Total or net?

Hi, all- First, I just want to thank baconslave and Fit_Goat and the rest of the mods for organizing the Launch Pad and gathering all the low carb resources into one place. I am sure this took a lot of effort and I am sure I'm not the only one who is appreciative!

I read the entry about total vs net carbs and found it very interesting. I am embarking on Atkins (with a few modifications), and I'm while I'm not too keen on stuff with sugar alcohols, I do want to make sure I'm getting adequate fiber, because (TMI) I've had trouble staying "regular" on low carb in the past.

So I am not looking to start a debate, but I just wanted to ask some of the more veteran folks what their experience has been with total vs net carbs. Did you find that you lost more or faster with one or the other? Or did it not make a difference?

Sorry if this has been posted before! Just wanted to get some perspectives. Thanks in advance! :-)


  • NewSue52
    NewSue52 Posts: 180 Member
    I use net carbs and have been successful with it. Of course, I am a very low carber. I consume less than 20 g most days. What is important is that you determine both the level of carbs that has you losing weight and the level that causes you to stall. This appears to vary by the person. As far as being regular, there are other ways to get fiber rather than fruits and veg. You might check those out.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Like you I need my fibre. I use benefibre and chia seeds in addition to veg like spinach, brocoli and brussel sprouts. I was on 50g net with 25g fibre so 75g gross. Now aiming at 20 to 30g net (inspired by a forum post) and still 25g fibre so 50g gross (+/-5). Have not changed cal intake. Early days but for me this appears to be more effective as my weight loss plateau has finally been broken. Yay. Good luck and worth playing with levels to find what works for you. I am also adding olive oil and coconut oil or coconut cream into dishes to get my macros more balanced.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    Check out the archives, there was a discussion just recently about this topic that already has both suggestions for fiber and reasons why it may not actually be necessary.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I do net carbs. Whether I need fiber or not, I need the micronutrients in vegetables, and I don't eat enough organ meats to get them from animal sources only.
  • anglyn1
    anglyn1 Posts: 1,802 Member
    Like above I do net carbs mostly to allow for nutrients from veggies and rarely berries. I don't seem to need the fiber. I don't typically eat anything with sugar alcohols so that never really comes into play with me. I know a lot of people subtract them out with no effect and others seem to have issues. I think it's a trial and error type thing.
  • nicintime
    nicintime Posts: 381 Member
    Coconut oil, magnesium, hydration, and giving your body time to keto adapted will take care of the regularity issues.

    Math is not my strong suit and I tend to carb creep if I count net, so total it is. 20-30 per day is my sweet spot.

    But then I'm starting morbidly obese with not the greatest relationship with food! :smile:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    I do total. However I have found when I make an oops and accidentally go over 50g, if it's something higher fat and fibrous, I stay in ketosis.

    I need no fiber. As long as I keep hydrated, eat enough fat, and have enough magnesium, I'm fine. And this is from someone who suffered from IBS-C pre-LC.

    I made a loaf of keto bread and it is pretty fibrous. I've been having 15 or 20g per day a bit this week and I notice no difference in regularity whatsoever.

    So the short answer is, it depends entirely on how your system works. And what those carbs are. If they are fiber, I'd say net is fine. If they are sugar alcohols or sugar (fruit or added sugars), I'd watch how you respond with caution first. I have a little bit of sugar alcohols in gum and Truvia (erythritol), and they don't affect me.

    Just keep in mind that the newer Atkins versions have ADDED the net carbs. The original did not have them. I think it was to make the diet easier to follow and give it more appeal. And after all, they couldn't make their expensive Atkins bars and shakes and make money without net carbs. :wink: The original was only a certain amount of green-leafy, fatty meat, fats, a small amount of HWC, 4oz max of hard cheeses. Hardcore! :lol:
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    I go with total out of laziness. I know my total needs to be around 20g or so of carbs for normal blood glucose so I keep it there. Keeping total carbs low helps me lose weight faster, but when my carbs get up above 30g I find I start eating more - my appetite is affected.

    To be honest, I am a bit anti fibre. I had constipation my entire life due to some undiagnosed health issues. I added so much fibre in an effort to normalize things but it didn't help, just made things a bit bulkier. After adding coconut oil to my diet, and a magnesium citrate supplement, I have finally solved all of my problems that I had hoped fibre would.

