has completed his diary and exercise diary for BLAH BLAH BLAH! ... BA HUMBUG!



  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    I never get any Brazilian Butt Lifts in my feed. :(
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    I never get any Brazilian Butt Lifts in my feed. :(

    Haha @wabmester sounds like it's time for some new friends
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Couldn't this also have been posted on your news feed instead of the forums, so that only your friends would see it?

    I post here for the benefit of all. And any friend of mine knows I hate it because I do post on my wall about every other day that I hate it. I also post funny ones:
    wishes everyone would stop hitting the "Complete This Entry" button in their diary...

    wishes that everyone would quit completing their food and exercise diary for 7/18/2015, Oh, I'm sorry, you believe MFP's prediction of your future weight will come true ... in that case, go ahead and keep doing it. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 7/19/2015 and he specifically wants to see how much he will weigh a few weeks from now. He also believes in Big Foot. View Diary

    completed his food and exercise diary for 7/20/2015 and since it didn't say, "he was under his calorie goal" ~ that means he pigged out today, what a heathen. View Diary

    hasn't hit the "Complete This Entry" button in his food diary for 320 days...

    hasn't completed his food and exercise diary since 10/14/2014 and he doesn't like these stupid messages and wishes he could turn them off somehow... View Diary


    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups Updated
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto Updated
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
    Low Carb Discussion Group on MFP (LCD)
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    Am I the only one who never clicks on the "complete this entry" button? Ever. It makes NO difference to your tracking other than posting that annoying *kitten* on your wall.
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    MFP's technical limitations are annoying. You *should* be able to filter out others "completed day" and "exercise" statuses if you want if it causes you to miss out on other conversations.

    Showing people how they can change their settings if they want is cool too. I didn't know you could suppress notifications like that.

    Past that, the suggestion that someone else's settings mess up your feed and they shouldn't care about those broadcasts and should change it for you, ugh. Really not cool at all.

    It does make me wonder, is this the type of thing one could write a tapermonkey script to filter?
  • fastforlife1
    fastforlife1 Posts: 459 Member
    I think the problem is that Dan has about 500 friends. But I'd be willing to turn it off for $20.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    MFP's technical limitations are annoying. You *should* be able to filter out others "completed day" and "exercise" statuses if you want if it causes you to miss out on other conversations.

    Showing people how they can change their settings if they want is cool too. I didn't know you could suppress notifications like that.

    Past that, the suggestion that someone else's settings mess up your feed and they shouldn't care about those broadcasts and should change it for you, ugh. Really not cool at all.

    It does make me wonder, is this the type of thing one could write a tapermonkey script to filter?

    Agree. Someone should submit to MFP a desired solution to shut off what you want to SEE vs. only what you want posted. That's the real crux of the matter.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    I don't complete mine any more.

    But I see why people do. Some people are here because they require the accountability to help keep them on track. For them, posting their accomplishments is helpful. If no one sees it, it defeats the purpose. They are no longer accountable to anyone.

    Some people like seeing others' updates. They like the reminder to view the friend's diary to get ideas. And seeing updates let them know their friends are on track. Some like to see what their friends are up to. I have so many friends, if they don't update, I can't keep up with them. I want to cheer people on.

    Some people are proud of themselves for exercising. Again, they get the sense of accomplishment and accountability by updating. I've gotten ideas for workouts from others' exercise updates. And am reminded that I need to get off my own butt. Proud people are going to crow a little bit.

    This site is set up to be a community. Communities have people in it. Individuals, who have different likes and needs. If you aren't happy with an individual's behavior, you can defriend them, or just ignore the things you find annoying.

    We all know how to turn off certain updates now. Individuals either will or won't.

    One man's annoying update is another's opportunity to give or receive support.

    Each person here has to decide how they'll take it. Everything is about perspective.

    I'm not about to dictate to anyone how they should structure their journey. Updates I'm not interested in are simply dismissed by a flick of the finger, or scroll of the mouse. I scroll on, and life goes on.

