Highs for the week

m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
Every day I try to think of my high and low for the day. The high helps me focus in on the positive things that happened during the day and the low helps me acknowledge a pattern.

What was your high this week? (Diet related or not) Here are mine...

The scale showed a 3 pound loss this morning after 8+ weeks of no movement at all.

When I went to yoga the instructor was going to ask my fitness level but stopped herself and said, "well, you're clearly athletic." I don't think I've ever had anyone think I looked athletic. Afterward she told me that she was impressed by my ability to keep up with the class and my natural ability to be aware of my body. These things made me feel really good.

Your turn - let's celebrate your highs for the week!


  • SlimBride2Be
    SlimBride2Be Posts: 315 Member
    A 1.2lb loss after what I thought was a blow-out weekend was my high. That and going out with the girls and managing to eat a salad with salmon and feeling really satisfied and good afterwards.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Going to my follow up with my endo, and the quizzical look and tone in her voice when she said "you lost 22 lbs"

    My bf hugged me this morning and used to always grab a handful of back fat :neutral: he finally realized that was gone and after saying "you're so cute" said "you're so skinny too"

    I cut back on logging this week and each morning I weigh in the same, even after days I feel like I had too much carbage
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    This week's highlight for me was at an all-comer's track meet on Monday. My daughter sprained her ankle about a month ago, and Monday was the first time she was well enough to run again. It was good to see her back in the game. :)
  • inspirationstation
    inspirationstation Posts: 209 Member
    High: I planked longer than I thought I could last evening. As a person who used to love to exercise and has been resisting it for some time, it felt good to accomplish a physical goal.
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    The high for me this week was spending my son's birthday with him - just the two of us, eating food I cooked for him, shopping, playing role playing games...
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I realized I reached my lowest weight in over a year..Yea!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    edited July 2015
    Yay! @slimzandra. I just peeked back and I am at the lowest weight in at least 2 years. I am 45 lbs lighter than this time last year and it seems so effortless.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Two pound loss, heavy ketosis, and tonight's dinner. Man, it was good! Panfried chicken tenders with mustard mixed into the drippings. The whole house smells yummy.

    Non LCHF related, I was able to have two cups of coffee this week with minor pain on the second cup so my gastritis is healing! Nixing it for a few more days.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited July 2015
    slimzandra wrote: »
    I realized I reached my lowest weight in over a year..Yea!

    Yay! Same here, many years for me. I was just thinking that earlier today. I haven't been this "skinny" (I am not skinny) in maybe a decade!


  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    PMS and a terribly stressful time at work...but I've stuck to my macros and I'm still losing. I haven't really been tempted to cope by eating! I'll take that as a win!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    newmeadow wrote: »
    slimzandra wrote: »
    I realized I reached my lowest weight in over a year..Yea!

    Yay! Same here, many years for me. I was just thinking that earlier today. I haven't been this "skinny" (I am not skinny) in maybe a decade!


    Love this comparison! Very good.

    It's a website. It matches you to what you lost and give you a graphic. It's free. Ilostwhat.com I love it. I make it my laptop background, haha.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Jessica and toadqueen- Congrats! So awesome. I lost half a canoe or 76 Bananas! That's actually funny because I used to eat them all the time and I haven't had one in 5 months.

    My high today? Got my first office compliment today!! And I actually had a normal dialogue about it! B)

    Friend: Have you lost some weight?
    Me: "Yes, I have a little. Thanks for noticing."
    Friend: It shows.
    Me: "Cool." (walks away thinking pretty cool, cool, cool..)

  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    I am now in the lowest weight I have been for 20 years


    Train wreck in personal relationship and trying to remember food never solves problems.

    I'm trying to just spend a little extra time on the treadmill

    Seems to be working. This is a way of eating that lasts thru the ups and downs

  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Jessica and toadqueen- Congrats! So awesome. I lost half a canoe or 76 Bananas! That's actually funny because I used to eat them all the time and I haven't had one in 5 months.

    My high today? Got my first office compliment today!! And I actually had a normal dialogue about it! B)

    Friend: Have you lost some weight?
    Me: "Yes, I have a little. Thanks for noticing."
    Friend: It shows.
    Me: "Cool." (walks away thinking pretty cool, cool, cool..)

    Love it!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    • Terrible hot week. Walk/hiked in it and KILLED IT.
    • Got stung by some kind of evil wasp and had a terrible softball-sized reaction where the sting was. Itches like the devil. And burns. Didn't go eat my stress and feelings.
    • Caught the Crud my kids are passing around. I was healthy enough that I haven't come down with the full-blown thing. I just feel a little tired and lousy instead.
    • DH brought poison oak into the house. I found it. Oh, yay more itchy. Still not stress eating.
    • Got smacked with heavy diet fatigue. Instead of giving up, I moved cals up to maintenance for a diet-break. And am happy.

    Despite the "life" that interfered this week, it has been a good week, hasn't it? :smile:
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    slimzandra wrote: »
    Jessica and toadqueen- Congrats! So awesome. I lost half a canoe or 76 Bananas! That's actually funny because I used to eat them all the time and I haven't had one in 5 months.

    My high today? Got my first office compliment today!! And I actually had a normal dialogue about it! B)

    Friend: Have you lost some weight?
    Me: "Yes, I have a little. Thanks for noticing."
    Friend: It shows.
    Me: "Cool." (walks away thinking pretty cool, cool, cool..)

    So awesome!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Oh and apparently I've lost 6 big ol' watermelons. 95lb
    Doesn't sound that impressive... oh well. lol
  • DrawnToScale
    DrawnToScale Posts: 126 Member
    Finished my first month with intermittent fasting (36-60 hour weekly fasts), yes, it CAN be done, and it increased my typical weight loss from 4 to 6 lbs per month. My weight is at a 12 year low, I feel great, and I'm just 2 lbs away from a 20 year low.
  • ambergem1969
    ambergem1969 Posts: 224 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Oh and apparently I've lost 6 big ol' watermelons. 95lb
    Doesn't sound that impressive... oh well. lol

    Doesn't that depend on the watermelon? giantwatermelons.com/
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Oh and apparently I've lost 6 big ol' watermelons. 95lb
    Doesn't sound that impressive... oh well. lol

    Doesn't that depend on the watermelon? giantwatermelons.com/

    dems some big watermelons