June 23rd --June 29th

cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
June 23rd -- June 29th

Stretch or Yoga, 30 minutes on June 28st

Rest on June 29nd

Second Challenge
(Start June 24th)

Punches with exaggerated twist to warm up 45 seconds:
Lunges: Do 12 lunges on each leg, repeat X 1 (add weights, a bar or dumbbells are fine)
Planks: Do each of the following for 50 seconds
Side Plank, Center Plank, Side Plank, then 13 sit-ups (do bicycles if more is needed for sit-ups)
Repeat the Planks and Sit-ups one more time
Rows & Curls, do 1 set of 10 for each exercise, repeat X 1
Arnold Presses, do two sets of 10, rest 30 seconds between sets
Flys & Kickbacks, do 1 set of 10 for each exercise, repeat X 1

Mason (Russian) Twists For 50 seconds, feet should remain off the ground during the entire time
Lunges 12 lunges on each leg, repeat, (add weights, a weighted bar or dumbbells are fine)
Do each of the following for 50 seconds, SIDE PLANK, CENTER PLANK, SIDE PLANK
Bicycles for 30 seconds REPEAT
Bent Over Rows & Seated concentration curls. Do 1 set of 10 reps for each exercise, repeat X 1
Arnold Presses, do two sets of 10, rest 30 seconds between sets
Flys (use dumbbells) & Simmons Presses. Simmons Presses are like skull crushers. Only using hand weights, palms facing inwards and go down to your ears. Do 1 set of 10 reps for each exercise, repeat X 1

First Challenge
(Start June 23rd)

75 Jumping Jacks
60 Squats
20 Burpees
25 Pushups
60 Mtn. Climbers

Repeat One Time

Alternate these two Challenges for five days. On day six do either a 30 minute stretch or 20-30 minutes of yoga.
Then "Rest" on day 7. Walking is OK for day 7. But all bodies need a day of rest to adequately prepare for the next week.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Did last week's challenge. Did not even realize it was Sunday! Been a long week. Took the four guys for a walk today. Then dug about 40 irises up for a friend. Probably was more. I just filled up her back seat. Lol. Still have some more to dig but they can wait. Rocky worked on the wall some more while I paid bills and balanced our budget. Then I painted one of the rails again. He got mortar on it, pain to clean off so I could paint. Then we went to Olive Garden. Lol, I only ate half my dinner. And did some laundry. A friend from out of town stopped by and that was why we went out. It was nice for a change. Well back to work tomorrow.

    Hope you had a great Sunday, and thanks for putting this up.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    The flower part sounds fun...the bill paying? not so fun. I love OG! I love there soup and salad lunch. I always get bread without the oil/butter. I can have two if I order them like that...I never do have two, but I could if I wanted! After lunch we will order three different little mini deserts and share. It's so fun!

    Today I had to do an online driving school for a traffic ticket I got last month. You know that I commute in the worst stop-and-go traffic ever, five days a week. I got off early one Friday and was flying home...nobody in front of me, nobody behind of me... but there was a cop to the side of me!! He clocked me doing 82 mph, and I told him that "Nobody would believe that I was able to do 82 miles an hour on Hiway 4." He didn't think that was funny...after he wrote the ticket, he asked me if I realized I was doing 82 mph. My reply was, "Officer, I commute five days a week and the fact that there was nobody in front of me...well, I was excited." He didn't think that was funny, either. So it doesn't show on my record, I went to online traffic school. It took a good part of the day, so I didn't get any walking in and only did our challenge. I'm good with that. Tomorrow is a new day!

    Sounds like your weekend was tornado free!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Some officers have no sense of humor. He could have still given you a ticket, but been a whole lot nicer. Such a sour puss. I am so much nicer to people that I am arresting! If you believe in karma, well he will get his ticket while on vacation most likely. So glad you could keep it off your record. :) I only did half of our challenge. I thought them planks were going to kill me. Lol

    I so will have to just get the little desserts next time I go, :p. So many calories in it all. Only for special days. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    He was young, good looking and full of himself but that's okay. I was going 82. I knew it. I got busted. He was sitting at the end of a big curve in the road. We had all just come down the hill, where you tend to go faster, and as we rounded the curve, there he was...he had to have his radar gun pointed backward because I had slowed to 60 by the time I passed him. Too funny!

    Got our new challenge done. No side planks yet. Having issues with the lunges all of a sudden. Used 5 pounders. Everything stayed in its place! Did Slim in 6 and walked four miles. I'm happy.

