June 23rd --June 29th



  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    I love skinny cow. Almost bought some today. You do not trust other people's food. Germs? Filthy kitchens? Don't blame you, or allergies?

    I still have not decided on a zumba class. Well all the bricks are at the dump, accept for about a four foot section. If we had taken it down we would have had to buy bricks we don't need. Since we stacked the new ones up to keep the boys in the yard. :) The brick yard was closed for inventory so we could not get the specialties we needed. I hope to pick them up Tuesday. If we were not making so much of our own cap bricks and railing we could have been done. Still looks good.

    I did some kettle bells, gardening and walked the boys. Oh and made one more cap brick. Lol, I only have one mold! Takes forever to make enough. :p

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    I think it is pretty cool when we sign on right after each other on our other challenge. Today I did some walking and weeding. I am so behind in my weeding. :( I must of spent at least three hours total on just one bed! I am going to work on it some more tomorrow after I pick up some more blocks. I am hoping to get two cap stones made tomorrow! This part of the wall should go quick. Hope you had a good day.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    I had a really great day! It is our 30th wedding anniversary. Sara, Pete and Bean came over with dinner and we ate ice cream cones and watched Justified!! It was the best!

    Back to it tomorrow! I'll walk or bike and DVD it.

    Hope you had a great Monday!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Too hot outside to walk, so I rode the recumbent for 12.0 miles in 45 minutes. I cranked it up one more level. I did 45 minutes of Coffee-Meyers new DVD. The time just flew by!! I'm pretty happy! Sara might be able to walk with me tomorrow or we'll go to the gym. That's always fun.

    Back to getting ready for tomorrow.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    Congradulations on your 30th. That is so awesome. We have alot in common. We celebrate ours on the 15th. It will be our 34th. I have most of our garden beds cleaned out of weeds finally. I walked the boys by myself on Tuesday morning. Had half the day off and they sure knew it. Been doing kettlebells in the mornings a little. Well better get back to work. I think I am going to do our old challenge on Saturday. I actually miss it. How is Bean doing. Still hot there?

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Thank you!

    This is so funny...I wish I could show you my workout journal. I post it everyday with the exercises and challenges I'm going to do and check them off as I do them. Today I have our burpee challenge listed! spooky!

    Rode the recumbent 40 mins and exercised 45 mins yesterday.

    I got to walk w/Sara and Bean today and got 45 minutes of the Coffey-Meyer DVD done. It was a bit cooler today...walkable by 6:30 this evening. We'll get Bean this Saturday for a sleep-over! What fun!

    Do you have anything planned for your 34th?

    Have a good Friday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    I entered after you again. Lol. We love the movies. So we will be going to one. But mostly just working on Coopers wall some more. Since all but a very small amount of the old wall is already torn out and hauled away it will be easier going. Once the first course is laid it will be really fast going. Though we still have more cap stones to pour. And the rail in to make........Just time consuming. But if it keeps Cooper safe, well it will be worth it. :)

    A sleep over with Bean! How fun. :) Whatever will you do with grand babies! Spoiler, :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Had Bean for a couple of hours this morning. Needed a walking partner since Sara was in class all day. We walked for 25 minutes then I dropped him off w/my husband. They played in the water while I finished my 5.3 miles. I took Bean home then did 77 minutes of Phase 1 workouts 1 & 2 of JMBR, one of our burpee challenges and some other MFP challenges.

    I think Cooper's Wall is a great name for your new wall!! Can one of the cap stones have his paw print in it? ...I don't know what a cap stone is, but it sounds like something on the top...Cooper should sign his wall some how.

    We get Bean tonight. And again tomorrow evening. It will be fun. Well, hopefully, there will be no grand babies for at least three years. Sara has classes through December then her dissertation to write. They want to travel to England and Scotland before kids. At least that's the plan...we'll see what happens.

    Well, must shop now. Maybe I'll hit the book store, too.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member

    Worked out for an hour and 45 minutes today. I started Focus T25 with a group. We were to start with Alpha and work through that for five weeks then start Beta and work through that for five weeks...I started with Beta!! Then did Alpha. There is a bit of jumping and my feet actually got tired. I think my knees will be okay. The jumping is little jumps and if it got too much I modified it. My burpees were slower than theirs, but so far, I like it!

    Hope you had a wonderful 34th!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    Sorry I have not been replying. Been working late with a trial. Pump went out in the aquarium. Had to order a new one. :( And now the lights quit working! Since they quit working the fish won't come out to get fed! Driving me nuts. And we have not found a place that carries replacements. We emailed the company that makes this setup and now are waiting a reply. This tank is just now over a year old. And I have discovered some critter in the yank that is multiplying like rats. And I have no idea if it is harmful or not.

