Study says low carb the way to go for Diabetics!!



  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    Cool. I haven't seen that before. It's basically a manifesto signed by all the low-carb gurus.

    Here's another link to it:
    Dietary carbohydrate restriction as the first approach in diabetes management: Critical review and evidence base
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    It would be awesome when this becomes the prevailing suggestion for those suffering from diabetes. It is a shame that it's so hard to change the message being given out in the trenches.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    It would be awesome when this becomes the prevailing suggestion for those suffering from diabetes. It is a shame that it's so hard to change the message being given out in the trenches.

    Yep. Unless we all move to Sweden. :/ thanks for the link. Gonna pin it
  • toadqueen
    toadqueen Posts: 592 Member
    What an excellent article! Thanks @pennell12
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    It would be awesome when this becomes the prevailing suggestion for those suffering from diabetes. It is a shame that it's so hard to change the message being given out in the trenches.

    But the message is getting out, I'm proof!

    Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidelines | Sarah Hallberg | TEDxPurdueU
    She's my heroine!
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    For me it was Dr Bernstein's book, Diabetes Solutions. The word is definitely getting out. :)
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    For me it was Banting, followed by Diet Doctor and finally Jason Fung. Prior to that it was William Davis' Wheat Belly.
  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member
    Seems low carb always was the idea

    Odd that it would not be

    But I don't know, I have heard some doctors say goofy things
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    It would be awesome when this becomes the prevailing suggestion for those suffering from diabetes. It is a shame that it's so hard to change the message being given out in the trenches.

    For me it was the internet. Once I found the Diet Doctor site it directed me to all other authors and resources, including MFP. If one had not access to the collective wisdom/experience of all the people daring take control of their own health against the prevailing medical advice, LC would be much, much more difficult to follow and trust.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    Seems low carb always was the idea

    Odd that it would not be

    But I don't know, I have heard some doctors say goofy things

    It took 18 years before a dr suggested to my diabetic mom that she should keep her carbs below 120. (Which isn't enough but it's an improvement.) She is still on insulin.

    My MIL was just diagnosed with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver). Her dietician was the one who finally thought it was important to tell her she had diabetes, too. The woman said to just cut out sugary drinks and get an appt with her doctor to get put on meds.
    Problem solved!(/sarcasm)

    To say I despise the medical establishment and their ignorance is putting it mildly. I could save both my MIL and my own mom thousands of dollars and help them regain much health, but apparently I don't know anything because I don't have a M.D. after my name. :rage: So much nonsense.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Seems low carb always was the idea

    Odd that it would not be

    But I don't know, I have heard some doctors say goofy things

    It took 18 years before a dr suggested to my diabetic mom that she should keep her carbs below 120. (Which isn't enough but it's an improvement.) She is still on insulin.

    My MIL was just diagnosed with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver). Her dietician was the one who finally thought it was important to tell her she had diabetes, too. The woman said to just cut out sugary drinks and get an appt with her doctor to get put on meds.
    Problem solved!(/sarcasm)

    To say I despise the medical establishment and their ignorance is putting it mildly. I could save both my MIL and my own mom thousands of dollars and help them regain much health, but apparently I don't know anything because I don't have a M.D. after my name. :rage: So much nonsense.

    Some people just don't want to change. My sister refuses to even try to change and she also won't take meds for her diabetes. Meds are bad for you didn't you know? She doesn't want to put things in her body that are bad for her. BLOWS MY MIND!
    And I wish I could get my T1D daughter to lower carbs... Stubborn kid!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Some people just don't want to change. My sister refuses to even try to change and she also won't take meds for her diabetes. Meds are bad for you didn't you know? She doesn't want to put things in her body that are bad for her. BLOWS MY MIND!

    I know someone, IRL, who had high blood pressure that resolved completely when they cut out soda. All they needed to do was stop drinking it. Recently, we were talking about health and they mentioned that they were on blood pressure medication. I commented that I thought cutting the soda had stopped that.

    "Oh, it did. I couldn't do that forever. I like soda too much. I would rather just take the medicine, so I can drink the soda." [paraphrase]

    Honestly, I didn't even know how to respond to that. You know the cure, but you're rather medicate away the symptoms?
  • pennell12
    pennell12 Posts: 190 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    It would be awesome when this becomes the prevailing suggestion for those suffering from diabetes. It is a shame that it's so hard to change the message being given out in the trenches.

    Yes, I agree! A few years ago I got my BS levels/AIC down to the lowest they had ever been via low carb. When I told my Endo she became angry and said that it was not healthy to eat low carb. I fired her!

  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Some people just don't want to change. My sister refuses to even try to change and she also won't take meds for her diabetes. Meds are bad for you didn't you know? She doesn't want to put things in her body that are bad for her. BLOWS MY MIND!

    I know someone, IRL, who had high blood pressure that resolved completely when they cut out soda. All they needed to do was stop drinking it. Recently, we were talking about health and they mentioned that they were on blood pressure medication. I commented that I thought cutting the soda had stopped that.

    "Oh, it did. I couldn't do that forever. I like soda too much. I would rather just take the medicine, so I can drink the soda." [paraphrase]

    Honestly, I didn't even know how to respond to that. You know the cure, but you're rather medicate away the symptoms?

    Darwin's natural selection at work.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    deoxy4 wrote: »
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Some people just don't want to change. My sister refuses to even try to change and she also won't take meds for her diabetes. Meds are bad for you didn't you know? She doesn't want to put things in her body that are bad for her. BLOWS MY MIND!