    I try to avoid sweating the small stuff.
    Pssst. This issue qualifies as small stuff.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited August 2015
    You make up 38% of my news feed Dan. More than any one other person does (12 'friends'). Hehe :-)
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    radiii wrote: »
    MFP's technical limitations are annoying. You *should* be able to filter out others "completed day" and "exercise" statuses if you want if it causes you to miss out on other conversations.

    Showing people how they can change their settings if they want is cool too. I didn't know you could suppress notifications like that.

    Past that, the suggestion that someone else's settings mess up your feed and they shouldn't care about those broadcasts and should change it for you, ugh. Really not cool at all.

    It does make me wonder, is this the type of thing one could write a tapermonkey script to filter?

    Agree. Someone should submit to MFP a desired solution to shut off what you want to SEE vs. only what you want posted. That's the real crux of the matter.

    You hit the nail on the head! Its a MFP thing. I'd pay the premium if their website had normal features like searching through previous posts, ability to control what is viewed in my status wall, search for groups by name, etc.

    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / IF / Sedentary
    100 pounds down, 24 to go.
    It's Ketogenic or Bariatric Surgery! How I Found the Ketogenic Diet
    Previous Discussions on the LCD & Keto Groups
    Blog #10 Keto: Abbreviations, Acronyms & Terminology Used on the LCD & Keto Discussion Groups Updated
    Blog #13 DittoDan's Milestone's, First's And Good Changes Since Starting the Ketogenic Diet Updated
    DittoDan's Keto Blogs
    How I got Off of Diabetic Prescriptions Drugs Since I Started Keto Updated
    Blog #11 Really Good Keto Websites
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    I never get any Brazilian Butt Lifts in my feed. :(

    Ha! Me and GSD_mama are doing Brazil Butt Lift ;)
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Hey Dan. I know you mean well. But you're behaving a bit egocentric, judgementental and ignorant on this issue. You've said on another occasion that you're the tough love guy, so I assume you can handle it back.

    Just because YOU don't like exercise (egocentric), it's meaningless to you. But YOU don't understand that it may be very meaningful to another person. Personally, when I started eating to improve my physical activities, eating for better health not just weigh loss, structures my eating and accountability more. It's a different mindset. YMMV.

    Saying to people they "don't understand how MFP works" is plain rude just because they disagree with you on a subjective matter (judgementental). It implies you think they're stupid.

    As commented above. People are in this community for a myriad of reasons. They may have different ways of doing things from you. You getting worked up over this fact of life is more telling about you, than them. (ignorance) If you wanna spend energy getting annoyed over this every day, multiple times per day, you're free to do so. But how productive is that. Aren't there other issues in your life that could require more attention ? (rethorical question)

    Shifting gears.

    Now, I used to be a very easily annoyed person. At some point I realized it often was a deflecting mechanism. A sort of defence. By being constantly angry about various things ranging from: politics, my fav product was out of stock, someone cut me in traffic, the global environmental pollution, general unfairness....see the pattern here....all of these things are stuff that is outside my direct control. I can't directly change it with my own behavior. So the rational choice is to not spend energy on it. It left a void. I became forced to deal with my feelings, which I'd avoided by being an angry person.

    There's still stuff that upsets me ofc. But now I understand how toxic being constantly angry is to growth. It's insiduous. Anger can also mask itself, sometimes it's actually shame or fear.

    I urge you to work on your tolerance or ability to imagine how others might perceive the world. It'll make things smoother for you. Good luck.

  • KittensMaster
    KittensMaster Posts: 748 Member

    Just don't keep a friend list

    You get no announcements.

    Problems solved!
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    Foamroller wrote: »
    Hey Dan. I know you mean well. But you're behaving a bit egocentric, judgementental and ignorant on this issue. You've said on another occasion that you're the tough love guy, so I assume you can handle it back.

