Confessions of a cheater



  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    why is it that when I was in carbland, my bowel movements were very regular but when I am in keto I struggle? I am eating veggies and have about 2 tablespoon of coconut oil and butter daily? Any suggestions?

    Are you eating a lot of cheese? That was my problem when I first tried low-carb about 10 years ago. No issues this time after learning that lesson.
  • neohdiver
    neohdiver Posts: 738 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    why is it that when I was in carbland, my bowel movements were very regular but when I am in keto I struggle? I am eating veggies and have about 2 tablespoon of coconut oil and butter daily? Any suggestions?

    Are you eating a lot of cheese? That was my problem when I first tried low-carb about 10 years ago. No issues this time after learning that lesson.

    Were you eating a higher volume in carbland? My regularity has more to do with food-in-food (in another form) out, than with content of the food. When I eat a large volume, I am predictably regular. Otherwise - less so. But if I'm not straining (because of constipation), I don't worry about it.
  • daylitemag
    daylitemag Posts: 604 Member
    Update - Ok I am back on track. I gained 3lbs after my 4 day trip to Carbland. Since I am the meal planner and cook, I need to do better on planning. No excuses, I need to stay FOCUS.

    Also another question, why is it that when I was in carbland, my bowel movements were very regular but when I am in keto I struggle? I am eating veggies and have about 2 tablespoon of coconut oil and butter daily? Any suggestions?

    Isn't in maddening how a slip of just 4 days can result in 3LBS of weight gain!! When I think how hard it is to lose weight it isn't fair that we can gain it back so fast.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I've had some of those struggles. There's some good advice in this thread!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    And actually, just today for lunch the fam wanted to go to a pizza place. I ordered a steak salad but the large pepperoni pizza in the middle of the table was tempting. I ate just the pepperoni and cheese off of two small square slices and it was very satisfying. I've also done a little "skillet pizza" for myself when the fam is having pizza--just mozzarella with pepperoni on top--and that's really good, too.
  • lrosemoore1
    lrosemoore1 Posts: 22 Member
    Ive got to try the skillet pizza, sounds great!
    I had a cheat day yesterday, preplanned at least. My 13 yr old was in a chili chowder cookoff and i look forward to it. I didn't have soda (my number 1 carb addiction ) or the yummy breads. Afterwards my daughter got a whoopie pie and I made her share it with her brother, but broke it into 3 pieces and savored the smallest piece like a starving animal...I blamed the potato carbs for my lack of contol. Today Im back on the lchf wagon to start week 4. Every one is so supportive here and finding this post is incredibly motivating. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
  • radiii
    radiii Posts: 422 Member
    Also on a side note, I am not so sure if it is a keto side effect but everyone of you has a positive outlook. Even when you mess up. I lurked in here for awhile before I decided to make the choice but I really like the positive vibe I get from this group.

    For me I've finally learned that if I get down on myself or beat myself up for making a mistake, it really just compounds the mistake and makes me more likely to spiral out of control. This is true in all parts of my life, not just with food. I still try to look at choices I make that aren't the best and figure out how to do better in the future, I'm still a crazy perfectionist, just with a little less of the "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU YOU IDIOT" voice yelling at myself when I slip up.

    Also, its very easy to give advice, less easy to follow/practice it 100% of the time. ;)

    Congrats on getting back on track!
  • MizTenaciousT
    MizTenaciousT Posts: 69 Member
    There's a lot of great advice in this thread! The only thing I would add, really for anyone with specific food triggers, is to find out if there are keto versions of your preferred treats. For example, making a small batch of keto friendly ice cream isn't hard, plus you'll be satisfied on much less because of the awesomeness of keto ratios. Don't give up guys! Like many have said, it's about the choices we make, and every meal is a choice. Stick with it and you will see results!