Question about how to know if you're in ketosis without testing

MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
I've been gradually reducing my carbs over the past year or so. First, I kept them under 150 net per day. The last few months I have usually been under 100. I recently (this is day 3) decided I am ready to keep them under 50. Ultimately, I would like to see how I feel with a ketogenic diet. I have read various things amount the amount of net carbs necessary to enter and remain in ketosis...some sources say under 50 grams, others say 20...I understand this can vary to some degree for each person.

Without going out to buy test strips or any other equipment (I would prefer to keep things simple if possible), is there any way to know with certainty if I have reduced carbs enough to actually be in ketosis? I have read about the strange smelling breath and things like that...but is that always present? Can I be in ketosis without any obvious signs? I know people on plans like Atkins usually start with 20 and move up, so in a sense I am doing it the opposite way...gradually lowering them until I hit the right level. Is there any disadvantage to this other than possibly taking a bit longer to enter ketosis?