    I used to order the Chicken con Broccoli...I loved it...turns out it was the highest fat and calorie lunch on the menu. They don't offer it anymore. :sad: It turned up in one of the "Eat This Not That" books. It was a big NOT THAT item!!! Oh well. I stick to the soup and salad. And dessert...

    My weight was way up this morning. Have to get back on my plan. Vacation made it way too easy to raid the fridge. I was very good today, Now I have to get things together for work tomorrow and get to bed.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    He might have been doing his job, and you were speeding. But he can be polite to the public!

    I did half of our challenge. Walked the boys for a couple of miles and then worked on Coopers wall a little. Takes more time to clean up the mess and put everything away. That is the problem.

    You are cracking me up. I read those books. Will have to see if I have the one with your chicken meal in it. LOL My weight is up a bit also. I think it might just be water retention. Sounds like a good excuse anyways. LOL Watch out for that Highway mosquito, he might still be wanting some blood from you for having a sense of humor. :P

    Well I better get to work. Have a great day. Still going to get a new picture posted with me and the flying Cooper standing in front of his wall. LOL

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    Got the burpee challenge done yesterday, Slim in 6, 1/2 of BR, and rode the recumbent. My knees are killing me today, so I'm not going to do anything but sit and read my book!!

    I watch for that Highway mosquito every day. I let folks drive faster than I drive. I surround myself in cars!! Well, it's wasn't too hard today. There were two..count them two accidents on a two-lane highway that can't afford any. It took me almost an hour and a half to travel 20 miles. ugh!

    Looking forward to your new pic!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Awesome job. That drive of yours was a killer. I walked alot at work today. Watered all my baskets and pots. Did our grocery shopping and a 13 gallon water change in the salt water tank. Spent an hour on the phone and computer trying to arrange the pick up of a package from Fed ex. I am so worn out. Just going to vegetative now. Maybe I will get a walk in with the boys tomorrow. :)

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Walked on the treadmill tonight. Just needed to. Then mixed up an 80 pound bag of concrete. We poured some stepping stones tonight. One is an 18" horses head, a prairie homestead scene, that one was larger and the last was a 12" stage coach with horses. That took all 80 pounds!

    Time to chill. Excited about seeing what we choose on our new challenge. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    Took today off too. It's my normal REST DAY and I needed to make soup. Made a ham, black-eyed pea and golden hominy soup. Pretty darn good. SO worked on my computers and swapped them around. The one I was using kept crashing. Now I should be fine. I know as much about computers as I know about cars...how to turn it on and where to put the gas...oh, wait they don't take gas...do they? wait...okay, no. They don't use gas that would make them explode or something.bwahahaha!

    Walking w/Sara and Bean in the morning. Going to get challenges done first thing then hit the book store!!

    Have a good Friday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    But you do know where the gas goes! Lol. Taking today off to walk the boys and start tearing down the other old wall. Out with the old and in with the new. :) Have an awesome walk with Bean and family. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    Excellent work! That's a lot of darn bricks, if you ask me. I moved three stones in our back yard and called it a day.

    They are talking 105...106...107 degrees for us this next week. This is some really strange weather. It rained last week!

    Have a great Sunday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Oh my gosh, that is way hot. No walking outside! Well today was more of yesterday but in reverse. Purchased 60 blocks, 16x8x"8". Unloaded them and took them into the back yard and filled up the boys escape route. I am sore. Back of my knees, my back, my feet and my hands. Hubby finished up laying all the blocks on the first wall. Closer to the finish line! I still have about two more truck loads to remove and replace. Rocky will start to mortar them in place next Saturday. And I will be doing more of the last two days. I might be taking tomorrow as a rest day.

    Well I am going to go curl up with a book.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    Yep, no walking outside! Took the weekend off. I think I didn't like the Slim in 6 enough that I didn't want to do it and I let it spoil my motivation! So now I'm on to other things! Did 20 minutes of a Beginners Boot Camp DVD this afternoon that I won't do again because it's not for beginners, and there was toooooo much jumping then I did 10 minutes of a Total Body Workout that was okay. Then I rode the recumbent for 43 minutes for 12.0 miles. It was an all right afternoon.

    I love your fish pic! I hope your walls are getting closer to being finished. Sounds like hard, hard work to me.

    My weight was way up this morning. Must get serious about this again!

