Increased heartburn, indigestion, and belly gas

KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
So, as some of you may have seen, in the last month or two, I've started having some weird reactions to foods I've eating so far this year triggering weird reactions to heaven knows what.

Example: this morning, I had two sausage patties. I didn't have time to make the eggs to go with, so I just had those and sipping on water as normal. A couple bites in, my stomach starting getting unsettled, so I slowed down, heated them up more, then ate some mint based gum afterward to help release whatever was causing the queasies. Thirty minutes and a couple belches later (that would probably make a beer chugger proud), and I'm finally feeling normal.

This has happened with bulletproof tea, primal egg tea, coconut oil in any preparation, pepperoni/cheese, pickles (used to just be half a jar, then more than one, now 4-6 slices is too much) just about anything. (Most of these also cause me to have liquid waste instead of solid, often very acidic and painful).

Just last night, after eating leftover burgers (I just did the patties with cheddar, mayo, and tomato, since pickles have been making me run for the bathroom). I drank some water (I don't generally drink as eating - sometimes after, but not immediately), then I had a big burp after a few minutes and literally had bile go up and burn all the way to the back of my throat. I had to resort to a couple rolaids, which started helping the gas problem, but not the burn. Nursed some cream cheese clouds I've had in the freezer forever, and finally started having some relief.

I've had the queasy stuff frequently in the mornings, not really either around lunches, and the crazy heartburn and/or queasy misery in the evenings.

I've been low carb since 1/15/15, Keto since 2/18/15, and none of this foods triggered me formally. My heartburn type issues had completely resolved since going low carb, which was awesome, until the last month or two.

I can't afford probiotics, but might have found a local woman willing to teach me about kombucha, since I can't find any other fermented foods here... I've cut dairy way down for a few weeks (like a couple ounces a day), but can't afford a full on elimination style diet. I have changed some of my meds here or there, added a supplement, but nothing that tracks directly with the timing here.

I am a 39 year old female, 5'4", around 245 lbs currently. I am not pregnant (have doubly confirmed), nor have I ever had IBS or anything like that. I had my gallbladder out in December 2000. This is positively making me batty, as I've dropped most of the possible contributing factors, then still reacted to the sausage as a stand alone this morning. And it's crazy, because I had the same sausage (half a package of the same exact package, actually) mixed in with some scrambled eggs and mixed cheeses for breakfast yesterday, and half of it for lunch the day before with literally no issues...

Please help me with some sanity here!


  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Hmm, no specific experience but a list from WebMD of possible causes.... aren't you on thyroid medication? Could the problems correspond to timing of your medicine rather than the specific things you are eating?

    Causes include:


    Stomach cancer. This is rare.
    Gastroparesis, a condition where the stomach doesn't empty properly. It often happens to people with diabetes.
    Stomach infections
    Irritable bowel syndrome
    Pancreatitis, an inflamed pancreas
    Thyroid disease

    Medications :

    Aspirin and many other pain relievers
    Estrogen and birth control pills
    Steroid medications
    Some antibiotics
    Thyroid medicines
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I gave up sausage for bacon about three months ago for this reason. I find a good slug of heavy whipping cream works for me in times like you experienced. I load with fats before protein now most always. A lille 4% fat cottage cheese can help but not as well and fast as a couple ounces of HWC.
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Have you had your gallbladder checked? My friend had those exact same symptoms for a year before going to a doctor. Anything she ate, especially high fat items, had her sick. She ended up having a pecan sized stone and had to have her whole gallbladder removed.

    Other than that, I'm not sure. I hope it gets better for you though!
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Oh, and she's currently doing LC without her gallbladder and is having no issues at all.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I don't have anything I know of from that list. I'm hypothyroid, likely due to the insulin resistance, but not actual Thyroid disease, as far as I know. It isn't diseased, just not functioning properly.

    I don't take aspirin, only some occasional ibuprofen at bedtime (I use magnet bracelets for pain management), I do take birth control pills and thyroid meds, and I do take them both in the morning, thyroid meds at 5 am, BCP at 6 am, both on empty stomach. With my tea/when it started, seemed to start around 10 am or so... Today was like 9 am. I have been taking both meds together for well over a year, if not two, even pre LC, so I don't know why now.

    Whatever it is, burping out the excess gas that I can't even feel until I feel queasy seems to be the key to easing the discomfort of the nausea stuff... Why would that start out of nowhere? SIGH Since the burping bit just occurred to me, I guess I'll try beano (since I have some onhand at home), but I'm just so overwhelmed and confused and tired of feeling icky and all that...
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Have you had your gallbladder checked? My friend had those exact same symptoms for a year before going to a doctor. Anything she ate, especially high fat items, had her sick. She ended up having a pecan sized stone and had to have her whole gallbladder removed.

