Hardest obstacle



  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    Gee, those Lay's potato chips are on sale for $1.88 a bag. What a great deal! I should buy them ... then I eat them. Because NOBODY can eat just one. Letting go of buying things "on sale" and spending more to eat better foods has been a challenge for me.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    csteuter wrote: »
    Gee, those Lay's potato chips are on sale for $1.88 a bag. What a great deal! I should buy them ... then I eat them. Because NOBODY can eat just one. Letting go of buying things "on sale" and spending more to eat better foods has been a challenge for me.

    Haha! Yep, I found out that ice cream on sale has the same calories as ice cream that is not on sale.
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    Slashnl wrote: »
    csteuter wrote: »
    Gee, those Lay's potato chips are on sale for $1.88 a bag. What a great deal! I should buy them ... then I eat them. Because NOBODY can eat just one. Letting go of buying things "on sale" and spending more to eat better foods has been a challenge for me.

    Haha! Yep, I found out that ice cream on sale has the same calories as ice cream that is not on sale.

    WHAT?!?!??! But, but... aw, man. You mean that they charge less but still leave the fat in? Some nerve! LOL
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    mine is continual motivation. My goal is to get down to 125. I can make it to 136 but then I always get comfortable and I slack off and I go right back up to 143 (which I am at right now). When I get up to 143 I get frustrated because I did it again and then the motivation sets in again. I use to go up to 150 before I stopped and started over again.
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    bm1409 wrote: »
    mine is continual motivation. My goal is to get down to 125. I can make it to 136 but then I always get comfortable and I slack off and I go right back up to 143 (which I am at right now). When I get up to 143 I get frustrated because I did it again and then the motivation sets in again. I use to go up to 150 before I stopped and started over again.

    My goal is also to get to 125, but I've got a little further to go to get there. Admittedly, I don't try very hard in the summer because my daughter is home and we eat lunch out a lot. I get a lot more serious when back in the routine of school, though.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Mine is social situations and work holidays. I have a birthday dinner to attend on Friday night, and I'm already stressing about the food and especially the cake. Then work is a pain because every holiday we bring in unhealthy , fattening food, like my boss's to-die-for chocolate chip cookies.

    But I know this and I have to plan for it and exercise a little word that I don't like called NO!! I either fit into my daily count or I don't eat it. There will always be parties and holidays and I can't keep using that as an excuse for being fat.

  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    tru dat!
  • mpeters1965
    mpeters1965 Posts: 370 Member
    The break room at work. I am always grazing on the stuff in there. About a year ago, my assistant and I moved out of the big main office with most of the people and all the snacks because they needed the room. It's been great! If I'm back over there and there is food, I'll probably get it but we don't keep it in our small office and I won't make a special trip. I found out about a month ago they are moving everybody back together in another building at the end of this year and it's going to be hard. I did have a hand in the floor plan for the new space and the break room and file rooms are now separate so at least I won't have to look at the cookies every time I go to the printer or to get an envelope nor will I have to walk by the break room every time I go to the restroom. It's still going to take a lot of willpower.
  • Giolis
    Giolis Posts: 1,204 Member
    Willpower to stop when I've had enough. I don't have issues with cravings or searching for stuff in the fridge or preparing the right size portions for myself. But if there's food out I just keep eating till it's gone. No matter how much is left. I can't do buffets and my wife no longer makes extra. If she does she put's it away before putting out dinner. At parties she'll inconspicuously block me from getting refills. It's so bad that I usually fast the day of and after a party to make up for the excess calories. I can easily eat 5000 - 7000 calories in a sitting.
  • suvmom03103
    suvmom03103 Posts: 18 Member
    Pot luck socials at the office is a major weakness (we have a lot of great cooks) We often graze all day long although we have not had one in a while..( we are due soon I am sure) ......... Working in a pediatrics office ...Drug reps also bring us lunches 2 to 3 times a week.. Sometimes more.... They often bring salads but I feel like I will grow ears and a tail with all the crap those places put into their salads. Can't we just get a normal salad??
  • traceyc013
    traceyc013 Posts: 132 Member
    Mine is staying on course... I get lazy or "busy".... I have however, continuous used to log food and use the app every day so at least there's a small change... Eye on the prize....
  • nikkib0103
    nikkib0103 Posts: 968 Member
    I hear you about lazy and busy. I know if I miss more than 2 days working out getting started again is exactly like starting over. My workout partner (the sister) is going away for a week. There may be some trouble ahaead for me.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    It is so easy to get side-tracked. Some personal upheaval has me out of my routine and it is like starting all over again, yuck!
  • SeriouslySta
    SeriouslySta Posts: 458 Member
    Joint pain.
    (Left hip especially, but also knee, shoulder, wrist.)
    I love taking my dog for long walks, but sometimes, I just can't. 'Rest' days are hard on both of us!
    I thought that losing weight would help (I'm 50 down out of 95 or so), but it hasn't really - It's just swapped what hurts when.
    I don't think I'm going to be lifting weights any time soon, either, as I had hoped to.

