No-Gain November Week 1 Check-In (11/2-11/8)

baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
Welcome to the Week 1 Check-In thread for the November Challenge.

Here's a our little challenge blurb:
There's a statistic going around that something like 25% of people will gain weight between Halloween and New Year's. It's Holiday season. We're busy with work, school, get-togethers, and shopping. It's easy to just say to heck with it and cave. And wake up on New Year's Day and looking in the mirror, unhappy with what extra weight we've gained. It happens to the best of us.

Last year was my first LCHF holiday. I checked the weight chart, and I lost 13lb (almost 6kg) between Oct 31st and my birthday (New Year's Day.) It's possible to not only NOT gain but to LOSE weight during the holiday season.

Planning ahead and keeping an eye on the basics are two of the most important focal points if we want to keep on the up and up in the face of all the junk and goodies rampant this type of year.

Some people choose to handle this time of year completely on-plan, supplementing low-carb recipes for all our bad-ol' favorites.

What I did last year was pick 1 or 2 events that were most important. For me it was Christmas Eve and New Year's Day (my birthday). I enjoyed those celebrations. Once the day was over, the indulgence was OVER. I brought home no leftovers to continue the nonsense. I picked specific things I was going to have, not ALL THE FOODS. I told myself that at bedtime, the day was over and when I woke in the morning, it was back to the routine. The rest of the days during that period, I planned ahead to stay on-plan. For those other events I didn't select, I either ate before-hand, or brought on-plan dishes to them. I lost 13lb between Halloween and New Year's.

You can pick either strategy, but this challenge, monitoring our plan Basics, are what makes the difference.

Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Any low-carb plan is welcome. Just post your monthly goals and beginning weight, or if you are just planning to maintain through the month, and check-in daily or weekly with how well you did.

The Basics:
Staying under carbs
Staying under calories
Logging and measuring
Getting in exercise/movement if that's one of your goals
Keeping an eye on electrolyte levels
Getting enough water
Planning ahead

This thread will be stickied to the top of the Group, with links inside to the weekly threads. So if the weekly thread gets buried in our busy little group, you'll be able to easily find in in the sticky.

Share recipes, problems, thoughts.
No-Gain November is possible.

Let's do this.

To give you and idea of possible check-in entries here's mine for yesterday:

Monthly Goals:
To lose those rotten, stinkin, stubborn, no-good, malicious last 2lb to goal weight.
By hitting the basics daily. I have one calorie UP-day, Saturday, where I'd like to log but I don't care how many calories I eat, as long as I keep my carbs under 50g. I only have adult beverages that day. Sometimes my carbs sneak over. I make sure I'm pristine all other days of the week, however. This arrangement works fine for me, for now. But if I don't continue to lose at least a fraction of a lb a week, then obviously I'll have to tighten the reigns on that.

Start weight: 153.4 (weight is up due to salty nuts, bacon, and sausage balls)
Goal weight: 150 and to stay there.

Sunday, 11/1:

Water: 80/80oz check.jpg
Electrolytes Good: check.jpg
Logged Food: check.jpg
Exercise as Planned?: Cleaned house like a fiend for 3 hours check.jpg
At or Under Carb Level: 13/30g net check.jpg
At or Under Calorie Limit: Yes! check.jpg
Planned Day Ahead: Yes! check.jpg



  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    I'm in for November!

    Goals for the month are:
    1. Stay under 30 net most days
    2. Meal planning for each day
    3. Pay more attention to hydration
    4. Get in some physical activity daily. Start a bodyweight routine and work on decluttering my house.
    5. Read daily

    Bonus monthly goal: Stay under 50-75 net during my Thanksgivings (I usually have to go to 3 so the day is really more of a long weekend for me!)

    So for 11/1
    2-check-did a huge grocery run to prepare for the week
    3-didn't drink very much
    4-check-cleaned out the bedroom closet and hauled stuff to goodwill.
    5-watched TWD and went to reading.

    3 checks
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited November 2015
    More signs of progress (NSV/Scale, I don't care!) than October had. My long-term trend is still very downward but there hasn't been much encouraging progress more recently.

    I not only want to avoid gaining weight through the holidays, I am hoping to lose at least another 5 pounds/pants size before the family reunion at Christmas.

    Bonus points for any family member who joins this WoE after seeing my husband and me. ;)

    I want to get back to regular and formal exercise. I have just been parking as far away from doors as possible and calling that my exercise, but I'd also like to add my push-ups, planks, and squats back in, and keep up with the exercises my chiro assigned me for my SI joint pain.

