

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I found a box of vhs tapes today. I thought they had been donated ages ago. I have yoga, pilates, circuit training, even older Richard Simmons aerobic workouts and a couple for working out with the fitness ball. When the snow flies I will be all set to work out from home. While I like Leslie and Jane, I was getting a tad tired of hearing them. Heck I can go about three weeks now and not repeat a session :).

    I also stumbled upon some clothes that fit, tops and shorts so I had a productive day I guess without doing anything else.

    I did hit the wall today when I went to meet with my trainer, she took a good look at me and said let's reschedule, you are in no shape to work out now. I had made it through my Body Flex class but when I went to try the machines in the gym room, I couldn't do the lower weights even. I just lost my strength, I think it is all the stress and lack of sleep from this week end. I did get my steps in finally this evening and even picked some raspberries, which had been neglected all weekend.
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Hey Joell, Sounds like you need a break! Maybe you could do a little diet/exercise vacation. Some time to breathe and smell the fall air...indulge your senses.

    Thinking of the lyrics.... "take it easy on yourself."
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    I agree; be nice to you. You deserve it. If you're body is telling you to take a break, it's best to listen.
  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    Joell, must have been scary for you until the diagnosis. Hope you can both relax and heal.

    Thanks Kathy for the celebration on my behalf. I have MFP friends with more days. One person over 1300 days. I look at it this way though...this way of losing and changing eating habits works for me, so what choice do I really have if I want to lose these last 11.5 pounds and then keep them off? I have no alternative, so I just come back everyday! It is a matter of priorities, I guess.

    My work healthcare will now cover two dietitian visits per year. Hmmm, I think I will take advantage of that!

    Oh, here is something fun if you haven't seen it yet! A music video about walking for health! These medical pros have some talent!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    Cool video Charlie. :). I got a full night's sleep finally. So feeling better today. Still feeling a little stressed out, since DH can't see a cardiologist till the 24th and he is having some minor meds side effects. I might be dragging him back into the clinic and parking him there till someone sees him.

    I plan on getting my steps in and I will go to the fitness center later to try and do my program on the machines. I need that right now. I might have to deload some weight on machines but I think it will help with the stress right now. I know I felt much better after I got my steps in yesterday.

    Since DH's meds are leaving him with little appetite, I am eating a tad less as well.

    Cris, I hope they get your meds situation cleared up soon. Have they had a dietitian work with you yet? Or just throwing meds at the problem? I know sometimes it is just in your genes and you can only make it easier with diet and exercise but can't control it that way.

    Thanks for the kind words everyone.
  • Rebamae
    Rebamae Posts: 741 Member
    Hi to each of you.

    I hope you are having a great day.

    There are so many celebrations here which is fun.

    I don't have time to talk now but I hope to be back later
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Charlie, your recent success is so well deserved. You stuck with your calorie and exercise plan, and it's so great to hear the persistence is yielding results.
    Cris and Joell. Sending hugs. Joell, Glad DH is doing better, and Cris, yes, our genes sometimes conspire against us even when we're doing everything right.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Congrats to Charlie, I really admire your diligence an perseverance towards a healthy you!!! I am really getting geared up for the New Year to come! My daughter will be home from London @ Christmas and my son home from Army Ranger school, my BD will be December 8 th. I am going to try and set a reasonable goal and work hard to reach it by my next BD. I'll fill you in on my ideas tomorrow!

    I guess if I keep walking round sideways and nauseous I'll be their before I know it. NOT REALLY OH please I did not mean that :o
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I am really trying to get my groove back. I went out this morning right after brekkie and had a 3 mile walk, to get my blood/body/mind going. DH's health issues have really effected my time management. He is better and will be seeing the cardiologist soon, so I have to refocus on my health goals now.

