has completed his diary and exercise diary for BLAH BLAH BLAH! ... BA HUMBUG!



  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »

    After I get everyone to quit that, I'm going start working on the exercise status....

    Now you hit a nerve, my doc says I don't get Ex calories. I log excerise in my diabetes log
    so Ex calories don't muck up my macros.
    I always thought what's good for the goose is good for the gander but noooo.... :D

  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    You whinging about it is just as annoying, you know.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »

    After I get everyone to quit that, I'm going start working on the exercise status....

    Now you hit a nerve, my doc says I don't get Ex calories. I log excerise in my diabetes log
    so Ex calories don't muck up my macros.
    I always thought what's good for the goose is good for the gander but noooo.... :D

    I'm not thinking you are understanding what I am trying to do or maybe you don't understand how MFP status reports works. I'll try to explain. when I say to turn off the setting (see above pic) as far as I know, it doesn't take away anything you are currently doing. Your exercise info will still be in MFP. But if you do turn off the setting I have above, it won't REPORT it to everyone on your friends list. So, I'm not taking anything away from you, I just don't want to hear about your exercise.
    You can unfriend those that are a nuisance to you.

    Same thing above. My friends are not annoying me, its their umpteen million worthless automatic announcements. I don't mind the announcements that mean something, like "so and so lost X lbs", or if someone created a new blog, those are meaningful. But the fact that you exercised today is worthless.

    If clutter is what we want, lets have MFP report everything you enter into your diary ~ to all your friends everyday....

    "has eaten 3oz of ribeye steak, at Red Lobster, 12 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbs, 4 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber"
    "has eaten (3) homemade fat bombs...blah, blah, blah...ad infinitum
    "has drank 1 cup of water"

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    I kinda like hitting that complete button each night. In my head it's like a daily finish line I get to cross.
    I've also decided to test the weight estimates its giving me. I've only recorded them for the last 6 days so far, but I want to test its accuracy for myself at the 5 week mark. I'm going to average each weeks estimates to get one number and then see where I'm at in 5 weeks compared to it.
    But, I have to say that If I continue to lose at the rate I have been so far, the estimates it gives me will prove to be high. I would actually lose more than its saying. I really wish I had kept track from the beginning. With only 14 lbs left to goal, I expect it will slow down, but I'm surprised it hasn't already. Ive realized lately that my loss trend has been considerably better than expected. I'm not sure why...

    Again, I am not preventing you from the satisfaction of hitting that button, and it will still predict the future for you, I just don't want to see it on my status report. So, if you change the setting, you will still see the prediction and it will make you feel good. But I won't see that annoying message...

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member


    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    What is annoying to you may not be annoying to others. Many likely don't see those announcements as worthless. Why should your friends need to change the way they do something because thy don't like it. If you are the one with the grievance shouldn't it be you making the changes?
  • KenSmith108
    KenSmith108 Posts: 1,966 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    DittoDan wrote: »

    After I get everyone to quit that, I'm going start working on the exercise status....

    Now you hit a nerve, my doc says I don't get Ex calories. I log excerise in my diabetes log
    so Ex calories don't muck up my macros.
    I always thought what's good for the goose is good for the gander but noooo.... :D

    I'm not thinking you are understanding what I am trying to do or maybe you don't understand how MFP status reports works. I'll try to explain. when I say to turn off the setting (see above pic) as far as I know, it doesn't take away anything you are currently doing. Your exercise info will still be in MFP. But if you do turn off the setting I have above, it won't REPORT it to everyone on your friends list. So, I'm not taking anything away from you, I just don't want to hear about your exercise.
    You can unfriend those that are a nuisance to you.

    Same thing above. My friends are not annoying me, its their umpteen million worthless automatic announcements. I don't mind the announcements that mean something, like "so and so lost X lbs", or if someone created a new blog, those are meaningful. But the fact that you exercised today is worthless.

    If clutter is what we want, lets have MFP report everything you enter into your diary ~ to all your friends everyday....