    I do already plan meals for the week, because I do my shopping on Sundays. Occasionally we switch plans if someone really isn't in the mood for the anticipated meal, but more often than not when they actually get hungry they sad 'never mind let's just have that..' and I'm saved!

    I won't be tracking calories, because when I do that I make strange decisions and don't listen to my hunger signals.

    I want to primarily eat carnivore, but since I plan and cook for two other ketoers who are not as low carb as I try to be, I do tend to just eat the veggies I make them. Going to make an effort to avoid that temptation.

    For Thanksgiving, I'm not actually that worried. I will not be skipping the carby side dishes, but they will be keto friendly. Recipes below this post.

    Staying under carbs: 30g, the lower the better
    Logging Food Daily
    Measuring: weigh daily, take tape measurements 11/3 and 11/30.
    Exercise/movement: Chiro Exercises, Push-Ups, Planks, Foundation
    Steps: For me, 5,000 is a more realistic goal than 7,500.
    Water: 72 oz minimum daily
    Skip the carby options

    Beginning weight: 145.2 (that's today's weight.. yesterday's was a dehydrated fluke)

    Sunday, 11/1:
    (0) Carbs: 35/30g - Whoops! Put more food in front of me than I needed, ate it anyway.
    +1 Logged Food
    +1 Weigh-in: 143.6 (dehydrated)
    +1 Exercise: Parking Far Away, Foundation Poses
    (0) Steps: 4,275 / 5,000
    +1 Water: 130/80oz
    (0) Skip the carby options
    Drumsticks Earned: 4/7

    Holiday Drumsticks of November:

  • Juliste
    Juliste Posts: 298 Member
    Count me in!.
    I've been on keto since end of May; so besides the initial 5 lbs lost, I am still struggling with appetite and overeating keto foods. I weigh roughly 142 lbs and I would like to be at 135 by end of November. I am going to focus on the emotional / boredom eating and will try to change my behaviour / routine so that it becomes habit.

    So my November objectives are:

    1. pre-plan daily meals
    2. Eat within calories allowed (daily / weekly)
    3. Follow my fitness routine
    4. Journal each day; behaviour (overeating)

    1. pre-planned my meals - OK
    2. daily calories; over by 200 (looking at weekly totals)
    3. 30 minute run
    4. journal OK
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    edited November 2015
    Thanksgiving game plan:

    Roasted Turkey - No problems here. I roast a mean turkey. Might buy a couple extra thighs and legs for added fat.
    Garlic, Cream, and Butter Mashed Potatoes - IBIH's Cheesy Cauliflower puree. Recipe - I tried this once, using an irish cheddar, and was very disappointed but a friend made it with Cabot sharp and really pureed the texture down to nothing and I LOVED it.
    Cranberry Sauce - I make my own, using erythritol/truvia and frozen whole cranberries and just simmering it til it's soft. Still some sugar and carbs, so I don't take a big portion, but far and away better than the stuff that comes from Ocean Spray. Tartness is refreshing amidst all the tasty fat of this meal.
    Carrots - I simmer sliced carrots in the Truvia brown sugar blend with tons of butter
    Green Beans - Roasted, or steamed and topped with tons of butter!
    Bacon & roasted Brussels sprouts - need to counter all that lean turkey meat!
    Stuffing - Sausage, Celery, Onions, Herbs, squash, butter - who needs the bread anyway? Recipe

    For dessert, I'm thinking the pumpkin cheesecake Recipe. Maybe I'll make a crazy Oopsie Roll to serve as its base (not cooked together).

    And always finish off with coffee!

    This will be a much carbier day for me than normal, but nothing compared to going off plan!
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I checked in on the other thread. But my goals for November are to continue 20gm carbs and 1600 calorie days. Thanksgiving will be a carbfest at my mom's, but there will be turkey and ham, so I will be fine. My biggest challenge is to sleep without having leg cramps, every night (I forget sodium, still!) By remembering to take the extra sodium as I have the potassium and magnesium, everyday!

    This will be my first holiday being LCHF and will have its challenges. Will face each of them with the strength I've gained from this woe!
  • AngInCanada
    AngInCanada Posts: 947 Member
    OK I'm in!

  • christineellis
    christineellis Posts: 296 Member
    November challenge - here I come!

    SW - 170
    GW - 165 (can I lose 5 lbs over my birthday and Thanksgiving?)