    Sounds like you found a great fit with this new group. :) Sounds fun. I found a program I want to try as soon as I get things in my life back in order. The mold for the cap stone is kinda like pouring a cake in a pan using concrete. So the top can't be wrote on. But I like your idea. So we are going to put his prints in the concrete pad we will need to pour under one of the gates. :)

    Scotland and England sound great. You will make a great grandmother. Just wish you find' t have to wait so long. But since you are ok with it I know it is for the best. :)

    Off and running now.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    So sorry about your fish tanks. Hope it the critter turns out to be food for the fish.

    Nah, I'm probably not going to hang wiht the group...they are on face book and I don't do that. I'm waiting for another group to start up and I'll join that. Still doing the workouts. Probably be better if I did them in the order the program lays out for you but ...

    Cooper's Wall will be ultra cool when he signs it!

    Yesterday, I worked out for 60 minutes doing T25, our weights workout and some smaller challenges, then I rode the recumbent for 45 minutes. I think today is going to be a REST DAY because we are out of food...someone needs to shop and cook..guess that's me!

    Have a great Wednesday!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    LOL, but since you do the shopping you get to buy what you want. :) Yesterday was bad. We lost all but one fish with the tank issues. :( Today the new pump should be in. And tomorrow a new lighting system. And next month we are going to buy a back up system. So we changed water yesterday and I just worked in my garden. Kinda like therapy. I hate face book. :) I am going to do some of our old workout tonight and 30 minutes of kettlebells. Love them things. :) Have a great rest day.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    I'm so sorry about your fish.

    Didn't workout today...Sara has a paper do tomorrow...15 pages that I edited for her. It takes a while sometimes. Now I'm sleepy. I'm off tomorrow so I'll pick up Bean early and we'll walk then he'll lay on the couch and watch me workout to my DVDs.

    I joined a 21 Day No Junk Food challenge...this is actually my 5th day and so far, so good! I need to work on that little problem before we go on vacation again the beginning of August. It does help not to buy the trigger foods, but sometimes they just jump in the shopping cart and get into the cupboards before you know it. Sometimes they don't all make it home...skinny cows... This will be a good challenge.

    Have a great Friday...

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Bean and I did four miles this morning then he slept all day! I got through Focus T25 Ab workout today. It's pretty fast...up and down. Hard to keep up, and they don't show the modified version enough. It will be easier the next time I do it. Then I put in the second workout DVD in the player and now the player is stuck, it won't play or shut off...you wouldn't think that would be something I could mess up but...

    I'm working on my No Junk Food challenge. Being home w/Bean until Pat gets home is tough. I should be out shopping or at the book store instead of listening to the voices in my pantry. Last week, I ordered marcona almonds and jumbo golden flame raisins from nuts.com and the box arrived yesterday. I didn't open it...I stuck it in the pantry on the bottom shelf. Can't eat just one!

    Hope your Friday was terrific!.


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    Friday was great. Went and watched world war z. It was not what I expected. But I still had fun. I hope your player is behaving now. Hate when that happens! NO JUNK FOOD! Wow, you go girl.

    Walked the boys today. They were so funny running and chasing each other. Then worked in the garden most of the morning. Sanara brought a friend over to see the flowers. She was a really nice young lady. I sent her home with plants. Lol

    Well I am getting eaten alive by mosquitoes, so to bed I am heading. Have an awesome Sunday. And good luck with the eating challenge. :)

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    This is actually DAY SEVEN of NO JUNK FOOD!! The weight I put on during vacation is coming off...good thing because we're going on vacation as of August 1st through the 11th.

    Went to the bookstore w/Sara and Pete today then to lunch at Mimi's. I had salad and gave Pete my muffin that was worth about 400 calories! Mimi's has the biggest...best muffins!

    Got all my challenges done. Did our burpee challenge and T25 cardio then rode the recumbent 53 minutes for 13 miles. It was a good Saturday.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,977 Member
    You gave up a muffing? You are doing awesome Glad your ighcoming off. :) Where are you going on vacation? Sounds fantastic. :)

    I did our challenge yesterday and a walk. Then poured another cap stone. Tonight I am doing kettlebells. Should be good. It got up to 101 yesterday here! Way to hot for me.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,728 Member
    Pete plays Rugby, so he can afford the muffin...It takes me too long to work it off. They are so good though.

    We aren't going anywhere, we are puppy sitting again. The kids are going down south to Disneyland for the week. It will be fun with Bean, and he'll motivate me to get out and walk.

    Today is a rest day. No junk food, but I did have more nuts than I should have had...esp since I didn't exercise.

    It only got into the 90's today, so you got us beat there! This has been an strange summer.

    Hope your Wednesday is terrific!