    "has eaten 3oz of ribeye steak, at Red Lobster, 12 grams of fat, 0 grams of carbs, 4 grams of protein, 0 grams of fiber"
    "has eaten (3) homemade fat bombs...blah, blah, blah...ad infinitum
    "has drank 1 cup of water"

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go

    I completely understand you. What "I" would be looking for is something like a filter, to filter out what I didn't want
    to read. Like maybe the same settings we have now but for outgoing and incoming.
    Now for a bad pun "Then we could have our cake and eat it too."

  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    What is annoying to you may not be annoying to others. Many likely don't see those announcements as worthless. Why should your friends need to change the way they do something because thy don't like it. If you are the one with the grievance shouldn't it be you making the changes?

    I guess you are not understanding how MFP works. I cannot click on a checkbox and prevent the worthless announcements from invading and trashing my status box. If I could "Make the change" as you write, I would. But MFP doesn't have that option.

    Tell me what benifit do you derive from these announcements? Here is the last 24 hours for my status log:
    (note, there are no duplicates, each entry is a different person)
    Secondly, I'll space them out like on my status report.

    burned 116 calories doing 36 minutes of Brazil Butt Lift - High & Tight

    burned 108 calories doing 20 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort

    burned 1 calorie doing 30 minutes of T-25 Gamma

    burned 44 calories doing 10 minutes of Swimming, treading water, moderate effort

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 508 calories doing 71 minutes of Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog

    burned 408 calories doing 30 minutes of Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking)

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 426 calories doing 105 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    burned 465 calories doing 52 minutes of Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile)

    burned 250 calories doing 52 minutes of Walk the Maligator

    burned 330 calories doing 60 minutes of Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace

    burned 123 calories doing 30 minutes of Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace

    burned 942 calories doing 91 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Running (jogging), 8 kph (7.5 min per km)"

    burned 547 calories doing 105 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Stationary bike, vigorous effort (bicycling, cycling, biking)"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 1,329 calories doing 125 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Stationary bike, vigorous effort (bicycling, cycling, biking)"

    burned 522 calories doing 47 minutes of cardio exercises, including "HIIT on treadmill"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    burned 438 calories doing 45 minutes of Skating, roller (rollerblading, roller blading)

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 180 calories doing 30 minutes of Gardening, general

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 284 calories doing 35 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    burned 419 calories doing 30 minutes of Swimming, treading water, fast/vigorous

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 2 calories doing 240 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 642 calories doing 176 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 260 calories doing 60 minutes of Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace

    burned 625 calories doing 50 minutes of Zumba® Fitness

    burned 927 calories doing 181 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    burned 1,337 calories doing 90 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Circuit training, general"

    burned 850 calories doing 90 minutes of Legs and Booty ?

    Do you see what I have to wade through everyday?

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.

    KETOGENICGURL Posts: 687 Member
    DAN sez: "I just don't want to see it on my status report. So, if you change the setting, you will still see the prediction and it will make you feel good. But I won't see that annoying message…

    Yes indeed!!! First you admonished the "liars" who didn't post their repeated weight loss to your liking.
    so here is my advice to you:
    PLEASE, DAN, STOP with the glaring multicolor history of your life in EVERY single post you make…lots of them actually assault my eyeballs daily. …If I wanted to scroll thu your wonderful history-- I'd go to your profile..like what most people do when they want to know more..with YOU..we are forced to see it.
    Seems like your need for attention to yourself, while telling the REST of us not to clutter up YOUR eyeballs with OUR life is a bit unbalanced, and unfair, yes?

    Now, can we get back to just general Low Carb discussions and sorta remove the ego????
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    I kinda like hitting that complete button each night. In my head it's like a daily finish line I get to cross.
    I've also decided to test the weight estimates its giving me. I've only recorded them for the last 6 days so far, but I want to test its accuracy for myself at the 5 week mark. I'm going to average each weeks estimates to get one number and then see where I'm at in 5 weeks compared to it.
    But, I have to say that If I continue to lose at the rate I have been so far, the estimates it gives me will prove to be high. I would actually lose more than its saying. I really wish I had kept track from the beginning. With only 14 lbs left to goal, I expect it will slow down, but I'm surprised it hasn't already. Ive realized lately that my loss trend has been considerably better than expected. I'm not sure why...