    Charlie, take advantage of those free sessions for sure. Good to bounce ideas off of them if nothing else. You already have a pretty good foundation, see if they can find anything to tweak for you.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Wanda, the sideways sailor thing is no fun. Stay close to walls. Seriously!
    Joell, you're in my thoughts.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 468 Member
    How did it get to be the middle of September already!!!??? I can't believe this is possible! For me, from 9/1 to 12/31 its just one long run every year. This year is worse! Because we had to many medical problems to catch up on we have now passed our maximum financial output for the year per insurance so we are doing everything we can think of while its nearly free!! A week ago I had two sebaceous cysts removed from my back, minor surgery but, I have not had a really decent night's sleep since. The itching has been driving me insane! lol No pain, just itching.

    Joell I hope your husband is doing better. Dealing with the medical system these days is something else. I came back yesterday to see that everyone has these LONG stretches of signing in daily. Congratulations to all of you on that!!!
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    Good morning! Hope you get some rest/ better sleep soon, Dream... <3

    I've lost another pound. This one puts me under That Number.
    You know.
    The Big One.
    The One I said, years ago, that I Would Never Go Over. :s

    The blood sugar thing is another whole can of worms.
    I'm eating healthier (low carb) than ever... well, blah blahblah.

    Enjoy the weekend!

  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »
    Good morning! Hope you get some rest/ better sleep soon, Dream... <3

    I've lost another pound. This one puts me under That Number.
    You know.
    The Big One.
    The One I said, years ago, that I Would Never Go Over. :s

    The blood sugar thing is another whole can of worms.
    I'm eating healthier (low carb) than ever... well, blah blahblah.

    Enjoy the weekend!

    Well you are under that number, that is better than over it.

    Hope they can get your blood sugar levels under control, that should help you out in general. Hang in there. Know that you have lots of supporters here if you need us.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    I have added the IF discussion to our stickies to make it easier to find. Good info in there.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    CrisEBTrue wrote: »

    Hope they can get your blood sugar levels under control, that should help you out in general. Hang in there. Know that you have lots of supporters here if you need us.

    I don't go back to my doc until the end of October... between now and then we are going to CA to see my MIL; from there we're going on a Panama Canal cruise. (It's our second time ) Anyway you slice it, that will be challenging.
    I have actually LOST weight when cruising, from stomping around at the different stops.

    This once-a-week injectable stuff must have High Fructose Corn Syrup in it :s ; my numbers went UP after I started it.

    So my doctor gave me some samples and a new presciption of another injectable "which should work" and guess what?

    It costs:

    $400 a month. After insurance. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :D You should have seen my face when the Pharmacy told me the cost. :p

    So I'm sticking with what I have. Eating low-carb with lots of veggies/ protein.
    I'll have a discussion with the doc after we get back.
    I want to go back on what I was on before I switched, because it worked; my numbers were better and I
    wasn't even trying. I have a phone app that tracked it. I showed it to her and she was shocked; I'm sure she thinks I'm sitting around the house eating bon bons.

    I've given up so many foods, you'd think my BS would be better than ever. Bah. Humbug.

    And I don't want to go on insulin *sob* unless there is absolutely no other choice.

    Ok. end of rant.

    In other news, the weather has been beautiful here. Summer is stretching itself out; days are in the 80's, nights in the 60's. Excellent sleeping weather. As long as I don't check my BS before bedtime. hahahaha

    Thanks for the support. It ain't easy.


  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Vertigo has been gone today :p Took advantage and cleaned the house!! Nothing much worse than having Vertigo and looking at a VERY messy house :o
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 549 Member
    Oh, Joell, the prescription costs. Devastating. YAY for Wanda getting your balance back.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,754 Member
    That is Cris actually. I (touch wood!!!!) am on no meds whatsoever.
  • CrisEBTrue
    CrisEBTrue Posts: 454 Member
    edited September 2015
    I made Belgian Waffles for breakfast. :p (no syrup. I put 1/2 a smooshed banana on top)

    That took up most of my carbs for the day, but y'know, sometimes ya just have to eat something fun.
    I've been practically living on salad for days, so whatEVER.


  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Out to mow the lawn, it is so beautiful these last couple of weeks in Upstate NY ! I can't complain. I would really like to know how you can burn calories on a riding lawn mower ????? I'll see if I can do it. ;)