Team B Loft!



  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Sorry, it's me again!
    I hope I haven't offended anyone? Feeling a little lonely here on the team forum.
    Anyhow not much to report..... 3 mile walk today, fresh air by the water and appreciating slightly cooler weather.
    Tomorrow more home based exercise and a day catching up on housework (yawn)
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Sorry for being absent... Not so much to rerport from my side, either.
    I am still walking around, haven't yet motivated myself to do more (sadly, that includes also burpees and planks - I am going to fail in this category). It is still hot, although not so bad as before, and I still have trouble to get enough sleep - maybe that contributes to my being so lazy...

    I hope you are doing better than me!
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    It's me again! Nice walk this morning and a couple of planks! But that is about it! Not sure whether the whole challenge is losing momentum with so few posts here, or everyone is on holiday and certainly won't want to be concerned with their weight.

    I am still logging and finding that I at least check the food labels and choose lower calorie options, the only problem being that I might be eating too much! Shall find out well as finding out if I do have a stress fracture!

    Keep going team!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Good morning everybody!
    First night that I slept without waking up every few hours due to the heat. it has finally cooled down during the night so that I could keep the window open. So i felt much more awake in the morning and decided to walk the whole way to work - it was sunny but comparatively cool, just right for a long walk.

    Weigh-in was no surprise, i didn't lose, but I expected it because I did not workout much last week, and went way over the line on Saturday (don't ask!). But this week is going to be better.

    2much - good that you will finally know what it is, although I hope it is not a fracture!
    Thanks for your motivating posts this week!

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days: done
    2. Walk or run at least 7 miles this week: 11.9 / 7
    3. Complete at least 70 burpees this week: 0 / 70
    4. Plank hold for at least 7 minutes this week: 0 / 7
    5. Post on the discussion board at least 5 times this week: 3 / 5
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    New Challenges!

    Again, sorry for the delay! Life has been crazy, and I really do apologize. I am so lucky to have such a dedicated group of women participating who have kept this discussion board going. Here are this week's challenges!

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days = 1 lbs advantage
    2. Complete at least 200 crunches of any kind this week = 1 lbs advantage
    3. Complete at least 200 push-ups this week = 1 lbs advantage
    4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day this week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Eat your 5-a-Day fruits/veggies for at least 5 of 7 days this week = 1 lbs advantage
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    200 push-ups! :noway: I will have to start right away... :wink:
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks for the new challenges - looks like a had better get on with the 30ds and that will count towards the crunches and push ups! Have problems getting that water down so I'm off to fill my litre bottle now.......

    Good luck everybody, I need to be a bit stricter this week cos the scale didn't move.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    I need to be a bit stricter this week cos the scale didn't move.

    Me too!
    And this weekend I am with my parents, big family birthday celebration (they all have their birthday around August/September), so I will have to work hard to not gain anything.
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Holiday today in Austria - enjoyed it, although I spent the whole day (again) before the computer, sorting and photoshopping the pictures from my vacation. Photography is a hobby of mine, so I tend to be a perfectionist about it ;-)
    And since my parents want to see them this weekend, and I would never show the raw images (perfectionist...), I had to finish them today.

    How is the challenge going for you all?

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days = 1 lbs advantage: 3/4
    2. Complete at least 200 crunches of any kind this week = 1 lbs advantage: 150/200
    3. Complete at least 200 push-ups this week = 1 lbs advantage: 150/200
    4. Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day this week = 1 lbs advantage: done so far
    5. Eat your 5-a-Day fruits/veggies for at least 5 of 7 days this week = 1 lbs advantage: 4/5 done
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    I am with my family this weekend, posting from my mobile phone, so just a short update.

    I did not log my food the last days, but I kept on walking and doing the crunches and pushups, so I am good with the challenge. Weigh in will be on Tuesday when I am back at my home.

    I hope you all have a great weekend! Keep posting here how you are doing.
  • adancer59
    adancer59 Posts: 302 Member
    Ok, I officially have no excuse for posting the challenges so late. I also have no excuse for being extremely late at posting my own weight each week. I have REALLY been slacking over the last three weeks, and I have started to gain back weight. That stops today! I promise that by the end of this week, I will have lost weight and accomplished at least three of the five challenges! You have my word!

