The Bro-ctober workout thread; SUPAHSET!



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Thanks @StephieWillcox.... I haven't bumped my weight up to 52.5kg yet only because I can barely eke out 5x5 at 50kg, and that's with 2-3 minutes rest between sets.

    I guess I should bite the bullet and just throw on some extra weight, just to see what happens.

    I think you should just try and see what happens. That's how 5x5 is supposed to work. You try a few times to get all sets of 5, if you don,t get it, you deload and work your way back up!

    HIghlights of the past 2 workouts:

    Pendlay rows 95x5x5 went pretty well on Wed. Barely any inching my head forward/down to finish the contraction. I'm getting better at it. Just need to keep remembering to drop my butt some.

    I got the "shred" circuit done with a higher weight than last week, too, and got more push-ups done. I was pretty pleased with it all things considered.

    Today was squats: 175x3x5
    was a little less clean than 170 but still pretty okay. I didn,t step back far enough on the 2nd set and hit the hooks on the last rep tho (so I do lean forward as I tired out, oops). I also got a single at 190lbs for fun and that went pretty okay. I get to try 180 again this month. Woop!

    Then EMOTM x6 of strict 1-arm DB press. Used 32.5 and got 5/4/5/4/5/5...
    that's almost like completing a 5x5 of OHP with 65lbs in less than 6 minutes! That makes me stupidly happy for some reason xD

    And oh, 8 Turkish Get-ups per side with a 25lbs DB in 5 minutes. Boom!

    5 more sessions til my wife gets here and I head into a deload week :)
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    Is it wrong of me not to do a SL workout today? My quads are overworked, plus I'll be biking home, and then doing the 12 mile bike ride tomorrow. The only break I'll have will be on Sunday (and today if I don't work out). I will be missing out on the overhead presses and deadlifts. Decisions. Decisions.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    dcresider wrote: »
    Is it wrong of me not to do a SL workout today? My quads are overworked, plus I'll be biking home, and then doing the 12 mile bike ride tomorrow. The only break I'll have will be on Sunday (and today if I don't work out). I will be missing out on the overhead presses and deadlifts. Decisions. Decisions.

    How about skipping squats just this once, or doing them much lighter? If you want to do OHP, it's not gonna hurt your biking! ;)
  • jessiefrancine
    jessiefrancine Posts: 271 Member
    Had a good workout yesterday.

    Squats 5x5x102.5 lbs
    OHP 5x5x65 lbs
    DL 1x5x130 lbs

    Was psyched about OHP because my last workout I failed to complete the sets at that weight. Yay - my muscles are growing/getting more efficient/whatever!

    DL seemed like a lot - hard on my back. Not sure if I didn't warm up adequately or what. I might stay at 130 lbs next time just to make sure I can handle it with good form before moving up.
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    Morning ladies!! Lifted last night - was in two minds about lifting of taking an extra day off but glad I did it!!

    Squat 5x5x130lbs - this was a deload and felt grindy after twisting my leg earlier this week
    OHP 5,5,3,3,5 x 85lbs UGLY
    Deadlift 1x4x240lbs BOOYAH

    Superset of fun upper body stuff 3x8
    Lat pull downs
    Barbell curls
    Single arm row
    Single arm dumbbell press
    Arnold press
    Pike push-up

    Hungry today!!!
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    bluefish86 wrote: »
    Thanks @StephieWillcox.... I haven't bumped my weight up to 52.5kg yet only because I can barely eke out 5x5 at 50kg, and that's with 2-3 minutes rest between sets.

    I guess I should bite the bullet and just throw on some extra weight, just to see what happens.

    Totally try it. Some days it'll be a lot of work to finish those 5 sets of 5 reps - the next session you've added weight and it's easy. OHP is the biggest culprit for me for that, I've even failed reps then the session it was easy that it made no sense why I had issues last time. Much of it was getting stronger or the brain and body finally click as one.

    I'd only repeat if you missed reps or your form was ugly. You can still have good form if you just barely can lift that weight.
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    I squat more than my body weight today! 125#. I gave in and bought the power pack in the SL app and I'm so glad I did. I had reloaded several times and now it has me on 3x5. And I love that I don't have to do plate math anymore.

    I benched 75#

    And I've switched to T-bar rows because pendlays suck! I'm at 110 for those.

    I also ordered a silicone ring that I can wear while lifting because, although I am flattered that the guys at the gym think I'm young enough for them, I'm tired of them approaching me during my workouts. Maybe having a ring on my finger will weed out the ones that want to hit on me and leave the ones that just want to chat about weights during rest periods.
  • awkwardsoul
    awkwardsoul Posts: 222 Member
    Phew, last lifting session for the week!

    OHP 5x8 62.5lbs. These went pretty good, tough at the end with doing 8 reps but still went smoothly.

    Farmer's walks 25lbs each hand.

    I've been meaning to start yoga again. Doing yoga before really help with my recovery and I stopped getting knots. Hopefully I won't hurt myself again.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    edited October 2015
    @klrenn - Nice work. How do you like the T-bar row? I've never tired it so have been doing bent over rows when pendlay got frustrating. Considering trying some different ones for fun though as I've still been stalling with the rows in general.

    Went to the gym today after getting packet for 10k. This way, I just have work tomorrow and can sleep in since I probably won't sleep a whole lot Saturday night. Race is in the morning on Sunday. Find it interesting how beer and races are paired together often. There is going to be beer after the race but they even had some at the packet pick up location. I didn't have any today but after lifting I did go get pizza. mmm pizza. Lifting went decent, though didn't increase incline bench still. I also can't get my wireless headphones to work for some reason. They say connected but then nothing. Need to mess around with them and see if I can get them working again.