    Going to get ready for tomorrow.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Might just be water retention with all this heat. I know how you feel with the motivation not being where it should. The wall is alot of work. But is starting to look great. Even had one guy stop and look at it last night. He was pointing and talking with his passenger for several minutes. He did not even notice us. Lol

    I spent last night trying to find the right product for my fish who are sick. One died! And the stores did not have what I wanted for them. So I got what I could and ordered what I wanted. Hope I do not lose any others. Doing a water change tonight. So needless to say I will not be getting in a conventional workout tonight. Changing water and pouring some concrete.

    I did get in a walk yesterday. But not much else. And still a little sore from this weekend.

    Talk at you later. Hopefully it will cool off for us and our four legged friends.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    I'm so sorry about your fish. I hope you get the meds for them soon. Your walls are going to be awesome!! Even the neighbors know that!

    Yes, on the water retention...down a lot this morning. I did 45 minutes of a new DVD by Coffee-Meyer this afternoon. Cardio Quick Fix. I really like it. Then I got on the recumbent for 45 minutes and 12.0 miles.

    It was actually cooler tonight. If I hadn't already done all my exercising, I could have gone out at 8:30 and walked for 20 minutes. Well I'll be off Thurs and Fri, so I can drag my sorry fanny out about 7:00 a.m.and get in four miles before it turns into an oven out there.

    Hope your Wednesday is good!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Sounds like a great new workout for you. :) I still need to try one of hers.

    Well I lost another fish today. :( I will be cleaning and working on setting up a quarantine tank tonight. I ordered some other medicine that cannot be used in my display tank. But it is more likely to cure the fish. The clown fish still looked to be improving this morning. Have a great fourth.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    How are your fish today? I hope they are getting better.

    I took yesterday as my REST DAY because I am off today, tomorrow and the weekend. I'll get all my walking done before it gets hot outside. This morning at 7:30 was perfect. Tomorrow I'm going out at 6:00 a.m. because Sara and I have Zumba at 8:30 at the gym.

    Today, I walked 4.52 miles in 63 minutes then Sara and I went to the gym for a 60 minute Zumba class. Now, I'm going shopping!

    My Zumba shoes are perfect for this class. They help make the moves easier so my knees don't take all the punishment. I'm happy!

    Hope your 4th is fun! Oh, someone went around the neighborhood last night and places an American flag in each yard. It's a pretty cool sight to see up and down all the streets.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    I walked 4.22 miles in 61 minutes then went to the gym with Sara. We did a Cardio Dance class for an hour. Not real crazy about this instructor today. She was way too fast.

    This afternoon, Sara, her b'friend and I shopped for shower gifts for her best friend's shower tomorrow then had lunch at Mimi's. I brought most of my salad home for my SO. No muffin for me...I gave it to Sara's b'friend. Not that it made any difference at all because I fell face first into a box of Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches! bwahahahah! They should really stop selling those. I'm just sayin' !!

    Hope your Friday went by quickly and painlessly!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,899 Member
    Wow, That was so awesome that someone put out all those flags. We fly ours year around. Love that they did that.
    Seems like the fish are doing better. I really miss my Angelfish. :( Funny thing tonight. I filled in our 1-30 right under yours. Lol.

    I love skinny cow. We would have been bumping heads! Sounds like you all had a successful day. We walked the boys again today. I had to work, I did a lot of stair walking. Tomorrow I will be tearing down more of that wall. Going to shoot for two truck loads to the dump before they close. Also needing to make another water change on the aquarium. We are going to do weekly changes from now on. We were doing it every other week.

    I still have not found a zumba class I like for the summer. Sorry your instructor was a dud. I like fast classes, but like to catch my breath at times. :) Have a great Saturday.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,444 Member
    I'm glad your fish are doing better.

    Have you tried the Snickerdoodle Skinny Cows?

    Tonight I posted our 1-30 right after yours! I got in 4.22 miles in 62 minutes this morning w/Bean and a 60 minute Zumba class at the gym w/Sara. We had this instructor Thurs, so it was much easier. I'll walk tomorrow and do one of my DVD because Sara has a meeting w/schoolmates on their project.

    Went to a bridal shower today for Sara's best friend, Holly. They have known each other since we moved up here 20 years ago. It's so fun to watch them together. They finish each others sentences and get so excited telling stories about silly things they used to do. The food was outrageous, but I was pretty good. I sampled a few things, but I don't really trust food that other people make. I'm pretty careful. I could have OD'd on the bread, but I was good there too.

    Hope you got all your bricks to the dump and that your wall is almost finished.

    Have a good Sunday.
