October 16-31



  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    October Goal 27 green days: 22
    Streak? Met goal (2 Streaks complete and that was one of my goals!)
    Exercise today? Yes
    Exercise days this month so far: 17

    Posted as my status :
    Guess what I did! I ran 4 miles straight! My slowest was the first mile which was trail and a long uphill (smart, right? Lol). Second slowest was the last mile which was all trail and it was starting to get dark and harder to see the ground. My overall pace was under 11 minutes a mile though and I didn't think that was too shabby!
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Streak: 3/10
    Goal: 19/25
    Exercise: Another day of strength training.

    @bbinoa I'm glad you're getting your groove back. :)
    @jenthibert You rock! Completing 4 miles straight is impressive, and I'm jealous of your time. I'm definitely a slow runner. :) Also, I can honestly say that I have never watched Back to the Future. That surprises me actually since I really like Michael J. Fox. I may have to put that on my things to do. Ha!
  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    October 16 - 22 =4 GREEN & 3 RED
    Count / Goal: 16/25
    Streak: 8/ 10
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Chevy day
    Total 14/21

    Took a little.longer walk again today. Foot feels great! Will try a run tomorrow. I'm anxious to get back to it.

    @Laughter_Girl I haven't seen the back to the future stuff either. Actually, I don't see most blockbuster hit movies (no Titanic , or E.T.). It drives my friends crazy, but at this point it's now.my thing! Lol. I'm also jealous of @jenthibert and her new found running ability!!! It's awesome!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    October Goal 27 green days: 23
    Streak? Met goal (2 Streaks complete and that was one of my goals!)
    Exercise today? No
    Exercise days this month so far: 17

    Good luck tomorrow @bbinoa!

    @Laughter_Girl, I haven't seen Titanic. Seen bits and pieces of ET. Only seen the first Back to the Future. Not much of a movie person but we've had fun watching some oldies with the kids. Princess Bride, Blues Brothers, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Goonies... :)
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Streak: 4/10
    Goal: 20/25
    Exercise: I did a walking video today.

    @bbinoa You'll do great tomorrow! Glad you're feeling so much better. No Titanic??? Now that's a good film worth seeing. :) I haven't seen E.T. either. That character was creepy to me back then, and I still feel that same way now. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
    @jenthibert I can imagine watching the old films with your kids would be hilarious. That would be a fun family activity.
  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    @Laughter_Girl, nope, no Titanic. I figured I already knew the ending!!! ;) lol!
  • rdbasile
    rdbasile Posts: 82 Member
    Green yes
    Exercise no day off
  • ATHLegal
    ATHLegal Posts: 352 Member
    Oct 16 - green
    Oct 17 - green
    Oct 18 - green
    Oct 19 - green
    Oct 20 - green
    Oct 21 - green
    Oct 22 - green
    Oct 23 - green
    Oct 24 - green
    Oct 25 - green
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    10/21 & 10/22 - RED & no exercise
    10/23 - green & exercise 17/25 green days and 4/15 exercise days

    @bbinoa - there's a wagon. I have fixed my wheels and am back on the road. I weighed 167 at the gym this morning and my size 10 Jeans are hard to zip. Double plus ungood.
    @jenthibert - way to go on the trail running. My asthma won't even let me try that. I can hike forever, but running in the woods gets me every time.
    @rdbasile -welcome!

  • bbinoa
    bbinoa Posts: 493 Member
    Total 15/21

    Ran today. 7 miles. I'm having some soreness on my foot but it's not too bad. I expected I would so just waiting to see how the recovery goes. I just couldn't get in a groove though, spent the whole time dissecting every little twinge. I did talk to another runner in the group who is a lot younger and faster who said he's going through the same thing. I told him I was sorry he's dealing with it, but he did make me feel much better! Nice to know I'm not alone.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    October Goal 27 green days: 24
    Streak? Met goal (2 Streaks complete and that was one of my goals!)
    Exercise today? Yes
    Exercise days this month so far: 18

    Tired today but 45 minutes on the treadmill, 3 minutes walking, 3 jogging.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes (Chevy style)
    Streak: 5/10
    Goal: 21/25
    Exercise: Nothing today. I got dressed to do something, but we had some friends come over, and it was all over after that.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member

    This is a pretty cool calculator someone posted on the maintaining board.
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    October Goal 27 green days: 24
    Streak? Met goal (2 Streaks complete and that was one of my goals!)
    Exercise today? Yes
    Exercise days this month so far: 19

    Going to say that today is red, though I'm not actually sure. I'm sure I wasn't super accurate with my tracking today.
  • Laughter_Girl
    Laughter_Girl Posts: 2,226 Member
    Green: Yes
    Streak: 6/10
    Goal: 22/25
    Exercise: I did a little jogging today.

    Advice Needed: For those runners/walkers out there, how many of you prefer to do it alone? I prefer running/walking (whichever I'm doing that day) solo. I'm great company, and I enjoy the alone time for thinking and praying to my Heavenly Father. I ask because I have a friend that is being persistent about trying to "run" with me. I've told her no multiple times for the above stated reasons, and she is refusing to take no for an answer. Furthermore, I've tried encouraging her to join a local running group, but she doesn't want to do that. Keep in mind, she is faster than me, and my goal is not to go faster, nor do I want someone trying to push me harder. I would pay a professional for that. My MAIN reason for running is so that I can eat more food. :D I think her goal is to run faster and to be able to beat whoever she's running with (For some strange reason, I believe she thinks we're competing.). Again, that's not my goal because I don't compete with my friends. So, what would you tell a friend that is constantly bugging you about running together? I'm open to suggestions because it's evident to me that she's not understanding the words that are coming out of my mouth. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Whatever happened to no means no??? HELP!!
  • jenthibert
    jenthibert Posts: 261 Member
    Advice Needed: For those runners/walkers out there, how many of you prefer to do it alone? I prefer running/walking (whichever I'm doing that day) solo.

    I prefer to go it alone most of the time. I liked having company for my long walks but need time to myself to work on my own goals. Especially right now. I'm very self conscious with running and would worry too much to enjoy someone else's company.

    Pushy people drive me crazy. Your goals are very different. Seems to me that your workouts would be as well. Maybe you could invite her to join you for a hike? A long walk? I don't know if you use a gym for weights, but maybe you could do your weight exercises at the same time? Make it clear that you're willing to do active stuff with her, just not running. ☺
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited October 2015
    @Laughter_Girl I am a loner and generally, if I am running then I am praying. "Run and pray. Pray and run," is a fairly standard facebook post for me. I'd tell her this: God is my best friend. Running is my time for talking & listening to him. I am sorry if that hurts your feelings, but I am not changing running partners."
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    10/24 & 25 -.green and exercise - yes.
    17/25 and 5/15

  • Bruceapple
    Bruceapple Posts: 2,026 Member
    October 23 + 24 + 25 = 2 GREEN & 1 RED
    Count / Goal: 18/25
    Streak: 8/ 10