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retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
Putting this up for the new self challenges for November.

Don't forget to report your progress on the OCTOBER thread.q8mi1gy7bpiq.gif



  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
    My November challenge:

    Keep averaging over 10K steps per day.
    Work out with dumbells at least 3x a week.
    Continue with Body Flex x2 a week.
    Get back on my personal trainer's program for me.
    Eat sensibly on the holiday, not left overs either!!!

    Can't wait to see how we all fare during this holiday feasting marathon :p
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    I will stay in weight maintenance range despite the drive to Nevada, which will be soon. And the, ahem, upcoming holidays.
    Get 10,000 steps a day for bone density.
    Continue daily PT for ankle and hip strength.
    Three days a week strength/resistance training.
  • ardenbeachlvr
    ardenbeachlvr Posts: 8 Member
    My November Challenge:
    Stay in my maintenance weight range by enjoying small portions of the great holiday food and cutting back the days surrounding the holiday.
    Walk my 35 to 40 miles per week to maintain my distance walking fitness.
    Lift weights 4 days per week.
    Enjoy the holiday season with my husband and family.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Journal daily
    5k steps per day
    exercise bike

    I can't really say anything more until I see the ortho tomorrow. I REALLY hope that I don't have to have surgery and that I will be able to do yoga. If I have to give up the weights then so be it, though I hate that thought because we need it at this age. Tomorrow will tell and I am glad the appointment is this soon. I'm glad I skipped the pcp and went directly for the ortho appt, I think it will be a lot more informative.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    OK, I am changing up my November challenge a bit to focus on really getting a few more pounds off this month.

    1. Minimum 45 minutes of exercise daily, including:
    2. Do 12 laps of stair climb at home every day - just in the hope it will get easier!
    3. Get to the gym at least twice a week.
    4. Finish eating last meal or snack no later than 9:30 p.m.
    5. Get in bed by 11:00 p.m. nightly.
    6. Report on success with above and weight change, each Sunday.

    I have been *toying* with the idea of trying C25K but, I don't dare include it on my list yet. We'll see...

    Happy November, friends! ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
    DreamOn145 wrote: »
    Journal daily
    5k steps per day
    exercise bike

    I can't really say anything more until I see the ortho tomorrow. I REALLY hope that I don't have to have surgery and that I will be able to do yoga. If I have to give up the weights then so be it, though I hate that thought because we need it at this age. Tomorrow will tell and I am glad the appointment is this soon. I'm glad I skipped the pcp and went directly for the ortho appt, I think it will be a lot more informative.

    Hope all goes well with the dr. appt.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    More than ever I will need to be focused on my goal, which is eat healthy and move, whether it be at work or just outside walking. I have purposely not weighed myself. I will do so when I can " feel that I have lost". Frankly weighing myself is bothersome. I'm never where I really want to be. BUT I plan to get there eventually!. I would actually like to lose 5 lbs. by November 30 th. I think I'll wait and record my weight on that day!.

    Happy November :)
  • RingosTreehouse
    RingosTreehouse Posts: 11 Member
    This month I'm determined to give up Splenda. In the past I ate mass quantities of it, but have cut my use dramatically over the past two months. I'd really like not to consume it at all, and not to replace it with something else (dates, maple sugar, honey, etc.). I have a major sugar addiction and don't eat sugar, but the chemical variety may not be a lot better. I'm told that if you give up all sweeteners, the craving disappears after a couple of weeks, and I hope that's true, because I'm like a drug addict with the stuff.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Yesterday I got brave and did a few yoga stretches. I feel sooo much better every day so I really don't think there is a rotator cuff tear. Just those few stretches made me realize how important some flexibility exercises are at this point in time.

    Ringos I know all about that love of sweets thing! As far as the splenda though, you said the chemical kind may not be a lot better, actually the chemical kind is a lot worse! I have fought this battle with my diabetic husband who has been told he cannot eat sugar, but ate sweetners until he thought he was gluten intolerant because he started having so much gas and bowel problems. I said, ok, before you start down that road, you need to give up ALL artificial sweetners and dairy products for one month!!! He did and his digestion returned to normal (thank God I did not want to be cooking everything gluten free). I do use sweetners, but only maple syrup, honey, or stevia. Personally, my love of sweets has never gone away, but like everything else, I go with the moderation route!
  • RingosTreehouse
    RingosTreehouse Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you, DreamOn. You are so right about Splenda being worse than sugar. I don't have any symptoms (yet), and I don't want to get any. I have diabetes and keep my blood sugar very low by avoiding refined sugars and starchy carbs, but I have allowed myself to go overboard with the Splenda. But I'm changing that now. :smiley:
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    I am a verified sugar addict, so I stay away from sugar and refined carbs AND artificial sweeteners, as I have read some reliable sources that say the body can react to artificial sweetener in much the same way it does to sugar. (NOT staying away from them, in my case, leads to bingeing and taking days to weeks to get it back under control.)

