Increased heartburn, indigestion, and belly gas



  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Hey Carly, I know this may sound crazy... but we both know I'm not all right in the head. I ate something one time a couple days in a row, day 4.... had a horrible reaction to it. Like you're having. There was something in the food (additive wise) that I had an allergic reaction to. It took a couple of days for me to react for the additive to build up in my system... I was not eliminating it. Maybe check the ingredients and see if somethings changed in them.

    Just my thought.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    That's the crazy thing - my eating patterns really have not changed! I can't imagine it took 12 weeks for something to build up on me! And I'm such a creature of habit, we have kind of a meal rotation. I think in my body's "healing," it now fixed something that was not fixed before, and has now made me more sensitive to something else. It's so frustrating to not be able to isolate.

    Like the pepperoni. I used to be able to eat it cold, and that was a mainstay. Now I can only tolerate it heated (like keto pizza style) or nuked (like the pepperoni chips). Now the cold fats make my tummy hurt. WTHeck?
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    Try to eliminate all manufactured foods for a month, including sausages and sweeteners ? Go simple, then slowly add 1 item back at a time. Yes, it's quite some work, but going on with all the discomfort you're describing sounds worse.

    You could possibly lack some vital bugs in tummy or other micronutrient deficiency.
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    KnitOrMiss wrote: »
    @chaoticdreams I had my gallbladder removed in December of 2000, when my daughter was 7 weeks old. I'd been passing gallstones while pregnant that they tried to convince me it was normal heartburn. Took them 6 weeks to isolate the problem and then schedule emergency surgery, rather than tell me I could heal them on my own....

    How interesting. In 1993, while I was pregnant I had severe chest pains (felt like a large belt tightening around my chest) so bad I was taken to the hospital by ambulance. Turned out to be gallstones. A few months later I had another attack. Finally, two weeks after I gave birth, I was back in the hospital for an emergency cholecystectomy.
    Over the years, while eating SAD, I would occasionally get those pains indicating I had developed stones in my bile ducts, I would get sick for a day or so, and then get better. But since eating so much fat on this WOE, I haven't developed any.
    I too, get that queasy feeling after certain foods on some days. Some days I wake up with it, sometimes it is after I eat. Just this morning it was the BPC and bacon. The other day it was a diet soda (which was a rare "treat" as I don't like Aspartame or sucralose). I have tried to pinpoint what sets it off, but it seldom seems to be the same foods.
    I used to get serious heartburn and indigestion so I took Omeprazole, but I quit that about a month back and have not had the heartburn since.
    I wonder if it is related to the pancreas instead of the liver?
  • SkinnyKerinny
    SkinnyKerinny Posts: 147 Member
    I seem to have trouble with heartburn from (I think) a lot of fat at one meal. It's like it doesn't digest and then wants to eject. today I started taking Betaine HCL again which basically raises the stomach acid level. Hopefully that will help and also with nausea. The one I'm using is Now Super Enzymes. Just be careful to not take too many as it can burn in your tummy (can you tell I know this firsthand). Anyway it worked for me several years ago.

    Here is a snippet from one of the reviews for one of these brands of supplements . . .

    The most common symptoms of low stomach acid are: burning, indigestion, gas, bloating, and acid reflux (GERD). Because the symptoms of low and high stomach acid are the same, Americans are trained to jump to the over-acid conclusion because acid neutralizing drugs can temporarily lesson some symptoms. This is unfortunate because anti-acids makes the underlying reason for the symptoms worse.

    There's a highly accurate medical test called the Heidelberg Test to determine whether low or high stomach acid is causing your symptoms but unfortunately it's rarely used because western docs aren't trained to look for underlying causes (they're trained to treat symptoms) and most aren't even aware that low stomach acid has the same symptoms so all they know is to prescribe or advise anti-acids.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    This is a list of histamine foods (Mast diet): HT Restricted Diet Nov2012.pdf

    Don't discount the "building" of symptoms over 12 weeks. I am a celiac, and I know that it can take me weeks for symptoms to build enough to be a problem, if I am having small amounts of gluten. It works in reverse too, it can take weeks for symptoms to disappear after removing a problem food.

    Adding a symptoms journal to your food diary may help you pin point the issue....

    I wish I could help more. :(
  • greenautumn17
    greenautumn17 Posts: 322 Member
    That's interesting about low stomach acid, I will have to look into that. Oh, and Carly, Fatty liver is diagnosed by CAT scan of the abdomen, so you would know if you had one! :)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I don't know the cause of your discomfort and am sorry you are experiencing any problems! I wanted to interject: Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, all the same) is in the same class of drugs as aspirin. They are NSAIDS (Non Anti Inflammatory Drugs) and should always be taken with food and used any other precautions that may pertain to you.. GERD can be a side effect, even with occasional use. Most of the symptoms you describe are indicative of this. I hope this goes away quickly and you can get back to your normal! :smiley:
  • giftbouquets
    giftbouquets Posts: 95 Member
    Could you have developed a stomach ulcer. These can be a common side effect of NSAIDS and could cause the pain you have been experiencing. If it were me I would cut out the Ibrufen and the spicy foods for a while to see if it helped. It might not be a popular thing to say here, but I would also cut back on the BPC. In my experience mixing coffee (which always irritates my stomach) and fat is a recipe for stomach ache. Hope you feel better soon.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Since adding beano or a generic before almost all meals, the burping, indigestion, heartburn, and queasiness have been almost completely neutralized, but I have continued to have liquid acidic #2 waste for 6-8 hours usually once per day, most days starting around or just after lunch until bedtime. It is really inconvenient, but I'll take it over it COMBINED with the rest.

    I have also started adding kombucha. Today is day 5. It is definitely an acquired taste. I'm only getting about 6 oz per day right now, because it's nearly $4 for 16 oz here, but I have a new friend hooking me up with a SCOBY in the coming days (she had to brew a current batch to be able to revive it/pass it on). I'm hoping to up my consumption to the recommended 8-16 oz per day. I know the kind I'm currently drinking has 7 grams of carbs per 8 oz, but it is worth it for the benefits, so far. Does anyone know if when you make it yourself the carbs can be lower? Or if as the stuff is fermented, it actually metabolizes the carbs? Because I'm not having any blip from 7 carbs in a short setting as I normally do it if is mostly sugar, etc.

    With the kombucha, the first few times it kind of made my stomach jumpy-ish at first, then quickly settled to a level of stomach calm I haven't had in quite some time. Here on Day 5, it is still about the same. Today and yesterday, I didn't even get the slight discomfort at first (I think my stomach didn't know what to do with fermentation). Is anyone else here a Kombucha fan???
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    edited August 2015
    Could you have developed a stomach ulcer. These can be a common side effect of NSAIDS and could cause the pain you have been experiencing. If it were me I would cut out the Ibrufen and the spicy foods for a while to see if it helped. It might not be a popular thing to say here, but I would also cut back on the BPC. In my experience mixing coffee (which always irritates my stomach) and fat is a recipe for stomach ache. Hope you feel better soon.

    And for the time being, I'm doing eggs and sausage with cheese for breakfast with traditional tea (lightly stevia-sweetened, no cream or coconut oil). Since I dropped it the last 7-10 days, I've finally had some movement in the scale and waistline again...

    And I don't really eat anything spicy. My palate is what my fiance calls "white girl spicy," which is utterly bland to any ethnicity that embraces spice...