    Again, I am not preventing you from the satisfaction of hitting that button, and it will still predict the future for you, I just don't want to see it on my status report. So, if you change the setting, you will still see the prediction and it will make you feel good. But I won't see that annoying message...

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.

    What you're suggesting wouldn't change anything for me, that's true.
    And Dan, I think you're awesome, I really do, but I'm not sure you're aware of how your suggestion is coming off. I'm sure it's unintentional, but it kinda makes it seem like you're annoyed by your friends.
    Here's something I don't think you've considered, and I'm sure it's because this is just not how you use the news feed info yourself, some people really like to post that stuff for friends to see for the positive feedback of "likes" and comments friends make. I have a few friends that workout very hard and some have expressed that at times they have a hard time making themselves do it. I make a specific effort to like and make encouraging comments when I see their completed workout because I think they will really appreciate it. It is for some, a very rewarding part of the MFP experience, in either getting feedback or just by giving feedback in support.
    I doubt you had any intention of the request to sound off putting to anyone. But to those that enjoy the posts for whatever reason, it probably did... At least a little.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    DittoDan wrote: »
    What is annoying to you may not be annoying to others. Many likely don't see those announcements as worthless. Why should your friends need to change the way they do something because thy don't like it. If you are the one with the grievance shouldn't it be you making the changes?

    I guess you are not understanding how MFP works. I cannot click on a checkbox and prevent the worthless announcements from invading and trashing my status box. If I could "Make the change" as you write, I would. But MFP doesn't have that option.

    Tell me what benifit do you derive from these announcements? Here is the last 24 hours for my status log:
    (note, there are no duplicates, each entry is a different person)
    Secondly, I'll space them out like on my status report.

    burned 116 calories doing 36 minutes of Brazil Butt Lift - High & Tight

    burned 108 calories doing 20 minutes of Cleaning, light, moderate effort

    burned 1 calorie doing 30 minutes of T-25 Gamma

    burned 44 calories doing 10 minutes of Swimming, treading water, moderate effort

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 508 calories doing 71 minutes of Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace, walking dog

    burned 408 calories doing 30 minutes of Stationary bike, general (bicycling, cycling, biking)

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 426 calories doing 105 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    burned 465 calories doing 52 minutes of Running (jogging), 5 mph (12 min mile)

    burned 250 calories doing 52 minutes of Walk the Maligator

    burned 330 calories doing 60 minutes of Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace

    burned 123 calories doing 30 minutes of Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace

    burned 942 calories doing 91 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Running (jogging), 8 kph (7.5 min per km)"

    burned 547 calories doing 105 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Stationary bike, vigorous effort (bicycling, cycling, biking)"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/02/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 1,329 calories doing 125 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Stationary bike, vigorous effort (bicycling, cycling, biking)"

    burned 522 calories doing 47 minutes of cardio exercises, including "HIIT on treadmill"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    burned 438 calories doing 45 minutes of Skating, roller (rollerblading, roller blading)

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 180 calories doing 30 minutes of Gardening, general

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under his calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 284 calories doing 35 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Calisthenics (pushups, sit-ups), vigorous effort"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015. View Diary

    burned 419 calories doing 30 minutes of Swimming, treading water, fast/vigorous

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 2 calories doing 240 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 642 calories doing 176 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Strength training (weight lifting, weight training)"

    completed her food and exercise diary for 8/01/2015 and was under her calorie goal. View Diary

    burned 260 calories doing 60 minutes of Walking, 3.0 mph, mod. pace

    burned 625 calories doing 50 minutes of Zumba® Fitness

    burned 927 calories doing 181 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Walking, 2.0 mph, slow pace"

    burned 1,337 calories doing 90 minutes of cardio exercises, including "Circuit training, general"

    burned 850 calories doing 90 minutes of Legs and Booty ?

