fatigue, among other issues, especially when blood work comes back "normal", you sound like me. I've been searching for an answer to by issues for 15 years and always being told (after bloodwork comes back and they have no more answers) that I must be depressed, go see a physch doc. Which would be fine, but that was also not my problem. I had mono when I was 21 and have never felt the same, but have been told that virus does not affect you long term. I also have digestive issues from top to bottom and have since I was a child. Without getting too lengthy, look into Hyperpermeable Intestines aka Leaky Gut Syndrome. It takes some work sifting through the info, but just take a look. For me it has truly been life changing, but hard because I had to cut out a lot of things, which lead me to this group even though that's not what LCHF is all about, it's the closest group to my eating situation. Within days, then weeks and now months, I just can't tell you how much better I feel all the way around. I don't know if it will "fit" your situation, but had someone not mentioned it to me, I would probably still be floundering about trying to figure out why I feel so crappy, tired, no endurance, foggy, memory loss, freaking achy and stiff, etc. It sucks because I can't eat much, but it's great because there's nothing like getting the feeling of being able to be a part of life that you knew you could be part of back (hope that makes sense). Mostly I'm not utterly exhausted, fatigued, fight sleep all day long anymore. I only suggest this as another alternative because if someone hadn't mentioned it to me, I might still be looking for answers, but I could have been the poster child for Leaky Gut Syndrome symptoms and reasons for getting it. I hope you find your answers.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    My doctor says that it takes at least 3 months for the Vitamin D levels to show improvement.

    All great information in this thread. Thank you.