    Up until now I have done completely without but, I am thinking of giving stevia a try - for holiday baking only - and see how that feels. I will be doing very little baking, just for a couple of family events, and would like to be able to eat a SMALL piece of low-carb pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving - if I can settle on the right recipe.

    November Challenge report so far this week: doing very well. I have been to the gym once and plan another trip before my reporting day on Sunday. I have been finishing my meals all nights except one so far, by 9:30 p.m. I have gotten in bed every night but one, by 11:30 so that is not at goal (11:00) but much improved from my usual practice. I have gone beyond 45 minutes of exercise every day.

    Now about those 12 stair laps - yes, I'm doing them, but by the time I'm done I'm gasping as if someone should call an ambulance. WILL this ever get easier?? Last night as I was doing them I found myself thinking about Alexander the Great. It's reported that when he was traveling with his army and the hordes of supporters (cooks, slaves, wives, children etc) that kept the travel process at a slow pace, he would repeatedly jump on and off his chariot for exercise while they were on the march. I dunno, I don't really have a desire to conquer the world but I would at least like to conquer those 12 stair laps! HOW did he do it??
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Kathy, et al., is good to hear you've found a trigger and developed a plan that works for you.
    Kathy, Never thought to call them stair laps. Liking the term VERY much !Really would like to know how you arrived at that 12 lap goal. It sounds formidable and wonderful.
  • wandakc
    wandakc Posts: 227 Member
    Okie Dokie, It is Nov. 6th. Today I was not working, I made a point to weigh and measure all foods. Then went out for a bit a broke down and bought a Mc Donald's Pumpkin Spice Latte. 12 ounces for a small, however I only consumed 6 ounces, threw the rest down the drain. Never was it my style to be wasteful, however the long term goal is where I'm headed :o
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    wandakc wrote: »
    ... I only consumed 6 ounces, threw the rest down the drain. Never was it my style to be wasteful, however the long term goal is where I'm headed :o

    respect-039.gif Perfect, Wanda, just perfect.
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    sharondtd wrote: »
    Kathy, Never thought to call them stair laps. Liking the term VERY much !Really would like to know how you arrived at that 12 lap goal. It sounds formidable and wonderful.

    Sharon, one lap is down the stairs and back up again. I started doing this to increase my activity when the weather was bad last year. When I started out, I could only do this three times. I worked my way up to ten and that seemed to be my limit and I was done after ten.

    So now I am determined to get stronger - hence I added two more and hope I will adjust, then I will add another one or two and so on. We'll see how far I can go with this.

    Meanwhile, I found an article on why this is so hard:


  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Great idea, Kathy. My goal is 10 per day with idea in mind it means we stay in our home longer. Decades ago I read those with stairs in their homes actually live longer.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    three quarters of my report disappeared ¡?
    Mostly met goals, but missed ankle pt one day.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    mxchana wrote: »
    sharondtd wrote: »
    Kathy, Never thought to call them stair laps. Liking the term VERY much !Really would like to know how you arrived at that 12 lap goal. It sounds formidable and wonderful.

    Sharon, one lap is down the stairs and back up again. I started doing this to increase my activity when the weather was bad last year

    So now I am determined to get stronger - hence I added two more and hope I will adjust, then I will add another one or two and so on.
    Meanwhile, I found an article on why this is so hard:


  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    mxchana wrote: »
    Had a pretty good week; here are my goals and my actual accomplishments:

    1. Minimum 45 minutes of exercise daily, including: averaged 131 minutes of exercise per day (lowest day was 87)
    2. Do 12 laps of stair climb at home every day - just in the hope it will get easier! I did this 6 out of 7 days... and one night it actually felt a little easier than usual
    5. Get to the gym at least twice a week. Very busy with yard work this week is my excuse - got to the gym just once
    6. Finish eating last meal or snack no later than 9:30 p.m. I did this 5 out of 7 days
    7. Get in bed by 11:00 p.m. nightly. 6 out of 7 days I was in bed by 11:30 p.m. So far this is the best I can do
    8. Report on success with above and weight change, each Sunday. Here I am! And my weight compared to last Sunday is down 1.8 pounds

    As always, I owe a LOT to the accountability I enjoy by having all of you folks here sharing the journey.

    Have a beautiful day! ~ Kathy
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
    edited November 2015
    Keep averaging over 10K steps per day.
    Ave. 10714 steps per day.

    Work out with dumbells at least 3x a week.
    Only got in two of these this week.

    Continue with Body Flex x2 a week.
    Missed Fridays class. :'(

    Get back on my personal trainer's program for me.
    Haven't heard back from the trainer yet.

    Eat sensibly on the holiday, not left overs either!!!
    Results to come 4th Thursday. o:)

    HOLIDAY GROUP MANTRA: We are NOT going to gain that average of 10 lbs. over the holidays this year.