Starting percentages

Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
I've been on MFP for years and lost about 50 lbs, but I got stuck. I'm experimenting with a modified Keto, to give myself a weight loss kick and for medical reasons. I've only been on for a week and need to do a lot more reading and get some blood tests.

My percentages are Carb 15% / Fat 60% / Protein 25%- anything really bad about that for the moment?


  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I never use percentages, because it can fluctuate. I always use grams.

    For me:
    Carbs are a limit. Usually 20 grams total, unless eating high fiber veg, then 40 grams total, 20 grams net.
    Protein is a range - required minimums to support current muscle levels. For me, that is 80-130 grams a day (as a man, yours is likely higher by 20% minimum).
    Fat, fills in the gaps to satiety. For me, that is usually 100+ grams.

    I am 39 years old, female, 5'4" tall, with roughly 40-45% body fat.

    As for that protein range, I think I did a better job explaining here:

    In general, your percentages seem likely okay, but your carbs seem high if you're doing keto. Most folks fall in the 5-10% range when calculating back out... Since we don't know stats or calorie range, I can't answer more.
  • dorje77
    dorje77 Posts: 92 Member
    Bob314159 wrote: »
    I've been on MFP for years and lost about 50 lbs, but I got stuck. I'm experimenting with a modified Keto, to give myself a weight loss kick and for medical reasons. I've only been on for a week and need to do a lot more reading and get some blood tests.

    My percentages are Carb 15% / Fat 60% / Protein 25%- anything really bad about that for the moment?

    You have to calculate your macros in grams, not in %. 15% of carbs on 3000kcal 112g of carbs (that are too high for a keto), on 1500 15% of carbs are 56g, that can be ok (or not).

    I suggest you this tool:
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    I go with grams too. Right now, I'm on a special diet from my doc, but my numbers are 1003 calories, 35g carbs, 101g protein, 51g fat. When I can up calories, it'll be fat and protein. My carbs will drop closer to 15g.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    My goal is at 1800 calories [though I tend to eat more like 2000], 58 net carbs, 103 fat and 96 protein, yesterday I was under 10 on the carbs and over 32 on the protein. Current weight 260-265, gained 5 after I switched to Keto - haha

    Initially I had 30g on the carbs but its hard for me to change my diet that fast [my guess is that I was eating 100-200 carbs per day] - I'll probably leave it high for a week . I cut most added sugar a month ago even though I wasn't eating that much of it, and I now eat almost no bread/rice/potatoes, but I get to 24 with my breakfast and a cup of milk spread of the day in coffee/tea. And I find carbs in places I never knew.

    Nice things is that today I ate breakfast at 9am and was on my feet shopping and doing errands till 3:30, 8000 steps with no food and no hunger.

  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Use heavy cream in place of milk. Whole milk is nothing but sugar. Breakfast is usually bacon/sausage and eggs friend in butter. What are you eating for Breakfast?

    And 58 will get you into keto really slowly and probably will prolong your adaption, but is doable. I could not manage that level at all due to cravings.

    I didn't count, but if I had to guess, I was between 300-400 grams per day... Dropped dead on 1/15/15 to a goal of 50 (usually 25-35). After a month, I realized how close I was to keto and dropped to 20 grams on 2/18/15... Been floating between 20-25 grams total carbs (or if veg, up to 25 grams net carbs, 40 grams total) since then.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    My breakfast [for sure not a good one] is 90% of the time the same thing, a vegeburger [7 carbs], 1oz of melted cheese, 3 tbsp of tomato sauce/paste [5 carbs] - I now add 1 tbsp coconut oil. I find it hard to switch to anything else - it satiates me and keep away the hunger till lunch which is anywhere from 1pm till 4 pm. I add 1 cup milk [11 carbs] to my MFP breakfast though it represents cups of coffee and tea spread over the whole day.
  • ki4eld
    ki4eld Posts: 1,215 Member
    It took me 12 months to go from 120g to 15g. Now, I can play 15-35g with no issues. Getting below that 45g mark was tough for me. Keep dropping and you'll find your sweet spot. Mine is 15-20g net.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Thanks - based on the above and after spending a day reading I decided I need to try for 30g carbs instead of 58 - seemed hard - until I looked at today's eating and finding I'm only at 32. I still have to adjust my breakfast plans - including skipping my wife's Tuesday morning gluten free waffle and maple syrup.

    However, I find I cannot set a 30g goal in MFP, is it worth paying the $50 to go premium so I can use grams?
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    No. just pick the percentage closest to the number you need.
  • edellaSut
    edellaSut Posts: 22 Member
    You can set your grams/% manually right in MFP and don't need the premium - that's what all the fuss was about a while ago because the facility wasn't working in a dependable way. Seems OK now, to my great happiness. Be warned though --I eat a keto diet and do the 5:2 as well which drops the nutritional data even further from what MFP considers suitable for health. It keeps nagging you to eat more!

    Looking at what you are eating, a quick 'by the way', make sure your protein is right, because any excess will get processed as carbs then converted to fat and stored.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    If I try to set grams - it tells me I have to pay for premium. If I set percent. it has to be multiple of 5, so 10%=38 and 5%=19 - I can't set 30
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    edited September 2015
    Set it at 10 percent and just don't let yourself go over, or set it at 5 percent and know you might be in the red sometimes. Whichever works best with how your mind works. You KNOW it is 30.... Myself, I'd go with the 19, so that even if exercise increases it, you're unlikely to ever go over that 30....but I'm not you...the red may make you feel like you are always failing. It never bothered me.
  • Bob314159
    Bob314159 Posts: 1,178 Member
    Clever idea - sublimal brain actions yesterday - I ended up meeting my goal of 38 [haha] - and I meant to be at 30 - so I'll cut it down