    Do you see what I have to wade through everyday?

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.

    I understand completely how it works. You have the option to remove those friends who clutter your feed with things you feel are unimportant. Perhaps your message would be better suited as a private message to those who you would like to see change their settings, rather than as a forum post to the masses. It all comes off quite arrogant and unnecessary.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    And, I thought of something else.

    There are certainly friends that are with you and share the same feelings about it as you do. Some of them probably didn't know turning it off was an option, so now they do and you all will at least see a reduction of the newsfeed stuff that you aren't interested in.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Hey! I put a smiley face in there at the end! Where'd my smiley go?
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    DAN sez: "I just don't want to see it on my status report. So, if you change the setting, you will still see the prediction and it will make you feel good. But I won't see that annoying message…

    Yes indeed!!! First you admonished the "liars" who didn't post their repeated weight loss to your liking.
    so here is my advice to you:
    PLEASE, DAN, STOP with the glaring multicolor history of your life in EVERY single post you make…lots of them actually assault my eyeballs daily. …If I wanted to scroll thu your wonderful history-- I'd go to your profile..like what most people do when they want to know more..with YOU..we are forced to see it.
    Seems like your need for attention to yourself, while telling the REST of us not to clutter up YOUR eyeballs with OUR life is a bit unbalanced, and unfair, yes?

    Now, can we get back to just general Low Carb discussions and sorta remove the ego????

    People look at my blogs and derive a benefit from them, especially the newbies, that's what I'm here for. People helped me the first day I logged onto Keto and LCD when I knew nothing. I am giving back what I have learned.

    I am constantly getting personal emails about how they read my blogs, and then they ask further detailed questions on how I do things.

    I'm sorry the color hurts your eyes.

    And you are incorrect when you say, "If I wanted to scroll thu your wonderful history-- I'd go to your profile". There is no way to see previous blogs, search through previous discussions, or see my history from my profile. I am not sure where you got that from?

    Tell me how a newbie can search through previous discussions on this group?
    Show me where on anyone's profile how to get to their blogs? (it can't be done)
    There is no progress reports

    So what's up with that?

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups Updated
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto Updated
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
    Low Carb Discussion Group on MFP (LCD)

  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    For me too its a mental thing. I know as soon as I hit the complete diary button, the kitchen is closed. No more snacking, no more adding another snack in. DONE! And I like seeing the entries saying people have completed their diary because then I just click view diary and check out their day :)

    Exactly. Agree.
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    I see I made your cut with my Brazil Butt Lift - High and Tight workout.

    Seriously though, many people here are saying they enjoy seeing diary completion status's so they can check the persons diary out. I love the diaries and also seeing what people do for exercise to get ideas. And it does come off as kind of rude and annoying because basically you want people to shut off a notification because YOU don't like it.

    So I know I won't be changing my settings. Feel free to unfriend me if it annoys you so much.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    edited August 2015
    As far as Dan, can't we all just get along? :) Dan, you do what you want, but I think asking everyone to do what you want is a little much. Maybe PM all your friends or start a thread for friends who want to do that and only friend them? I personally, don't want to run MFP that way, but more power to those who do. I won't be, tho. And that's ok. I like it, Dan doesn't. I got it.

    Edit: sorry for getting your name wrong!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    @DittoDan it might be your best option to remove some of the friends. Surely there must be some that never post statuses other than the automatic ones. I know I have many even with my small friend count that never say a word or interact with me in any way.
    Asking those that share your feelings about it to join you in changing settings and removing friends that don't interact at all, should help reduce the automated posts you see.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Couldn't this also have been posted on your news feed instead of the forums, so that only your friends would see it?
  • Cheesy567
    Cheesy567 Posts: 1,186 Member
    Take up a hobby, Dan. Put the minutia of life back in perspective.