    Other than that, I'm not sure. I hope it gets better for you though!

    She said "I had my gallbladder out in December 2000." so, I doubt that's it ;)
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    @chaoticdreams I had my gallbladder removed in December of 2000, when my daughter was 7 weeks old. I'd been passing gallstones while pregnant that they tried to convince me it was normal heartburn. Took them 6 weeks to isolate the problem and then schedule emergency surgery, rather than tell me I could heal them on my own....
  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Oh sorry, I can't read today. :P
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I gave up sausage for bacon about three months ago for this reason. I find a good slug of heavy whipping cream works for me in times like you experienced. I load with fats before protein now most always. A lille 4% fat cottage cheese can help but not as well and fast as a couple ounces of HWC.

    @GaleHawkins The other night, I started to feel that acid burn coming on, and took a glug of HWC to see if I needed more fat to the level of acids, and I thought i was going to die. It flared up worse, I had to lay and crawl around for about an hour before the extreme waves of nausea wore off. I meant to make my Jello Fat Bombs last night (sugar free jello, sour cream, and heavy cream, but I didn't get to it.). Would the "fermenting" in sour cream maybe help???

    I can't understand why fats would do this, unless something else in my body "healed" or something, whether for better or worse, that would trigger this.

    Additionally, I've eating that same sausage - from the same pack even, over the last three days. I didn't have any problems on Day 1 or Day 2. Just now on Day 3. I've had this sausage off and on over the last several months. I've used it in my scotch eggs, and in a dip with cream cheese, rotel, and sausage, and had no problems with any of those instances, but I guess I've always had it WITH something...
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    I've also been cutting sweets dramatically to maybe one serving - even keto sweets, and switched mostly to a safe sweetener to use on rare occasion.

    I have had the "acid floats" where drinking water makes the acid float up to the top of my stomach and burn, but I don't drink when I eat, and rarely immediately after, so I've neutralized those for the most part.

    This seems to be something massively digestion related, and my body seems to be getting more acidic again, whereas it had eased off of the acidity for a while since going LC... I don't know if I need to add just the right acid in, or if I need to add the right bases somehow, but I don't just want to play "treatment roulette." That never works out well.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    OK on the HWC. If I drink water during or right after eating I can have issues with indigestion. Now I drink a lot of water a bit before eat and again about 30 minutes after I eat.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    This has happened with bulletproof tea, primal egg tea, coconut oil in any preparation, pepperoni/cheese, pickles (used to just be half a jar, then more than one, now 4-6 slices is too much) just about anything.

    Have you toyed around with or looked into salicylate and/or histamine sensitivity stuff?

    Most of the stuff you've named can have a high salicylate content -- coconut oil is notorious, as can the spices in the pepperoni and pickles, and the herbs used in tea. I'm chalking up the HWC to just the fat content or just the nature of HWC (I know I can eat a block of cream cheese with no problem, but more than a small swig of HWC still has me sick, too).

    The other stuff -- the meats, eggs, cheese -- can be a histamine thing (assuming they're not rancid). Fermented foods and older foods (even leftovers) create histamines, which some people are sensitive to.

    It could also be that you've hit a tipping point of some sort, which is why it was okay a couple of days ago and not now.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    I have been playing with Herbal teas, plain, no cream, no sugars, just to flush out the system and take a break. I noticed it really helps to calm down any gastro issues, including munchies. I really like Mem Tea Imports in Watertown, Massachusetts, they have the real good stuff. Check around your area. (not Teavana) I like the Peppermint tea and orange Rooibos tea for stomach. Red Rooibos tea has no oxalic acid, rich in iron, calcium, potassium magnesium. Also helps with heartburn.
    Caveat -from a website:
    "Not all herbal teas are safe for everyone. Some herbal teas, such as those made with dandelion, chamomile, black cohosh or dried ginger, may not be safe during pregnancy. Peppermint tea may not be a good idea for people with reflux or those taking blood pressure or diabetes medications, and ginger should be avoided by those using blood thinners or blood pressure or diabetes medications. Avoid dandelion tea if you take diuretics, blood thinners or diabetes medications."

    Looking into what might work for your requires some research, but might be worth a try.