    Just because YOU don't like exercise (egocentric), it's meaningless to you. But YOU don't understand that it may be very meaningful to another person. Personally, when I started eating to improve my physical activities, eating for better health not just weigh loss, structures my eating and accountability more. It's a different mindset. YMMV.

    Saying to people they "don't understand how MFP works" is plain rude just because they disagree with you on a subjective matter (judgementental). It implies you think they're stupid.

    As commented above. People are in this community for a myriad of reasons. They may have different ways of doing things from you. You getting worked up over this fact of life is more telling about you, than them. (ignorance) If you wanna spend energy getting annoyed over this every day, multiple times per day, you're free to do so. But how productive is that. Aren't there other issues in your life that could require more attention ? (rethorical question)

    Shifting gears.

    Now, I used to be a very easily annoyed person. At some point I realized it often was a deflecting mechanism. A sort of defence. By being constantly angry about various things ranging from: politics, my fav product was out of stock, someone cut me in traffic, the global environmental pollution, general unfairness....see the pattern here....all of these things are stuff that is outside my direct control. I can't directly change it with my own behavior. So the rational choice is to not spend energy on it. It left a void. I became forced to deal with my feelings, which I'd avoided by being an angry person.

    There's still stuff that upsets me ofc. But now I understand how toxic being constantly angry is to growth. It's insiduous. Anger can also mask itself, sometimes it's actually shame or fear.

    I urge you to work on your tolerance or ability to imagine how others might perceive the world. It'll make things smoother for you. Good luck.

    Sheesh. I feel like I've been on the couch at a psychologist's office. The only thing I can say is, God bless your heart for the kind words....

    Dan the Man from Michigan
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    good arguments for and against - I just changed my settings, but might change some of them back for personal accountability. I can't believe mine had it set to announce whenever I posted!!! I apologise in retrospect, but I had no idea.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member

    Go ahead and debate the pros/cons of the automatic updates, but keep it civil. There is no need for personal insults and admonishments, and if it keeps up, I will close this thread. I'd rather not, though, because the information is useful for those who would like to turn off their own announcements, and it's cool to see different people's configuration. If you want to bicker about behavior, take it to PM.

    However, I will not put up with the in-fighting that I'm seeing so far here. So, consider this comment this thread's first, last, and only warning on the matter.


    Now, that said, I'm of the opinion that we should be able to (also) control which of the automated announcements we see on our own walls, as well as control the announcements our actions trigger. I also think most of those announcements should be opt-in (default off), instead of opt-out (default on, current behavior).
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,967 Member
    edited August 2015
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Def turning off that "I commented" or "I liked" parts. As if I need to be reminded what I did. ??? Never got that. Does anyone really care if I liked something?!

    I leave the commented one on because I have a lot of friends and it can be hard to find a conversation again on my wall. I like being able to go to my profile and click on it.

    I think most everything else is turned off for me. I have had the diary thing off forever.

    I need that, too. My app NEVER takes me to the right place when I tap the notification, so I can't get back to the convo otherwise.
    good arguments for and against - I just changed my settings, but might change some of them back for personal accountability. I can't believe mine had it set to announce whenever I posted!!! I apologise in retrospect, but I had no idea.

    There really is no need to apologize for something you didn't even realize was happening. Edit your settings, and then do what is best for you.

  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    I wish there was a way to sort the order of how things appear in the newsfeed. Instead of chronological(strictly) you should be able to say "non-automatic updates receive priority at the top" or something. I know I've missed things because everything is chronological. I also wish the "so and so posted a new blog post:name of blogpost" had an actual link to the blog post instead of just a notification. If there could be filters for what I see and don't see I'd want some way to say "see everything from 'username'" I have some friends who really need the positive feeling of a like on the diary completion and some like me who never hit the complete button.
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    ...I also wish the "so and so posted a new blog post:name of blogpost" had an actual link to the blog post instead of just a notification....

    Agree! I can't even access blogs on my iPhone. If there was a link, I could. It's a bit clumsy.