Highs for the week



  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Oh and apparently I've lost 6 big ol' watermelons. 95lb
    Doesn't sound that impressive... oh well. lol

    Yes! Awesome!
  • randiewilliams72
    randiewilliams72 Posts: 119 Member
    A coworker stopped me this week and asked me how much weight I've lost. First time anyone has noticed a difference in my appearance.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    1 full week back on keto w/ no cheating as of today. I posted a few weeks ago about having fallen off the wagon. I had a trip for work two weeks ago that changed my routine drastically for a week and I wasn't able to stay on keto during that. I got back on as soon as I got home though, back into my comfortable routine, so far so good.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    My high for the week was having a conversation with my T2 sister that has been reluctant to consider making any food changes for health that ended with her agreeing to watch fathead and she sounded quite fed up with being sick.
    I also learned that she has started medication she was previously against. The tides may be changing.
  • danidanibobani
    danidanibobani Posts: 125 Member
    My high for the week was coming home from a three week trip to go camping and see my family in another state and I didn't gain. Typically every year when I go I gain about five-seven pounds. And the last two days I have lost!! Yay!!!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    My high for the week was having a conversation with my T2 sister that has been reluctant to consider making any food changes for health that ended with her agreeing to watch fathead and she sounded quite fed up with being sick.
    I also learned that she has started medication she was previously against. The tides may be changing.

    Loved Fathead. If she can watch it I bet it will change her mind.

  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    My high for the week was having a conversation with my T2 sister that has been reluctant to consider making any food changes for health that ended with her agreeing to watch fathead and she sounded quite fed up with being sick.
    I also learned that she has started medication she was previously against. The tides may be changing.

    Loved Fathead. If she can watch it I bet it will change her mind.

    I hope so! She's very stubborn!
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    My husband was for me doing low carb and against me eating high fat till he watched it. He's a nurse and it went against everything he's ever been taught. Flipped him tho. ;)
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    These are great highs!
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    Just got notified tonight that I am hired for my dream job! I hope to start in two weeks. It has to be negotiated.
    Spent last weekend with my new boyfriend at the beach - this weekend we are going away to a lake and mountain resort.
    I began walking daily as part of the August challenge and I feel wonderful! I am stronger than I thought.
    My commute did not hurt until early afternoon, instead of immediately and I did not have to take a pain pill.
    I believe my cup runneth over!!
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Absolutely! Congratulations on the dream job and everything else awesome going on in your life!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    My high for the last week was that my husband and I got ourselves out of the storage unit we had been paying rent on for six years, AND we managed to shed almost everything in there, rather than just move it into the house! We're so proud and motivated by that, we plan to tackle the storage bins in the basement this fall!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Hubby bought me a bunch of size 10 clothes. Nothing fancy, as I wear my "mom-uniform" (black loose yoga pants and a colored tee) most of the time. But I got a couple pairs of jeans, shorts and a couple fitted tees.

    Looking pretty decent. ;)
  • m_puppy
    m_puppy Posts: 246 Member
    Those are both good pieces of news! Shedding weight and crap that puts unnecessary weight on our shoulders. Congratulations on the new clothes! They say the mom-uniform contributes to weight gain because we're less able to tell how our clothes are fitting since they stretch with us. I live in the mom-uniform on my work from home days. I bet the new clothes will help with confidence, too! A size 10 is awesome!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Congrats to everyone on their accomplishments!!! Those are all great.
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    I am 53 and since last September I have lost 48 pounds. I saw a staff member whom I haven't seen in months, since she works the night shift. She says I look great and she thinks I look 38 ! I've lost 15 years somewhere !
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    My high for the last week was that my husband and I got ourselves out of the storage unit we had been paying rent on for six years, AND we managed to shed almost everything in there, rather than just move it into the house! We're so proud and motivated by that, we plan to tackle the storage bins in the basement this fall!

    Well done.. I really need to do this. Have been promising myself to clear the loft for years. One day I am sure the ceiling will come down with the weight up there!!!
  • pondsbb
    pondsbb Posts: 172 Member
    Hubby and I purchased a 16 foot travel trailer. Excited to go camping in it.

    That high was brought down when our hound dog of 16 years suddenly had her age hit her. She is laying around like a rag doll and hubby is lifting her poor head to drink water. She seemed fine last week. We won't be able to leave her until something changes. I'm trying to talk hubby into putting her out of her misery but he loves her so much and I seem to be talking over his head.

    It also reminds me how human bodies wear out and what a downer to be contemplating on.
  • AreteAndWhimsy
    AreteAndWhimsy Posts: 150 Member
    I finally hit 50lbs lost. It feels like such a big number!

    Only 110 left to go... :smiley:
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,967 Member
    edited August 2015
    I finally hit 50lbs lost. It feels like such a big number!

    Only 110 left to go... :smiley:

    :) I know exactly how you feel. I'm 54 down 124 left. Excellent progress. :)