The Furious Blue Crew



  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    CEM764159 wrote: »
    Hey all... I'll be dropping out. I have messaged the administrator to remove me so it doesn't effect you guys. Wishing you all the best of luck!

    sorry to lose you hope my contacting you had nothing to do ith it
  • noraron
    noraron Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry to see you go!

    Thanks for all your work, team mentors- it's a shame not everyone is going to take part in the challenge but I'm sure the rest of us will totally master this.

    Congrats Ravensbaby on joining a gym- I've been back at the gym for 2-3 months now and already feel so much fitter & stronger.

    I had a bit of a rubbish week, eating-wise, but weighed in this morning & have lost 2 pounds! Maybe even 3 pounds since I put in my starting weight for TWA. Yay!
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    noraron wrote: »
    Sorry to see you go!

    Thanks for all your work, team mentors- it's a shame not everyone is going to take part in the challenge but I'm sure the rest of us will totally master this.

    Congrats Ravensbaby on joining a gym- I've been back at the gym for 2-3 months now and already feel so much fitter & stronger.

    I had a bit of a rubbish week, eating-wise, but weighed in this morning & have lost 2 pounds! Maybe even 3 pounds since I put in my starting weight for TWA. Yay!
    way to go
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    the only way the people not doing it is going to go against us is that we do not get the help of their loss that is what is used
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    How's everyone doing? I joined a gym today! :):)

    Go girlfriend! Hope you enjoy that membership.
  • starfishwendy
    starfishwendy Posts: 84 Member
    How's everyone doing? I joined a gym today! :):)

    Awesome job! I went to the gym this morning and I met with a nutrition coach as well. I want to get everything in order so I can better represent Blue Crew. Hope you're all having a great day!
  • ravenzbaby47
    ravenzbaby47 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks everyone! It felt awesome! I can't remember the last time I was this motivated!
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    feeling low that are team is shrinking down 2 for sure. likely the other 6 as well . but we can do it . go team
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    looking at other teams comments we are not the only team with these problems . some of them are worse than we are. go blue
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    to finish the day on a good note feeling better i think it was a gastric attack.i wore a pair of boots today that have been to tight on my calf and they fit just right
  • ravenzbaby47
    ravenzbaby47 Posts: 29 Member
    to finish the day on a good note feeling better i think it was a gastric attack.i wore a pair of boots today that have been to tight on my calf and they fit just right

    Awesome!! and we've got this for sure! Go blue!! I can't wait to go shopping for a Christmas dress :)
  • PolyTeine
    PolyTeine Posts: 78 Member
    I'm sorry I meant to put Friday down as my weigh in day. I didn't do good today as my brother came to visit but I promise I'll be posting daily next week.
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member

    A Positive attitude will lead to positive results! Happy Thursday!
  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    PolyTeine wrote: »
    I'm sorry I meant to put Friday down as my weigh in day. I didn't do good today as my brother came to visit but I promise I'll be posting daily next week.

    nice to see you
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Each team has folk who have chosen an alternate path. We can do this. We have folk who are super motivated- go ravenzbaby! And each of us will have days we struggle. That's human. How's everyone going this week? Me, having over enthusiastically done strength training, days later I am still sore but I feel great and feel really positive. Go blue!!
  • happykee
    happykee Posts: 31 Member
    I love seeing my name on the list, I suddenly feel a part of a team! It just gave me a jolt of motivation. Thank you
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    To Start off answer the following.
    You should be called: Jenna
    You are from (Timezone): Eastern
    Your weigh in day: Sunday
    Favorite exercise: Running
    Favorite healthy food: I like lots of food lol
    Struggling Areas (night snacking/lack of motivation/ junk food etc): Consistency
    Do you want to be the team motivator? (Yes/No): No
    Goal for the week: Lose 1 pound
    Goal for the challenge (35 days): Lose 4 pounds
    First Day Side Challenge >> Post your starting measurements:
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Welcome Jenna.

    I assume you mean eastern USA time zone, not Australia nor Europe? Being part of this team should help with your consistency. We are cheering you on !!

    I love hearing how everyone is doing. Me, I wore a red wool suit today. First time in 7 years that I could get it over my bottom, leave alone do the zip up! Wahoo

  • MargaretLunan
    MargaretLunan Posts: 5,299 Member
    Welcome Jenna.

    I assume you mean eastern USA time zone, not Australia nor Europe? Being part of this team should help with your consistency. We are cheering you on !!

    I love hearing how everyone is doing. Me, I wore a red wool suit today. First time in 7 years that I could get it over my bottom, leave alone do the zip up! Wahoo

    great job
  • ravenzbaby47
    ravenzbaby47 Posts: 29 Member
    Hey everyone! Just nailed my triceps workout!
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