    23 - upper hyper

    incline bench press 4x10 @ 65 - managed though last rep was a little tough. I should probably try 70 again.
    db fly 4x10 @ 15 - fine here.
    seated row 4x8 @ 70 - feel heavy but manageable.
    one db row 4x9 @ 25 - easy enough.
    lateral raise 3x9 @ 12.5 - rough by the end.
    seated db curl 3x8 @ 20 - meh
    cable tri extension 1x8 30 on tricep pushdown spot, 4x8 @ 60 on cable crossover spot - Yeah, not sure why it's harder on the side of the cable thing but it was and I didn't like it, so I finally found an open spot in the middle instead.

    Next week will be fun. After the rest from 10k, before vacation, I'm going to do some max testing. Not sure what day to do first and I'm thinking of doing bench in a rack, which I've never done before. Also, not sure on how long to rest between sets when working on increasing. Probably do 4 of them: squat, bench, deadlift and OHP/Rows with other exercises after for fun. Plus, plan on filming them on my phone at least so can show some family what I do at the gym. Should be interesting at least.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    well, the flu shot in my rear delt bit me hard when i locked out the first ohp and i just generally failed all over the place at 56lb on that lift. not even 3x5 with it. i failed the first second at 4, failed the next set at 3, tried 2 on the last set and just quit all around after that. i don't think it was strength, just couldn't get my technical stuff together. because at the end of the whole thing i went back and cranked out 6 or 8 with 45lbs from sheer angry-ness, and that went just fine.

    but trainer day wasn't bad even so. i did squats at 75lb with the bad knee in a sleeve, and my new much-improved form still seems to be there. work sets were 5, 5, and 10. then i did a little front squatting with the bar too, and trainer gave me some pointers but said that in general my form was good.

    so tired though. i forgot to eat anything today except for two smoothies and some handfuls of trail mix so i think i'll just write this day off and wait for the rest of my life where lifting's concerned.
  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Done! Pleased I managed to it that in this afternoon. The gym is quiet on Saturday afternoon, too.

    Squat 5x5 59kg
    Bench 5x5 35kg
    Row 5x5 44kg

    All good. Squats are hard, but I got through. And I managed a few pull ups at the end.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Can I join in, please?!

    Day 1 yesterday....
    SQ 5X5 20KG
    BP 5X5 20KG
    Row 5X5 30KG

    Weights felt light but I need to work on form as I've gotten into bad habits from years of body pump. Did some abs stuff as well and can definitely feel I've worked! Had to use a bench and barbells as the rack was in use.

    Today, did combat then some lat pull downs 16.25kg, and triceps stuff on the cable machine....I went over my handlebars last year and did some rotator cuff damage so still trying to work on fixing them. Baby steps!!

    Tomorrow I'm spinning then day 2 of SL...
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    @DawnEmbers good luck with your 10k today!
  • klrenn
    klrenn Posts: 245 Member
    @DawnEmbers - I like the T-bar rows. There's something about the leverage that just feels comfortable, and it seems easier to keep my elbows from flaring out and concentrate on the right muscles.

    Sunday morning workout for me:

    I didn't realize that the app was going to bump me back down to 110# squats - 3x5 at that weight felt really comfortable.

    OHP - failed the third time at 60#, but felt the best so far at that weight (5,5,4,4,4)

    Deadlift - 155# - I had stuck to 150 for several workouts as I was working on my form...think I finally got the hip hinge and the right hip/knee angles....felt really good :smile:

    I've been adding in weighted glute bridges because I'm pretty quad dominant and I want my glutes and hamstrings to catch up and do more work in my squats. It's crazy to me how much weight the glutes can handle (I know it's a huge muscle, but still...) and I'm super happy with how working those muscles hard is making my butt look!

    Working on my pullups too - I need to work on the bottom 1/4 of the motion. once my shoulders are engaged and my elbows are slightly bent I have no problem pulling myself up, but I can't do them from a dead hang yet.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    Options 2 of SL for me and after a 45 min spin class I hit the weight room. I'll admit I felt a twit adding 1.25KG plates onto the Olympic bar to make my 22.5KG that I was set to squat today, so instead of taking up the rack for that, I did goblet squats with a 22KG dumbbell. Not ideal but did make me check my form so that is a positive. I'll get to the Olympic bar when I've got a wee bit more weight to add.

    SQ 5x5 22KG
    OP 5x5 20KG
    DL 1x5 40KG

    Extras...chest press with 12 KG dumbbells 3 x 8
    Lat pull downs 16.25KG 3x8
    Seated row 16.25KG 3x5
    Leg press 3x12 75KG
    Plus some abs work on the mat to finish.

    I can feel it.....Tomorrow will hurt!!!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @kimiuzzell - What is really fun is when you can squat a fair amount but then OHP still needs the tiny plates. I remember when I first got squat to the big plates (135) and some random guy gave me a little head nod during that. Then OHP was next and I had to switch to the 2.5 plates. No one had interest when I was doing that lift, lol.

    10k day!

    I started off a little too fast so ended up slowing down after a couple of miles but still managed to make my super goal even. Initial goal was under an hour and 15 minutes since my training runs were an hour and 12 minutes with the rough estimate of doing 12 minute miles. Super goal was to get it done in an hour. My finish time was 57:19. Quite pleased with the result and it was fun.
  • kimiuzzell
    kimiuzzell Posts: 611 Member
    That's a superb time. You must be more than "quite pleased"!!

  • Ariadnula
    Ariadnula Posts: 435 Member
    Well done, that's brilliant!
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    I would probably be a little more excited if I wasn't so tired. I could not sleep last night. Tossed and turned the whole time. Now it's rest time so I can get ready for some max testing, we'll see if that is just as exciting as my 10k time. :wink:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Dawn- Great time! That is quite an accomplishment!