    Just my n=1. :). To be honest, I am a bit jealous of those for whom fibre works. ;)
  • SoosannahK
    SoosannahK Posts: 238 Member
    I do net carbs. I was up to 50g net/day but that had me playing around with the same 2 lbs of gaining and losing this past month. I have gained and lost the same 2 lbs every week. :s so I dropped back to 20g net/day or less to try to get back to losing. I don't worry about fiber anymore because I am more regular than I have ever been and my IBS symptoms have virtually disappeared.
  • catherineh1027
    catherineh1027 Posts: 39 Member
    I've started Wheat Belly and it focuses on net carbs. It's easy with MFP to track, blood sugars are not spiking when I've checked and it allows for a little more intake on carbs because of fiber but it's still a much lower intake than what I was doing before. I'm enjoying it. :smile:
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Check out the archives, ......
    Where do I find the archives? I'm sure the questions I have have been answered before. Thanks

    CMYKRGB Posts: 213 Member
    I go with total.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Total. It gives me the wiggle room to assume I've missed some, somewhere.
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Check out the archives, ......
    Where do I find the archives? I'm sure the questions I have have been answered before. Thanks

    I provided the link above that she was talking about.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    reblazed wrote: »
    Dragonwolf wrote: »
    Check out the archives, ......
    Where do I find the archives? I'm sure the questions I have have been answered before. Thanks

    At the bottom of the list of posts on the main group page there's a link that say "View all discussions" that will take you to a paginated list of all the posts.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I go with total out of laziness. I know my total needs to be around 20g or so of carbs for normal blood glucose so I keep it there. Keeping total carbs low helps me lose weight faster, but when my carbs get up above 30g I find I start eating more - my appetite is affected.

    To be honest, I am a bit anti fibre. I had constipation my entire life due to some undiagnosed health issues. I added so much fibre in an effort to normalize things but it didn't help, just made things a bit bulkier. After adding coconut oil to my diet, and a magnesium citrate supplement, I have finally solved all of my problems that I had hoped fibre would.

    Just my n=1. :). To be honest, I am a bit jealous of those for whom fibre works. ;)

    Likewise jealous of those who find magnesium n coconut oil works. Still playing with that now and having, ah hem, mixed results.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @Dragonwolf Thanks ... that'll be a BIG help.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I go with total out of laziness. I know my total needs to be around 20g or so of carbs for normal blood glucose so I keep it there. Keeping total carbs low helps me lose weight faster, but when my carbs get up above 30g I find I start eating more - my appetite is affected.

    To be honest, I am a bit anti fibre. I had constipation my entire life due to some undiagnosed health issues. I added so much fibre in an effort to normalize things but it didn't help, just made things a bit bulkier. After adding coconut oil to my diet, and a magnesium citrate supplement, I have finally solved all of my problems that I had hoped fibre would.

    Just my n=1. :). To be honest, I am a bit jealous of those for whom fibre works. ;)

    Likewise jealous of those who find magnesium n coconut oil works. Still playing with that now and having, ah hem, mixed results.

    Lol. We're just never satisfied I guess. ;)
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I go with total out of laziness. I know my total needs to be around 20g or so of carbs for normal blood glucose so I keep it there. Keeping total carbs low helps me lose weight faster, but when my carbs get up above 30g I find I start eating more - my appetite is affected.

    To be honest, I am a bit anti fibre. I had constipation my entire life due to some undiagnosed health issues. I added so much fibre in an effort to normalize things but it didn't help, just made things a bit bulkier. After adding coconut oil to my diet, and a magnesium citrate supplement, I have finally solved all of my problems that I had hoped fibre would.

    Just my n=1. :). To be honest, I am a bit jealous of those for whom fibre works. ;)

    Likewise jealous of those who find magnesium n coconut oil works. Still playing with that now and having, ah hem, mixed results.

    Magnesium complex, 500mg a day is a God send for me. I've seen doctors, nutritionists etc. Staying lower on refined carbs/starches helps. All the refined grains etc. just created a cement plug.
    But magnesium complex is my hero.
    And tons of fiber from vegetables. I've had 41 grams today.
    But boy do I feel your pain.