    This week's challenges!

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days this week = 1 lbs advantage
    2. Try something new this week = 1 lbs advantage
    3. Complete at least 200 squats this week = 1 lbs advantage
    4. Complete at least 7 minutes of reverse planks this week = 1 lbs advantage
    5. Plan your meals and exercise time either the night before of morning of each day this week (excluding today since this is posted so late) = 1 lbs advantage
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Good morning everyone!
    I just got back to work and read the challenge fpr this week. I like the one with the planning ahead, I will start it this evening...

    How are you doing?
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Where are you all? It is boring to post only to myself... Please come back - you won't want to quit the challenge in the last two weeks? :flowerforyou:

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days this week: 3/4
    2. Try something new this week: saturday is my first day at the gym, so there will be many new things :-)
    3. Complete at least 200 squats this week: 170/200
    4. Complete at least 7 minutes of reverse planks this week: 5/7 (boy, they are hard!)
    5. Plan your meals and exercise time either the night before of morning of each day this week: I try, but sometimes something different comes up... so I think I followed through on 3 days so far
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Hiya Maalea and B team,

    Only two weeks to go as you have noted, and looking at the spreadsheet there appears to be only 9 people still posting their weights.

    Main exercise this week seems to be walking but have already done 30DS twice and will do it twice more this weekend, which should help towards the squats! Will be trying another Jillian Michaels exercise routine as a change. Reverse planks are just odd!

    Hope not to gain this week, would be pleased to lose and be back where I was 2 weeks ago. Actually tried on a size 14 skirt in town today and found it was too big!! Yay....
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    2much - great that you are still here! :flowerforyou:
    And congrats on your too big skirt! It feels so good to give some old clothes away.

    It is still summer, so maybe some people are on vacation...

    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days this week: 4/4 - done!
    2. Try something new this week: was at the gym today (saturday) for the first time - done!
    3. Complete at least 200 squats this week: 200/200 - done!
    4. Complete at least 7 minutes of reverse planks this week: 6/7
    5. Plan your meals and exercise time either the night before of morning of each day this week: I try, but sometimes something different comes up... so I think I followed through on 3 days so far
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    1. Exercise at least 4 of 7 days this week: 5/4 - done!
    2. Try something new this week: was at the gym today (saturday) for the first time - done!
    3. Complete at least 200 squats this week: 200/200 - done!
    4. Complete at least 7 minutes of reverse planks this week: 7/7 - done!
    5. Plan your meals and exercise time either the night before of morning of each day this week: 4/7
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Only 3 B team members weighed in so far. Come on people it's only one more week!!
    I'm still exercising, actually enjoying walking now that I have 3 stone less to carry about!
    Back on track this week after a gain last week, and hope to lose a bit more to get firmly in the normal weight range.

    Still need to get that water down and I need to get any exercise sessions done earlier in the day. That's my challenge for this week!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Stupid TOM more or less knocked me out yesterday, and is also responsible for my gain.
    But I am not really upset, I have exercised quite a lot (for me) last week, due to joining the gym, I stayed below my calorie limit, although I still have to make better choices what I eat.

    But generally I am feeling back on track, and good about myself, and optimistic that I will leave this stupid plateau soon :happy:

    This week I will work on eating more healthy, besides staying under the calorie limit and working out regularly.
  • 2muchchocncrisps
    2muchchocncrisps Posts: 176 Member
    Seems we are alone on this forum? .?? Anyone else here from the B team??

    Was lazy yesterday and feeling guilty this morning. - which is probably good because I'm going to catch up now......

    Housework calories to be burned and 30ds followed by ironing and clearing whilst watching Les Mis DVD, which I got as soon as it was released but is still wrapped!!
  • Maalea
    Maalea Posts: 16,297 Member
    Yeah, I think so...
    But we are going to stick for the last days :drinker:

    I have been exercising a lot this week, more than in the last weeks, and it feels good.
    Today I have been lazy so far, but later on I will go to the gym. We are moving at work right now, so we have to stay at home today while the movers do their work. On Monday morning we start in the new building, unpacking all the crates...

    Have fun with the DVD! I also like to watch something when ironing, it is so boring otherwise!