    Still, I am losing - and nothing is going to stop me!
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    This may sound weird, but caring for my elderly mother is a challenge in the eating department. She moved into my home 2 years ago. I have to try to cook calorie dense foods for her, because she continues to lose weight, she eats like a bird. That's not the hardest part, it's when she says "I can't finish this" and gets all disgusted when I don't eat it for her. I do my best to adjust my dinner portion knowing I might end up eating those 5 tater tots that she can't finish.
  • marekdds
    marekdds Posts: 2,211 Member
    Elderly parents are quite a challenge. My mom of 89 recently passed. I swear, she lived on oatmeal, block cheese and chocolate, not a vegetable in sight. You have my sympathies.
  • bm1409
    bm1409 Posts: 1,715 Member
    I hate feeling sore after a workout so I dont push myself hard enough. I need to get in a better mind set about it.
  • E_Brault
    E_Brault Posts: 362 Member
    Slashnl wrote: »
    csteuter wrote: »

    Haha! Yep, I found out that ice cream on sale has the same calories as ice cream that is not on sale.

    That's hilarious ! But seriously, sometimes I spend more on fruit and vegetables than meat. It just doesn't seem right.

  • E_Brault
    E_Brault Posts: 362 Member
    My biggest obstacle is putting other's needs, wants, desires before my own. I don't get angry often enough. So, now I'm angry. I am angry at myself for allowing it to happen. As a result of being angry, I have lost 45 pounds and conversations have switched from "Here, I bought this huge (fill in the blank) for us to enjoy" to "Are you going walking today, I'd love to join you?" or "Please tell me exactly what you are doing, I have to lose weight too."

    I used to mindlessly get together with friends and eat whatever they were eating. Now, I always bring a snack with me and I scope out the menus on their side of town. Problem solved.
  • UncleMac
    UncleMac Posts: 13,129 Member
    The biggest obstacle is me (duh!) and my relationship with food.

    I am not knowledgable about nutrition. My meals tend toward stuff that is easy to make. I don't know how to meal plan and the idea of learning how doesn't appeal to me. I don't spend my time thinking about food. I don't get cravings. I tend to skip meals until I'm hungry... but then I'm hungry so I don't want to spend an hour cooking.

    Basically, I'm not sophisticated when it comes to the fine art of fooding. I don't mind baking for fun but I find the day to day grind of meal preparation doesn't inspire much passion. Not sure why.

    Recently, I started seeing a dietitian again. He suggested I should start "batch cooking" so I can have reasonably nutritious meals prepared in advance, thus available to quickly re-heat at mealtimes. He's also big on scheduled snacks, especially snacks with protein to keep the digestive system working constantly so I'm never hungry.

    I haven't launched on the new campaign yet but I expect to do so in the coming days... sigh....