    1. Log daily
    2. Stay under 40 carbs per day
    3. Drink at least 80 oz of water per day
    4. Get 10,000 steps per day (lets see if I can do better than last month)

    So, I am in Europe this week and hope to just NOT GAIN. I won't be able to weigh in again until Sunday the 8th. Keeping my fingers crossed and keeping keto! I did bring my ketostix, so I could at least check that. :)
  • LaurenBraddy
    LaurenBraddy Posts: 65 Member
    I'm all in! I've got a "Biggest Loser" family competition with a Thanksgiving day weigh in, so I need all the extra help I can get.

    SW: 145 (I think, we moved and I haven't yet unpacked my scale)
    GW: 138 (For November, then still 10 to go)

    1. Log Daily
    2. Stay under 15 g carbs 5 days a week
    3. Stay under 50 g carbs 2 days a week
    4. Get my carbs from veggies, not booze
    5. Get 6000 steps a day 5 days a week
    6. Get 12000 steps a day 2 days a week
    7. Drink more water
    8. Cook low carb and family friendly meals at least 5 days a week.

    So, we check in daily or weekly? Looking forward to losing weight this holiday season!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    I'm all in! I've got a "Biggest Loser" family competition with a Thanksgiving day weigh in, so I need all the extra help I can get.

    SW: 145 (I think, we moved and I haven't yet unpacked my scale)
    GW: 138 (For November, then still 10 to go)

    1. Log Daily
    2. Stay under 15 g carbs 5 days a week
    3. Stay under 50 g carbs 2 days a week
    4. Get my carbs from veggies, not booze
    5. Get 6000 steps a day 5 days a week
    6. Get 12000 steps a day 2 days a week
    7. Drink more water
    8. Cook low carb and family friendly meals at least 5 days a week.

    So, we check in daily or weekly? Looking forward to losing weight this holiday season!

    I'm doing it daily. Some will only do it weekly. Whichever you prefer as long as it supports you hitting your goals.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,966 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    Thanksgiving game plan:

    Roasted Turkey - No problems here. I roast a mean turkey. Might buy a couple extra thighs and legs for added fat.
    Garlic, Cream, and Butter Mashed Potatoes - IBIH's Cheesy Cauliflower puree. Recipe - I tried this once, using an irish cheddar, and was very disappointed but a friend made it with Cabot sharp and really pureed the texture down to nothing and I LOVED it.
    Cranberry Sauce - I make my own, using erythritol/truvia and frozen whole cranberries and just simmering it til it's soft. Still some sugar and carbs, so I don't take a big portion, but far and away better than the stuff that comes from Ocean Spray. Tartness is refreshing amidst all the tasty fat of this meal.
    Carrots - I simmer sliced carrots in the Truvia brown sugar blend with tons of butter
    Green Beans - Roasted, or steamed and topped with tons of butter!
    Bacon & roasted Brussels sprouts - need to counter all that lean turkey meat!
    Stuffing - Sausage, Celery, Onions, Herbs, squash, butter - who needs the bread anyway? Recipe

    For dessert, I'm thinking the pumpkin cheesecake Recipe. Maybe I'll make a crazy Oopsie Roll to serve as its base (not cooked together).

    And always finish off with coffee!

    This will be a much carbier day for me than normal, but nothing compared to going off plan!

    Great plan!

  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Ok, November goals:

    1. Under 30 total carbs daily
    2. Run 3+ times a week, with at least two interval runs
    3. Pre-planned meals with restaurant food only twice a week
    4. Restrict my shopping to 1X week large shopping trip and 2 small trips through the week

    Lets do this!
  • KetoGirl83
    KetoGirl83 Posts: 546 Member
    I'm in!

    I'm not sure why but I not only stopped losing but have actually gained 1.6kg / 3.5lb in the last 10-15 days. The only thing I changed were the probiotics and supplements, I don't think that can be it. I may have to resort to an egg fast or meativore week to reset the system.

    1. Actual weight: 110kg/242.5lbs
    I want to lose what I gained and, preferably, some more.

    2. Drink more water. I had this ok all Summer but it's getting cold and it's more difficult to drink enough.

  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    edited November 2015
    Awesome to hear that losing weight during this time between 11.1.15 and 1.1.16 is possible and can even be very successful. Congrats on your goals last year. This is my first round into this time of year. Started in May.

    Monthly Goals:

    Start weight: 151
    Goal weight for Nov: 146. Pretty lofty since these past 2 months ave'd out to slightly less than 3 lbs a month.

