Keto athletics

Is there anyone else here that is a fat adapted athlete? I'm wondering because it's like walking a tight wire sometimes the benefits are wonderful and the consequences for not doing it right are profound.
I've been fed adapted athletes for a few years now and I ride a wave between low carb (under 70 gms) and full Keto (30-50 ketone reader to 1.0 Mm)... It seems to to work but it has been a long journey and with a lot of tweaking. I'm just wondering if anyone else has any input who is interested. You don't have to be a professional only someone who regularly works out hard on keto.


  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    Fat adapted athlete

  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    Have you read "the art and science of low carbohydrate performance" by Phinney and Volek which is apparently about low carb athletes? I am definitely NOT an athlete so can't give any other advice!
  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    Yes... It's a great book... But like everything else people have different experiences.... there's got to be people that exercise and do keto....right?...:)
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    well I exercise, but it is at the level of week 2 of c25k so not at your level! What I find it that it is no barrier to an unfit person's level of exercise. But I also find that I do even better in my minimal level of exercise when I'm fasting which I do once a week for 36 hours.
  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    That's interesting... Back when I used to fast I had lots of energy! You know, people who are unfit that are exercising are really working harder than trained athletes. Because it's harder on their body because they haven't become so accustomed to it. I'm definitely interested in hearing their experiences as well because really its about exercise stress on the body and ketogenic performance. Yes I'm taking notes hehe
  • sirsuggs
    sirsuggs Posts: 11 Member
    I'm wondering the same thing. I finished training for and running my first marathon over the summer. Before that I was doing the keto diet but switched off of it since everything I read said I would need a lot of carbs to train. I still plan to run a lot and might be doing a half marathon in January. Are there any other runners or highly active people who are on the Keto diet? How has your performance been with your body using fat for fuel?
  • professor700
    professor700 Posts: 78 Member
    It looks like we are the chosen few here... Hehe. It did take me quite a long time to adapt and I never really did feel like I was as fast as I was when I was sugar burning. However I have to say that once I am fully adapted and then I go for a run where I take about 10 to 20 grams of carbs just before I run... ooo buddy, look out, flying sky high sky high... Cannot do that two days in a row though because it will kick you out of ketosis.bummer
  • wtskinner
    wtskinner Posts: 178 Member
    best place that I've seen for anecdotal info on keto training are body building forums. Most of them have some type of low carb/keto forum where people post about progress, experiences, tips etc. about cutting and training on keto.
  • sirsuggs
    sirsuggs Posts: 11 Member
    That's good to know. Burning fat for fuel is supposed to work really well for long distance running but I also want to improve my 5k times and I am not sure if I'll be able to keep a steady sprinting speed. But since it's the winter, I have a lot of time to work these things out.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    I think it must be in the other group if you looked back and didn't find related posts, but for short bursts, in general, carbs tend to be better, but for distance and long periods of time, fat adaption is a huge advantage. You aren't stopping to refuel because your body can burn any fat it stored. And those stores are not limited, whereas carb stores are very finite.

    This is the other group many of us are in. There have been numerous discussions on this topic there as well.
  • totaloblivia
    totaloblivia Posts: 1,164 Member
    That's interesting... Back when I used to fast I had lots of energy! You know, people who are unfit that are exercising are really working harder than trained athletes. Because it's harder on their body because they haven't become so accustomed to it. I'm definitely interested in hearing their experiences as well because really its about exercise stress on the body and ketogenic performance. Yes I'm taking notes hehe

    Oh well, I'm your test case then.

    I sprained my ankle this week (wet floor in shop) so have not got onto week 3 of c25k, and will have to go back and re-do week 2 I think after a week off. Hopefully I can get back on track and my ankle will hold up.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    wtskinner wrote: »
    best place that I've seen for anecdotal info on keto training are body building forums. Most of them have some type of low carb/keto forum where people post about progress, experiences, tips etc. about cutting and training on keto.

  • smslogan317
    smslogan317 Posts: 39 Member
    I workout out 6 days a week primarily weight training, I do cardio as a part of my everyday routine. I generally follow website such as, and Tnation. I just started Mike O'Hearns Power Bodybuilding routine with my own spin on it but the format is similar.
    I do cycle my carbs due to the intensity at which I train, so once during the week I try to get in about 100 carbs (mostly simple sugars post workout) and usually on the weekend I take 1 meal and add carbs too it, but mostly good carbs.
  • ketonai
    ketonai Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there!

    I workout 5-6 days per week, 2 months strength training, 2 months metabolic and HIIT. The strenght with the keto I have to say that is extremely hars to ĺeast for me. But the metabolic trainings.... Much power!
    I have discovered the Keto 3 months ago and I have to say that I really love this way of life..... except the Keto flu. XDDD

    BTW, now with the Christmas time I am taking a little relax with nearly everything, but my objective is back to the track in a strict way in january again, and continue with the CKD for the rest of the year. ..and more, who knows.

    Feel free to add me, greetings!

  • edyn_Blair
    edyn_Blair Posts: 44 Member
    I use keto and lift hard. I always have to pump in my bcaas a few times a day and make sure to take my vitamins, otherwise I feel like my workouts suffer when im really low on glycogen. I do a fairly healthy carb up once a week, but usually burn through the carbs after only one or two days in the gym. I am just shifting back onto it after the holidays and I know this first 2 weeks will be murder but after that I generally have no issues training on keto for long term cycles.
  • Yogi_warrior
    Yogi_warrior Posts: 5,464 Member
    Fat adapted at what intensity? Depends on what type of training you do and how long have you been doing. You might want to measure your RQ/RER at different intensities. When I started my body would switch to carbs at HR of 98. In Six months, I could use predominantly fat as fuel till HR of 165, which was 90% of my Vo2Max. There were definitely some days I felt light headed initially doing high intensity workouts. My body adapted and in time I started burning fat at high intensities. I ran back to back ultra marathons 6 days apart with no training or running before the races. I usually train for power lifting with heavy weights 400-500 lbs with out any problem. I fight/spar in a boxing club for 2-3 hours on few days. I couldn't have done these with out keto.