Lab work after six months!



  • V_Keto_V
    V_Keto_V Posts: 342 Member
    edited September 2015
    That's quite impressive for Triglycerides

    HDL & TRGs improving while LDL getting worse makes total sense...VLDL worsening & TRG improving is just non-sense.

    My Exercise & Egg induced Keto LP from this past April: TC 242mg/dL (ooh that's high...keep reading), HDL-C 125mg/dL (hah Framingham, I laugh at your pathetic "negative risk factor" cut point of 50mg/dL for men), Non-HDL-C (LDL-C + VLDL-C) 117mg/dL. I did not have a direct measure for TRGs. Non-HDL can be slightly elevated from fish oil since fish oil can increase LDL-C up to 40% but lower TRGs about 30% (which is strongly correlated to VLDL-C via Fredrickson equation because it is highly unlikely TRGs > 400mg/dL & minimum LDL-C for survival is around 25mg/dL).

    I could also be a genetic "mutant" in a good way in terms of cholesterol production. These values are not typical for most on Keto but elevated HDL-C is more common in Endurance athletes
  • TBeverly49
    TBeverly49 Posts: 322 Member
    I get my labs don on Monday. I too will be curious the results. My insurance pays for mine, because I am being monitored for diabetes.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    @Batlady49, it was great validation for this woe!

    A side topic here, please indulge me here: When you have any medical tests done it is your right to see the results with your eyes. I was surgically "jacked up" by a surgeon I worked with, then he lied to me, making up test results as he read them to me. I trusted him since we had worked together and had more of a relationship than just doctor patient. HUGE MISTAKE! If I would have had my eyes on the first x-ray result (the computer option to see wasn't available then) I would have known there was something wrong and the statute of limitations for a malpractice suit wouldn't have run out, but I digress. Get your eyes on your test results, however you can. If you don't understand the words Google them, ask someone who knows medical jargon, whatever. Heck, I will be glad to help anyone decipher a test result. Understanding from being an RN does have some benefits, lol! Just protect yourself!

    The surgeon was fired for malpractice issues! This was three years after my surgery and was when the availability to see our own test results through the computer began, and I figured it all out. I had to get another surgeon to fix dumbasses mistake! That was the surgery I had in January of this year. I am so much better, but not 100% and am now figuring there's a part of it that won't ever go away. The jerk now works at the Biloxi, Mississippi, USA, Veterans Administration Hospital! This is the type of surgeons who are supposed to be there for our military and their dependents, he retired as a Colonel for the U.S. Air Force! He's an idiot! BTW: before I had the surgery I went to the hospital administration asking for a discount for me and my insurance since we had already paid for a surgery I didn't get. It was received well and I got 25% off (for a $30,000.00 bio that's significant). I was happy the facility was willing to work with me. They knew they dodged a bullet on that one, for sure!

    Whew, sorry, got mad there! Please excuse any offensive language!

    If you don't have internet access to your results ask for copies when you go to have them reviewed. I truly understand why I've seen people who carry their own medical records too! They are yours, you have a right to copies, no matter who houses them for you! Do not trust the doctor to be truthful (sorry, real life talking here), no matter how well you know them!

    Okay, i will now return you to your regular programming! Thanks for reading this Public Service Announcement, lol!
    Hugs all! :smiley: