Struggling at Week 4 of Low Carb. Advice, Please :-)



  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    I would also suggest that you explore different seafood. You mention you don't like fish except tuna salad but there is a lot of variety and some are very light like flounder or perch while others are more fishy. There's also a myriad of preparations, sautéed in ghee, poached in broth, baked with herbs. Then there's shellfish. I don't know if you can eat that but it is very quick and easy to prepare.

    All the best to you. You can do this!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Finding really copies for the foods you like/can eat is important. I wouldn't stick with chicken breast and broccoli either. Get some variety in there. Use Google and other recipe sites that can help you. It can be done! Hang in there!
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    edited July 2015
    boohooboo wrote: »
    Thank you all! I am overwhelmed by the support! :) Just to be clear (and hopefully, not off-sounding, as sometimes typed things can sound):

    3) But -- I hear what several of you are saying. Maybe tomorrow I will get crazy and add 1 half cup of blueberries into my life. (I have eaten literally no fruit in four weeks. and it makes me sad.) Maybe it is time to re-evaluate and see whether Atkins is working for me or whether I should look at South Beach. I did not get this way because of fruit ;-) But damn, I miss fruit. Especially in the summer.

    I hear you about the meat. I was actually pretty happy as a raw vegan even though it's quite a bit more work. I'm eating quite a lot of meat but honestly sometimes it's not my favorite. I think adding low carb fruit is a great idea. I eat blueberries and raspberries weekly-- just in not huge serving sizes.

    And yes, chicken and broccoli is not sounding appealing to me either. There are tons of LC blogs with recipes. I think that will be your saving grace to make really yummy stuff that makes your family want to eat it too.

    I hope you hang in there and don't give up (what Karlotapp said!!!). This sounds so important for your health. There has to be some recipes out there that you will love that fit in with your lifestyle and beliefs.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Have you tried googling kosher low carb? It looks like there are some good sites out there.

    You might also look for low carb Indian recipes, as they would generally meet your parameters as well.
  • boohooboo
    boohooboo Posts: 51 Member
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    My advice it keep it simple. Nix the bars and shakes (and any soy). Shop the perimeter at grocery stores and make everything from scratch, over cooking so you can freeze leftovers. Eat three meals every six hours shooting for under ten carbs a meal after deleting fiber. With few exceptions I stay away from anything processed. Use ketostix - some ppl hate them, I love them and they are a great motivator that you are a 24 hr fat burning machine (make sure you stay hydrated tho).

    Finally, remember it's a marathon, not a sprint. Good luck!

    Edit: oh and Pinterest is a great motivator/idea machine too! Every time I'm getting discouraged I start a new low carb board. I even use it quarterly for grocery lists! I'm jesstroberts over there if you can find me. :)
  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
    "As for weight loss, I was up and down all month, seemingly losing and gaining the same five lbs. Well, a month later I'm finally seeing the scale move. I've only lost 8 lbs, but I'm down a pants size and a bra size. Don't let the scale lie to you! Plus my husband has lost 35 lbs now. :)"

    This made my day! I am on Week #3 of low carb and also keep gaining and losing the same 5 lbs. Since I have read about all the success stories with people losing 5 lbs the first few weeks I wondered if I was doing something wrong. I also hadc a bad case of the "carb flu."

    Now I get that I just need to stick with it.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    The scales are an *kitten*. I have that flat tummy, light feeling compared to last week. I look different. I feel different. My back is flatter below my bra. My scales say I've lost 100g. I don't believe they are being supportive.
  • boohooboo
    boohooboo Posts: 51 Member
    The scale budged a teensy bit this morning, which was nice considering I ate more than my usual calories. But I also tried a recipe recommended above by m_puppy above (thanks!) and, while it was a little too cheesy for me -- though not bad, very tweakable, it was nice not dreading dinner for once. :-) (My son hated it, lol. Ah well.) I guess I have to be less lazy, work a little harder, and research and cook new things. But I can get my wedding ring on without cutting off the blood in my finger, so there's definitely that. Will be bearing in mind those NSVs :)

    It is a little weird eating so much more dairy than I ever did before. I had cut out most dairy because it bothered my stomach. Strangely enough, although I am eating much more cheese and cream, my stomach is not revolting on me. Curious. (Still drinking coconut and/or almond milk.)

    I also have to research ketogenic diet versus Atkins. A friend is doing the former, and I'm just curious as to whether it is just like permanent Atkins induction phase or something else.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    @boohooboo - yay! for the scale budge. It is always encouraging. There is so much difference in dairy and how it effects us. I am only eating ghee right now officially but I keep eating cheese. Ghee - no problem, cheese - inflammation. I have a problem with both lactose and casein in mil dairy.

    My opinion is that Atkins induction is a more restrictive diet than keto. I'm curious what you find out.