How to deal with burn out (rant)



  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    saraphim41 wrote: »
    My first line of defense is to postpone the "cheat." I tell myself I can have it next week or next month. By the time "next ___" rolls around I don't crave the treat any more.

    Agree. And one of the reasons I plan a cheat meal (usually around a birthday or holiday) every month. One meal.

    If I ate everything I promised myself I'd be eating for hours, lol. But I do eat whatever I want for that meal. And I've found it usually doesn't taste as good as my body was lying to me about! ;)
  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Something nobody's really mentioned, but I know from my own experience that when I get a craving for something that lasts for days, it's because there's something in that food my body needs. Ok, I'll crave bad examples (but good tasting) things in the category, but there is something about them that I need. For instance, if I drool over every steak or hamburger I see, I'm low on iron. When I add an iron tablet every day, my craving goes away, So look at what you're craving. Potatoes are reasonably high in Vitamin C, B6 and potassium. Could you be low in any of those nutrients, and your body's telling you to eat something with them? Donuts, I don't know, unless it's the B vitamins again in the flour. Maybe try taking a supplement or adding more foods with the same nutrients but lower carbs into your diet.

    Agree too! I'm a strong believer in body craving minerals and nutrients it lacks. In the hospital I was very low in electrolytes (potassium and magnesium) and all I wanted was bananas and potatoes!

    You can google what a good is high in and then Google other foods high in that nutrient that are low carb.
  • DittoDan
    DittoDan Posts: 1,850 Member
    nicintime wrote: »
    It shouldn't. Make you sad, that is.

    So... since this is a rant thread, buckle up! :-)

    For some of us carbs ARE poison, and a trip to Five Guys and Krispy Creme will find us waking up in a carb induced fog 6 months from now 50 lbs heavier. AGAIN! :-(

    I can't do that again, cravings be damned.

    Count the years you have left if you live to an "average" age (unlikely for those of us who are morbidly obese). Is that how you want to spend those years?! No thanks, I'm out. Can't do it.

    Certainly nuts and dark chocolate are fine - for most of us. Make the effort to be creative in your low carb cookery. Sometimes we won't put that effort in, then conclude "low carb won't work for me because I'm tired of eggs and bacon". Not true! My laziness or lack of information is the issue, not the way of eating! Tell yourself the truth, then at least you're dealing with reality!

    There are many of you who can "get away with" skirting the edges of low carb. That is wonderful, and I am truly happy for you and wish you nothing but success! Certainly the majority of our population would greatly benefit by just reducing their carbs to the 150 ish level!

    If you're morbidly obese with serious food issues that is not you. The truth is your friend, and will set you free - though perhaps make you miserable at first.

    We have a HUGE variety of folks in this group, which is one of its greatest strengths in my opinion. I really like appreciate those different perspectives, from carnivore to barely low carb. I have learned to filter advice from what I've gleaned from the poster's perspective - a good thing. Newbies of course can't do that. I'm starting to think it would be a cool idea to put in our signature line our chosen way of eating, perspective, etc everyone kind of like DittoDan does.

    Good luck everyone! ....and color me morbidly obese, older, 20 grams or less total, and I can't go back.

    AMEN Bro! When you're so fat you can't operate as a normal person, where you strain to tie your shoes, or you can't get off the ground if you've fallen down, you get no respect from co-workers because they think you're an "undisciplined slob", or you can only "dream" of ever having a girl friend/wife, or 10 + years of your life goes away with sciatic nerve damage in your hips and water on your knee cap, or you can't take a simple stroll at the zoo, because you become winded after a 100 steps, or your tired of giving your pants to your friend to sew the damn buttons back on and repair the zippers because your gut blows them off your pants, or your tired of only being able to buy clothes online (local stores hardly have clothes for people my size), or you spend thousands of dollars for co-pays on diabetic meds and your insurance company pays 5 times that much and causes everyone's insurance to go up, or you pay thousands of dollars for food and restaurants and snacks, or you can't go on nice vacations because a lot of vacationing involves walking....


    If you non-morbidly obese people want to read what its like being fat, read this:

    The Letter I Wrote My Doctor (if you're squemish ~ don't read)

    I hope this helps,
    Dan the Man from Michigan
    Keto / Water Fasting / E.A.S.Y. Exercise Program
    110 pounds down, 24 to go. 12 months 3 weeks on diet
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  • chaoticdreams
    chaoticdreams Posts: 447 Member
    Well, this morning the cravings are gone. I ate more than normal yesterday and I think I was in fact right. I was just hungry. I was also lighter on the scale too which is so weird...