    I also looked into fermented foods, for probiotic value- such as kombucha, Kimchi, kefir, miso.. Results - Did not agree with me AT ALL.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    This has happened with bulletproof tea, primal egg tea, coconut oil in any preparation, pepperoni/cheese, pickles (used to just be half a jar, then more than one, now 4-6 slices is too much) just about anything.

    Have you toyed around with or looked into salicylate and/or histamine sensitivity stuff?

    Most of the stuff you've named can have a high salicylate content -- coconut oil is notorious, as can the spices in the pepperoni and pickles, and the herbs used in tea. I'm chalking up the HWC to just the fat content or just the nature of HWC (I know I can eat a block of cream cheese with no problem, but more than a small swig of HWC still has me sick, too).

    The other stuff -- the meats, eggs, cheese -- can be a histamine thing (assuming they're not rancid). Fermented foods and older foods (even leftovers) create histamines, which some people are sensitive to.

    It could also be that you've hit a tipping point of some sort, which is why it was okay a couple of days ago and not now.

    Good point, your body makes histamine, but it is also found in some foods. Cumulatively between the two it can be like a bucket filling to the tipping point. I get hives though, haven't gotten a digestive issue because of it, but others do.

  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    Even before my WLS, my stomach just occasionally lost its *#&$ mind. For no reason, foods that never bothered me would bother me. After WLS, I expect it. I keep Beano meltaways on hand. If I feel like things are getting weird, I take one. I did that before surgery too.
  • amb312
    amb312 Posts: 55 Member
    Are you talking magnesium? I just experimented with it and found I can't take it because it gives me horrible side effects like you described.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    Do you ever get pain in the same general region your gallbladder was in? Perhaps slightly closer to the center of your body?

    Did they do an MRI or other in depth look at your abdomen (not just an ultrasound) when your gallstones were discovered?

    I still had weird food reactions, burping, diarrhea etc after mine was removed and I had many stones in my bile duct. I wouldn't have known without an MRI as they didn't show at all on an ultrasound.

    Otherwise...I'm not sure. I also had a fatty liver at one stage and it made digestion a bit off.

    What about GERD?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited August 2015
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    This has happened with bulletproof tea, primal egg tea, coconut oil in any preparation, pepperoni/cheese, pickles (used to just be half a jar, then more than one, now 4-6 slices is too much) just about anything.

    Have you toyed around with or looked into salicylate and/or histamine sensitivity stuff?

    Most of the stuff you've named can have a high salicylate content -- coconut oil is notorious, as can the spices in the pepperoni and pickles, and the herbs used in tea. I'm chalking up the HWC to just the fat content or just the nature of HWC (I know I can eat a block of cream cheese with no problem, but more than a small swig of HWC still has me sick, too).

    The other stuff -- the meats, eggs, cheese -- can be a histamine thing (assuming they're not rancid). Fermented foods and older foods (even leftovers) create histamines, which some people are sensitive to.

    It could also be that you've hit a tipping point of some sort, which is why it was okay a couple of days ago and not now.

    Other than just googling and guessing which info might be correct - how can I look into this? I have way way way terribly nasal allergies (like year round, 4 medications type, that has not eased up at all so far being low carb) - so histamine might be a thing, just considering general wackiness.

    I know I had some kind of allergic reaction to a cinnamon supplement I had on hand (Cassia bark, not Ceylon - I had tried it a long while back, before I knew to look for Ceylon), and it gave me an under the skin blotchy almost rash I quit that with a quickness.

    The magnesium citrate I take is chelated, and I've never noticed any problems with it. I take it at night, and I have the most solid BM's in the early part of the morning/day.

    I was wondering about Iodine/Iodide levels (for thyroid support, had tested high and adjusted dose, but symptoms returned), as well as wacky stuff with having all kinds of added B vitamins (due to neuropathy in finger likely cause by B12 deficiency, had added this back in), finding a good level of joint relief from hyaluronic acid...and just wondering.

    I took Beano before lunch - same sausage as triggered at breakfast - no gas/nausea, any of it...but kind of a general stomach ache/discomfort - like in the lining/wall situation. If I had my specialists close, I would ask, but I can't afford a trip to find out any time soon. Not many decent docs with time to run tests nearby...

    And just to clarify - a couple things have been a few days, but my BP/Loaded Tea has (coconut oil, etc.) and pickles have both been hugely bothering me over a month now (with pickles getting progressively less tolerance). Dinner last night was meat, spices, cheese, mayo, and sliced tomato...

