A cheat day that turned into a cheat week



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    esaucier17 wrote: »
    When you say fasting do you mean no food at all....only water? Or I've heard of some people doing the fat fast where all they have is fat...like Bullet coffee with heavy cream and coconut oil?
    I don't think I would mentally be able to not eat ANY food. I would probably just go really low carb...like I am trying to do today since I had pizza over the weekend :neutral:

    Once you are adapted, you would actually be pleasantly surprised how simple it is to just extend that not eating window a little. To experiment, just bump by 20 minutes, and see how far you can push it without feeling like you're starving or over-hungry. Usually, about 1 hour past your normal eating window, you will get an extra boost of ketone energy that feels amazing.

    Due to not having a gallbladder (steady trickle of bile whether I eat or not), I can't extend my fasts as long as I would like without bathroom drama (I usually try for a midday fast - each breakfast and dinner, skip lunch). I never dreamed I could do it, but even an extra hour or two can really give your metabolism a much needed break and help bring down insulin levels. :)