    I know someone, IRL, who had high blood pressure that resolved completely when they cut out soda. All they needed to do was stop drinking it. Recently, we were talking about health and they mentioned that they were on blood pressure medication. I commented that I thought cutting the soda had stopped that.

    "Oh, it did. I couldn't do that forever. I like soda too much. I would rather just take the medicine, so I can drink the soda." [paraphrase]

    Honestly, I didn't even know how to respond to that. You know the cure, but you're rather medicate away the symptoms?

    Darwin's natural selection at work.

    Don't say that. I share a very large portion of my genetics with this person. :tongue: lol
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    Ok, not trying to be the odd person out, but where I live (because maybe this is geographic) the prevailing suggestion IS a low-carb diet. I had Gestational Diabetes twice before becoming a Type II and all of my classes taught that low-carb living was the beginning of the journey. Sometimes it can't take you all the way and you might need pharmacological assistance for a period of time. I was able to control my Gestational Diabetes through low-carb diet alone, and I was pregnant. My doctors advocated for this diet although you do have to worry about ketones as you are actively building a little human being, so being in keto is not advised. As a pregnant lady, I was given around 120 g of carbohydrate a day and advised to exercise. I was taught about carbohydrates in foods, how to pair foods, and how to portion out carbohydrates over the day.

    I'm currently trying to lose weight because that alone can reduce your blood sugar. Low-carb eating is essential for me because I'm a Type II. I currently have my goal set to right around 100 g of carbs a day (the CDC goal would have me eating over 200). Not as restrictive as some would like, but it works for me. I do enjoy carbohydrates and don't want to cut them back too much. I don't feel that is sustainable for me. I do think that significantly limiting my intake does wonders for my body. I feel SO MUCH BETTER.
  • gaelicstorm26
    gaelicstorm26 Posts: 589 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    Seems low carb always was the idea

    Odd that it would not be

    But I don't know, I have heard some doctors say goofy things

    It took 18 years before a dr suggested to my diabetic mom that she should keep her carbs below 120. (Which isn't enough but it's an improvement.) She is still on insulin.

    My MIL was just diagnosed with NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver). Her dietician was the one who finally thought it was important to tell her she had diabetes, too. The woman said to just cut out sugary drinks and get an appt with her doctor to get put on meds.
    Problem solved!(/sarcasm)

    To say I despise the medical establishment and their ignorance is putting it mildly. I could save both my MIL and my own mom thousands of dollars and help them regain much health, but apparently I don't know anything because I don't have a M.D. after my name. :rage: So much nonsense.

    That's terrible!

    Because I was pregnant I had to take classes for the Gestational Diabetes BOTH times. The classes were with nurses and a dietitian. They actually designed my diet for me (giving me how many carbs to eat at which times of the day) and I had to record my blood sugar four times a day!

    I'm now going to see an endocrinologist because I'm having some complications with my Type II diabetes that are abnormal and I'm being asked to log my sugar 5 times a day. My pinky looks like a landmine but it's worth it to be around to dance with my sons at their weddings!

    I'm disgusted by the "here is your insulin, see you in three months" approach. I feel very fortunate to not have had this experience.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    @gaelicstorm26 we are all different in needs and wants and that is fine.

    The funny thing there is nothing that I find restrictive about eating <50 grams of carbs daily. I do not smoke, take drugs or drink alcohol and I do not find that restrictive in any shape or form. In my case just eating what brings life and delays death NOW just makes good sense to me but that was not the case for my first 63 years.

    It is good you are from an area where low carb eating is accepted. Here in our redneck area of KY low carb eating is thought of as 'strange' and abnormal by many. Eating very low carb and very high fat for only 10 months now a few are saying maybe they should should consider it because of the positive changes they are seeing in my health and life. I am sure the ones on oxygen and still smoking are not going to give up carbs however.

    Congratulations on your efforts to limit your carb intake that makes you feel so much better. The two week withdrawal that I experienced was tough but now it is like it never occurred and there is no desire to eat carbs any longer. That is a freedom that I did not know for the last 40 years.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Some people just don't want to change. My sister refuses to even try to change and she also won't take meds for her diabetes. Meds are bad for you didn't you know? She doesn't want to put things in her body that are bad for her. BLOWS MY MIND!

    I know someone, IRL, who had high blood pressure that resolved completely when they cut out soda. All they needed to do was stop drinking it. Recently, we were talking about health and they mentioned that they were on blood pressure medication. I commented that I thought cutting the soda had stopped that.

    "Oh, it did. I couldn't do that forever. I like soda too much. I would rather just take the medicine, so I can drink the soda." [paraphrase]

    Honestly, I didn't even know how to respond to that. You know the cure, but you're rather medicate away the symptoms?

    Wow! Just wow. I really have no words...
    I just couldn't imagine not making such a simple change for my health. I can't get my brain around this kind of thinking.
  • deoxy4
    deoxy4 Posts: 197 Member
    Not so simple if you are addicted. I have an acquaintance who has an extreme addiction to Pepsi. From the time he wakes in the morning until the time he goes to sleep he has a Pepsi in his hand. I asked day how many bottles of Pepsi he drinks a day. He told me 2- six packs. That is just short of 500 grams of high fructose corn syrup. He eats one meal a day, diner.

    It is hard for me to comprehend. He has had this diet for decades and is in his early 60's. Don't know if he is pre-diabetic but he told me he is not diabetic.

    I met him for coffee before a meeting and he ordered a coffee with 10 sugars. Frankly, it made me cringe.