Angie 2.0



  • creepykbear
    creepykbear Posts: 69 Member
    So inspiring you are! (channeling Yoda today I guess - haha!). My hubby is a nurse so I got myself in house wound care!! Glad stuff is ok.
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Hahahaha. Thank you! I love the Yoda reference :) I'm so jealous that your hubby is a nurse! You are going to be sooo hooked up! That is why I stayed at my parents' for the first two weeks. My dad is a nurse and my mom worked for a surgeon. I do have one valuable piece of advice to anyone recovering away from home. I was so excited by my rapid weight loss, that I never thought about using a different scale. Once I came home, I realized that their scale weighed me 7 lbs lighter!!!!! I hate that my weight must now reached what I reported almost 2 weeks a go! Boooooo. I'm still doing great, but it is what it is.

    Oh, I have a cool update! It is taking every bit of the tiny amount of computer ability that I have, but I created a website to journal my progress, concerns, emotions, eating, and photos/recipes. I can't believe how hard this is. If anyone is interested in taking a peak. I have it at I am backdating info from my written journal, so it'll take time until I get it all the way back to the beginning. I have the background done and 4 postings at this time! Yay!! I plan on doing an update every week. Tomorrow is my first day back to I'll probably do one tomorrow evening!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    I can't get over how much my mind is opening back up to possibilities that I've had to put on a shelf before. Example: I wanted to try I started! I was thinking about blogging, so I learned how! I was thinking about biking the other day and had to actually take a moment to realize that riding a bike is an option for me again. 2016 is gonna be a whole new world for me and I'm super pumped about it! I'm only 1 size away from where I was when I met my husband 15yrs ago and 60 lbs heavier. This shows me that I'm physically stronger than I was in my 20's thanks to exercise. I must have a lot more muscle to explain the weight vs size differences.

    These days my life is more about doing than hiding. There are still struggles, don't get me wrong. I have to go and see my ob-gyn because of constant lady issues. I call tomorrow to make an appointment with my family doctor because of daily muscle spasms in my back. I'm going to find a dietician who can give me a bit more guidance on what I should be eating and how much. I soooo need to attend my center's monthly support meetings. Unfortunately, that are at the end of the month.
  • bcedl1982
    bcedl1982 Posts: 140 Member
    Great report! Look how far you've come - just think of where you'll be at the end of 2016! Wow!
  • AngieViolet
    AngieViolet Posts: 232 Member
    Thank you! I'm soooo excited! This is gonna be the best year ever...full of reclaiming activities that I used to love.
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    Woohoo!! So glad to hear of your recent changing and experiences. So very happy for you.