Exercise on LCHF



  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    I think the exercise that kittensmaster does far exceeds the effort most people put into any sort of weight lifting anyway, unless some of us are secretly Ilya Ilyin or something...
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    edited September 2015
    asyroyez wrote: »
    wabmester wrote: »
    Something @KittensMaster might tell you, and I completely agree -- 100g/d is very low carb (and highly ketogenic) if you exercise a bunch.

    100g = 400 kcal. About what you'll burn in a 30-40 minute run, leaving not much left for the brain (which burns 500-600 kcal/day).

    That's one reason exercise is VERY ketogenic, and as strange as it may seem, the more ketones you make, the more sodium you need to feel good.

    Wait, what? I've just been told the exact opposite on my thread here, so there is some misinformation (or misunderstanding) afoot... either from one side or another. I was told to keep the 20ish grams of carbs per day a constant no matter what. Can you clarify "a bunch" in your statement? Like lifting heavy 3x a week or a lot more? Also straight up science from either side would help.

    Oh, man, I would need to suppress a major rant if I were to discuss the 20g nonsense. I will refrain, and instead point you to Peter Attia, MD:
  • mountainrun73
    mountainrun73 Posts: 155 Member
    This morning was my first run since starting low carb in earnest (on Saturday 9/26). I had low energy yesterday and the day before and this morning's run was FANTASTIC (fasted save for my usual morning coffee which now includes cream). I did 4.43 miles at an average pace of 10:23 min/mile and felt super. I am looking forward to seeing how my running goes as I continue my low carb journey. FWIW, my carbs have been 50g or less for the last few days.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    asyroyez wrote: »
    wabmester wrote: »
    Something @KittensMaster might tell you, and I completely agree -- 100g/d is very low carb (and highly ketogenic) if you exercise a bunch.

    100g = 400 kcal. About what you'll burn in a 30-40 minute run, leaving not much left for the brain (which burns 500-600 kcal/day).

    That's one reason exercise is VERY ketogenic, and as strange as it may seem, the more ketones you make, the more sodium you need to feel good.

    Wait, what? I've just been told the exact opposite on my thread here, so there is some misinformation (or misunderstanding) afoot... either from one side or another. I was told to keep the 20ish grams of carbs per day a constant no matter what. Can you clarify "a bunch" in your statement? Like lifting heavy 3x a week or a lot more? Also straight up science from either side would help.

    You're misunderstanding the information presented in that thread.

    Under a standard ketogenic diet, your carb goal is a hard cap. You stated that your goal is 20g of carbs and you asked about MFP's behavior of adding more carbs and whether you should follow it. The answer to that question is generally, "no, make up the calories in protein and fat, instead. MFP does that, because it is based on a percentage of total calories, and adjusts grams to maintain that percentage."

    I can't speak for Wab, but what I consider "a bunch" (as in "enough to actually warrant carb cycling") usually requires things like runs that exceed marathon distances, bike rides that push or exceed 50-100 miles, or doing Olympic/elite level lifting nearly every day. Even then, as the flow chart linked in that thread shows, it also depends on how you feel. If you're getting enough sodium and you, as the chart puts it, "feel like you're going to die," then try adding a few carbs before your workout and see how you feel then. If you read the article from Dr. Attia that Wab linked, you'll also see that in Attia's case, he went on a 110 mile bike ride (over the course of two days) that included 6,000 feet of climbing each day and strong head or cross winds. That requires a ton of fuel in general -- to the tune of 5,400 calories each day. It should also be noted that I'm pretty sure that's total carbs, and his carb sources also had decent amounts of fiber (cashews, apples, pears, vegetables, etc), making the non-fiber carbs a fair bit lower.

    That's a ton of food, trust me. I typically only reach about 4,200 on my TDEE on a high-output day, busting my tail doing various stuff, and have packed away 3,200 or so calories on those days, and have done fine with the 80g of carbs I had on those types of days. It does provide the benefit of having a few extra carbs without having to worry about getting knocked out of ketosis, but you don't need the extra carbs, either.

    Again, read the stuff that DarthLuiggi has written. He's been doing this for over a decade and knows his stuff. If you read nothing else, read the mythbusting section. It addresses all of your concerns nearly directly, in great detail on the whys.