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  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    I am happy with where I am, though I have actually not lost this past week. It has been a hugely challenging week! My husband had his ankle surgery (just had his one week f/u yesterday) and is doing great. Needless to say he has required a lot of babying and care! But we have eaten very healthy and stayed on plan (though I have not been journaling) I have been getting my steps and have been LOVING the physical therapy plan! The have really been giving me a workout with the shoulders and I can feel a significant difference in just a week. Yesterday I wrote down their website and plan to take a look at it today and pick out some lower body exercises so I can have a complete stretchy band workout.

    Just look at what I wrote and realized (duh moment1) what I said. I have not been losing AND not been journaling. Hmmmmmm could there possibly be a connection!!!! lol BACK ON THE JOURNALING WAGON AGAIN!!! lol
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Janet, Can you share that website? I'd love to find some good shoulder exercises.
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Back in Nevada after a three-day drive. (We did one long hard day, bracketed by two short days.) I will weigh Sunday to see if there's any damage, but I tried to keep on track. A little light on steps and exercise, but close to goal.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    jan the site I am using is the PT site. Its 1stchoicept.com. I am going to go to youtube and see if I can find some lower body stretchy band exercises, though I do like their shoulder program! I can feel a significant difference in both shoulders
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks Janet! :)
  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Am going to try on the computer to find the site, as on my phone the url keeps bringing up offices of physical therapists. Thank you for sharing!
  • mxchana
    mxchana Posts: 666 Member
    edited November 2015
    Travelling again - visiting my father. Last weigh-in was yesterday at home, which showed I have released 3 of the pounds I had gained back. So the scale is moving in the right direction.

    1. Have done 30 minutes or more most days ... my minimum this week was 20 minutes one day, and a couple of days I had an hour or more. The goal is to do 45 minutes minimum each day, so my average was ok but overall I have to do better. Could have been worse.
    2. My back has been killing me this week, so stair climbing has not been happening every day and when it does, not 12 at a time. I am doing some, some days. :s
    3. I made it to the gym two days. CHECK! o:)
    4. I did end my eating at 9:30 p.m. 5 out of 7 days. I wish I could be more consistent with this, it makes a big difference. :|
    5. Get in bed by 11:00 p.m. nightly - did this only 2 out of 7 days. BOO! >:)
    6. And here I am reporting.

    December has GOT to be better, doesn't it? What? We have holidays coming? :o "God bless us every one."
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    ok, I just posted in here and its not showing. Did I hit the wrong button? If I post again will it appear twice? Is my dementia acting up this morning? lol

    sharon are you the one who was going to try the higher grade of matcha? I thought about it when I was making out my amazon order last night.

    mxchana I get a kick out of you trying to get in bed by 11. I try to stay up past 10 and don't do well. I sit down with my kindle and give up and go to bed when I hear the little thump as it drops out of my hand lol. I'm ok if I watch TV or get on the computer, but there is something about reading at night that is like a sleeping pill. Just started an 850 page book so that will take me about 2 months to stay awake through!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
    Well, I did not meet my steps goal nor did I continue making it to Body Flex. We had to go help a very dear friend of ours (he introduced us to each other over 41 yrs. ago). We did ok traveling out, had packed things we knew we could eat without problems. But there was no getting back on course once we were in UT. So I was delighted to see I was within a 1 lb range of my current lowest weight.

    Our friend really needed to be with people who cared about him. He has a lot of health related issues and he is just over whelmed. I can always battle the pounds, lift weights, eat right, & log it, etc. I can't always make someone who was so down, happy again. He so needed our support and love at this stage of his journey in life.

  • sharondtd
    sharondtd Posts: 548 Member
    Except for the trip [ ;-) ] did okay. Forgot to use the stairclimber machine at the club today. Knew there was something I forgot. There are hills galore here, but few staircases of more than five steps. It's nice to have the resistance machines available, and in a cool room with lots of overhead fans. Easier to do the "weight" training.
    Janet, I do have the better grade of matcha on my shopping list. Was hoping to find it in a store here rather than ordering it, but there have been changes in local markets so I'm having little success in fulfilling the little "wants" on my grocery list.
    I lost a couple of pounds this week, which I didn't really intend. Next week I'll check and see if they've come back. The altitude and humidity change for here may have something to do with it, as I'm not walking or working out as much as I was before leaving home (Washington State).
    Fruits and vegetables at the first grocery we went to were dreadful. There remain three bartlet pears that are so hard I can't bite into them. Ended up making a bran bread with the apples that were a variety that should be crisp, but were mealy and soft.
    It's great to see you all are so close to staying on track during the holidays. My mantra is, if reclining, sit up; if sitting, stand up; if standing, walk around.
  • DreamOn145
    DreamOn145 Posts: 460 Member
    Joell you have done such a fantastic job with your health and your weight this past year that a break to deal with human issues will certainly not help you. Bless you for being there for your friend in his time of need. Friends of that duration are treasures indeed.

    Sharon I am so lazy when it comes for shopping for things. I truly should own stock in amazon.com

    I doing well at being on track except for that one little issue - dh is home full time. That kind of throws my schedule off kilter. Today he has his last unit exam so he wants to go out for dinner after. that's what he does to me! lol I MUST check the menu before we do and stick to a plan!
  • janmoulder2
    janmoulder2 Posts: 133 Member
    I've not gotten back to a routine since we bought our new coach. We're moving around too much for any consistancy with exercise. The good news is that even though I've not been on the straight and narrow with my diet over the holiday, I have lost 7 pounds in the last month!!
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,759 Member
    Jan that is a good result, congrats.

    DreamOn, if the two of you like the same food, you can always split and main. My husband and I do that a lot, so we both get to eat something we like, but in a reasonable portion.

    Sharon, I am gonna have to steal your mantra :).