My starting weight was 426



  • nomorefatgirl78
    nomorefatgirl78 Posts: 61 Member
    Hey yall! Just came across this thread and thought I'd throw my story out there as well. I started out at, what I believe was, 465lbs. I never really had any major health issues except for the hurting joints and some high blood pressure every now and then. I realized last year that I was getting older (38 next month) and if I wanted to be a mom, it was high time to get this mess off of me! I hit my first goal (400) doing low carb in about 4 months and then got down to about 385 and got lazy with the diet. I picked it back up about 3 weeks ago and have gone from 394 to, as of this morning, 374. It's hard. It's now all hitting me at once with the mobility issues - plantar fasciitis in my feet, pinched nerve in my lower back just from SITTING too long and my knees getting worse from the overcompensating for the feet and back. You'd think it would get easier the more you lose but I have hope yet. I never thought I'd end up where I'm at so if I could offer any advice to anyone it would be to the younger people.... do it now before you get older and have a harder time getting around. It takes every bit of strength I have in me sometimes to make it through my work shift. Wishing you all luck!
  • ssflbelle2012
    ssflbelle2012 Posts: 322 Member
    Hi Everyone just thought I would do an update as it has been about 6 months since I last wrote. I am now down to 275 pounds and as of Feb I started to ride an adult tricycle. The first time I rode only 10 minutes and went .68 of a mile. I have been riding 4 to 5 days a week and increasing my distance a little bit each week. Yesterday I rode 7.51 miles in 63 minutes. I plan to do a 14 mile bike challenge in Feb 2017. Still not able to walk without assistance but am getting stronger, healthier and lighter. How are all of you doing?
  • dksmith20110
    dksmith20110 Posts: 35 Member
    WOW! This group had been relatively inactive for a while but was looking through all your stories above. You CAN and must do it! I started here and have logged everyday for over a year. I am currently down 150 lbs. Happy to share with anyone interested. I went from obese to helping with diabetes and weight loss seminars. Let's do it together!