    Maintenance is so far away at the moment, I haven't given it much thought other than knowing I just can't go back to old habits and I definitely can't eat tons of carbs anymore. I may add back berries, whole grains, and some beans, but I'm done with rice, pasta, and sweets every day. I've lost a good deal of weight before and then put it all back on despite saying I never would. I'm not going to say never this time, but this time I am quite convinced goal is not the end of the journey. I know it's going to be harder to maintain than I can even imagine. At this rate of losing, which is going to change as I get smaller, I've got at least 8 months until I even see the light of day. I love the maintainers that stick around. You are all a huge inspiration!

    I did manage to make my first mini goal without even realizing it though. I've lost 10% of my body weight! YAY!
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Congratulations! And what a perfect illustration of "it does get better".

    Yeah, maintenance is a long ways away for me too, and I work hard to live in the now and keep my nose to the grindstone and my eye on each step.

    But I still lift my eyes and take a peek at the prize every now send then.

    Glad today is better, and good luck to us all on our journey.

    To life!
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Well, this morning the cravings are gone. I ate more than normal yesterday and I think I was in fact right. I was just hungry. I was also lighter on the scale too which is so weird...

    Maintenance is so far away at the moment, I haven't given it much thought other than knowing I just can't go back to old habits and I definitely can't eat tons of carbs anymore. I may add back berries, whole grains, and some beans, but I'm done with rice, pasta, and sweets every day. I've lost a good deal of weight before and then put it all back on despite saying I never would. I'm not going to say never this time, but this time I am quite convinced goal is not the end of the journey. I know it's going to be harder to maintain than I can even imagine. At this rate of losing, which is going to change as I get smaller, I've got at least 8 months until I even see the light of day. I love the maintainers that stick around. You are all a huge inspiration!

    I did manage to make my first mini goal without even realizing it though. I've lost 10% of my body weight! YAY!

    Remember, too, that at every mark of 10-20% of body weight gone, you should really focus on some part of maintain that weight for a while (recommended is 3-6 months, but yeah, right)... This is so we don't fatigue our metabolism, and so that we don't fatigue our determination, and so that we don't fatigue period. Some folks may lose slow enough not to need this period as much, but it also will bolster your believe that maintenance IS possible. If you can maintain at THIS weight, you might have to tweak, but you can eventually maintain at any weight.

    Little achievements like this make my "Unplanned Weight Maintenance while still somehow recomping my body fat" a little more bearable. I have the added complication of insulin resistance amongst other things, so it's really helpful to have these reminders. At my heaviest, I was 319. I've been firmly under 300 for 4 years, and I've been in that 250 +/- range for over 2 years. While the scale and such still have wax and wane phases, I'm here, I'm fighting, I've kept it off when in the past I would have gained it all back PLUS MORE! So yeah, it is possible, even when that overwhelming screaming craving is in our face...

    Giving in to that old craving is kind of like going to the garage sale and buying your old crap back - or taking back and Ex who was never worth it! Keep on keeping on and vent, rant, and rave here as needed... We all need that pressure release!
  • sweetteadrinker2
    sweetteadrinker2 Posts: 1,026 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    I'm going to be honest and say that I've cried my way through cravings before. If nothing else sounds good except the craving I just don't eat. It'll usually pass.

    This makes me sad. I agree with the hard-line carbs=poison approach in the beginning. It helps break old habits and establish new ones. But for people who have been at this for a while, haven't you found something not-so-bad that satisfies your cravings? For me, it's nuts and dark chocolate. Low carb, but they completely satisfy my urges for "evil" foods. :)

    After 8 months or so, I can even eat some evil carbs without going crazy. They're mostly just a novelty for me these days.

    I'm roughly the same into this as you are. But for me this is a permanent fact of life, I don't think I'll be able to raise to more than 50 grams per day in the next 20 years if ever(unless I get pregnant). I love nuts and dark chocolate, but I can't replace a craving for a mcchicken with them. There is bottom-line no substitute for some of the things I crave. It's psychological, and it sucks, but I don't want to end up dead from puking my guts out more than I want a mcchicken.

  • JessicaLCHF
    JessicaLCHF Posts: 1,265 Member
    Just threw up a little reading "McChicken". Can't believe I ever ate McTerrible food.