    Moving that scale to below 150 has been brutal.

    Hit the basics daily.
    Keeping carbs to 30g or less.
    Up Exercise

    Sunday, 11/1:

    Water: 80/80oz no :/
    Electrolytes Good: IDK? :s
    Logged Food: :)
    Exercise as Planned?: Yup - walking. :)
    At or Under Carb Level: 20/20g net :)
    At or Under Calorie Limit: :)
    Planned Day Ahead: :)
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    I'll play along for November. I'm still fairly new to this WOE (this time around at least) and I feel I need to hold myself accountable and hopefully by posting my goals I can do that:

    I'm starting today 11/2/15

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net)
    3. Stay under 1300 calories
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently 207.8
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food

    I plan to check in daily.

    GOOD LUCK to everyone participating. :)
  • LuizH
    LuizH Posts: 211 Member
    I've just seen this. Just back from holiday and I'm up 4lbs over the week.

    Back to basics for me:
    Under 30g cards per day (preferably under 20)
    Exercise every day including 2 strength sessions per week

    Starting weight 159lbs
    Goal weight 153 by Dec 1st

    If I check in daily I'll become obsessive so I plan to check in every Sunday
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    My friend and I are doing c25k for the month of November (and afterwards also). I'm aiming for MWF for the days I run. Completed week 1, day 1 just now. I'm also going to focus on dealing with stress in healthy ways and not turning to eating crap. The recent months have really highlighted how much of a stress eater I can be. Some things have improved, but not everything.
  • Jbarnes1210
    Jbarnes1210 Posts: 308 Member
    I would love to see the scale move again!! The last few months I've lost little to nothing. I know I have to make changes in order to loose again. When I had 100+ lbs to loose the weight just fell off, now I feel I have to work just as hard to stay the same. So for November my goals are to

    1) Drink 18 cups of water every day.
    2) Not to over do protein.
    3) Make sure I'm eating enough fat.
    4) Exercise at least 5 hours a week minimum.
    5) Stay below 29gr of net carbs.
    6) Loose! loose! And loose more!

    I'll check in daily after I complete my diary.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I think I'll join you all this time. I've been eating more and not logging, so my weight loss has basically stopped this month. I still have another 15 lbs I'd like to lose (about) so I might as well get on it!

    ... Plus I have the added benefit of no major food holidays in November like you Americans do ;)

    SW 155
    GW 151
    1. Log food daily (I've been slack)
    2. Keep carbs under 25g five days of the week, and under 40g for the other two days.
    3. Keep calories within a 1200-1600 range
    4. Keep any snacks or meals after 6:00pm below 300 kcal

    I also want to make exercise more regular after the middle of the month, but I won't be checking that.
  • petunia773
    petunia773 Posts: 473 Member
    petunia773 wrote: »
    I'll play along for November. I'm still fairly new to this WOE (this time around at least) and I feel I need to hold myself accountable and hopefully by posting my goals I can do that:

    I'm starting today 11/2/15

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill 10,176
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net) 24
    3. Stay under 1300 calories 1393
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently 207.8 will weigh when i wake up
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth Yes
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food Yes-made salads for next 3 days

    I plan to check in daily.

    GOOD LUCK to everyone participating. :)

    see results above

    1. Hit 10,000 steps on my FitBit, either through normal walking or on my treadmill
    2. Stay under 35 grams of carbs (net)
    3. Stay under 1300 calories
    4. Lose 5 pounds this month and then get under 200 lbs. by the end of the year. Currently 207.8
    5. Log EVERYTHING that goes in to my mouth
    6. Pre-plan weekday lunches to avoid the cafeteria or fast food
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    I always drop off reporting on challenges. I had a hard keeping track of my pumpkins last month. Lol
    But I did meet my goals almost all the time. Even my weight loss goal!
    So this month I will just set my goal for the month and only plan to report back mid way and at the end. For some reason the checking in throws me off.
    Current weight is up (no doubt TOM's to blame) from last loss which put me at 136. So I'm going with 136 as current weight. I lost 2lbs last month so I would like to achieve that again.
    GW: 134
    I will also plan two modified egg fasts this month because that helped me lose those 2lbs last month. And that's pretty much my goal.
    I want to keep things really simple. I'm not making any special goals for Thanksgiving because after Halloween, I know I have sugar beat and I'm not even thinking about those foods that my brother in law will no doubt have.
    So my no gain November will be sticking to plan with a couple of egg fasts and 2 lb loss this month.