    I'm possibly getting my hands on some kombucha in the next week or two, but I might revisit kefir with my tea... Have to recheck carb counts. Oh, and someone asked about fluoride levels, since traditional tea tends to have a lot of it...I can't get loose leaf tea anywhere near, so looking for ideas there...

    slimzandra wrote: »
    I have been playing with Herbal teas, plain, no cream, no sugars, just to flush out the system and take a break. I noticed it really helps to calm down any gastro issues, including munchies. I really like Mem Tea Imports in Watertown, Massachusetts, they have the real good stuff. Check around your area. (not Teavana) I like the Peppermint tea and orange Rooibos tea for stomach. Red Rooibos tea has no oxalic acid, rich in iron, calcium, potassium magnesium. Also helps with heartburn.
    Caveat -from a website:
    "Not all herbal teas are safe for everyone. Some herbal teas, such as those made with dandelion, chamomile, black cohosh or dried ginger, may not be safe during pregnancy. Peppermint tea may not be a good idea for people with reflux or those taking blood pressure or diabetes medications, and ginger should be avoided by those using blood thinners or blood pressure or diabetes medications. Avoid dandelion tea if you take diuretics, blood thinners or diabetes medications."

    Looking into what might work for your requires some research, but might be worth a try.

    I also looked into fermented foods, for probiotic value- such as kombucha, Kimchi, kefir, miso.. Results - Did not agree with me AT ALL.

    And goodness me! So many of those teas are contraindicated for blood pressure meds, which I take (a beta blocker). I generally just go with a fruit flavored tea if I'm not mixing the plain stuff with my BPT/Loaded Tea... I knew about Peppermint and reflux since my daughter had loosely diagnosed GERD. (I say loosely because they never scoped her - just treated her)...

    minties82 wrote: »
    Do you ever get pain in the same general region your gallbladder was in? Perhaps slightly closer to the center of your body?

    Did they do an MRI or other in depth look at your abdomen (not just an ultrasound) when your gallstones were discovered?

    I still had weird food reactions, burping, diarrhea etc after mine was removed and I had many stones in my bile duct. I wouldn't have known without an MRI as they didn't show at all on an ultrasound.

    Otherwise...I'm not sure. I also had a fatty liver at one stage and it made digestion a bit off.

    What about GERD?

    No, no general back pain - my gallbladder hurt near my spine on my right side, kind of under lung/heart area. I felt all the pain in my back. Most of this pain is abdominal from bra band line to just a few inches below belly button line, with occasional general uterine area discomfort...

    I honestly would hope that since I had the GB out in 2000 and have been low carb nearly all of 2015 that it wouldn't just be coming up now, nearly 8 months later, out of the stinking clear blue... But I did joke several times recently that my body likes this weight, so it must be "repairing" something else...

    I've never been diagnosed with a fatty liver. What test would that be? I can see if I have had that one run. (I just did about 100 tests back in May.) I've never hard GERD or anything - just mild heartburn with too much tomato stuff (pre GB out) and while preggo... I wouldn't even know how to go about checking, because I really don't want to have to do a full scope deal unless it is utterly necessary.

    And honestly, I've no idea if they did an MRI or anything. I was 6 weeks postpartum when they finally tested and decided on GB removal surgery. I was having to take vicodin for the pain semi-regularly, so I don't remember much except for the doctor telling me that he could take the stones out, but that most folks who had this type of issue tended to have a recurrence of stones. I wish I'd know about low carb back then!!!
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    I've never had gerd, or so I thought. However I used to get a bad reaction after eating certain foods but not every time. My throat would swell and I'd feel pressure on my esophagus. I thought maybe it was my thyroid but it would only happen with certain things. I went to an allergist because mast cell disorders run in my family. I tested negative on everything but the Dr suspected an esophageal disorder triggered by reflux, she put me on 40mg a day off omeprazole as a trial to see if that helped. It's been three months and I no longer get the swelling at all. So it's possible for it to be gerd or something similar even though you don't have typical symptoms
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Yeah, I almost never have all the symptoms - and definitely not all the red flag symptoms - of anything. Did I mention that it took them six weeks to figure out I was passing gallstones because I was missing a major symptom?

    Dinner with beano resulted in no gas or queasiness, but my supposedly solid waste was anything but. So I'm still thinking it is a "gut" something. I'm going to hit up the health food store tonight (way way overpriced, like 400% markup over what you can get at normal online prices) and see if they have anything kombucha or fermented... I'm sure after multiple decades of junk that my gut biome is in need of a major remodel! LOL

    I'm also going to take the beano with this morning's repeat breakfast, so we'll see...