Leslie Sansone January 2016 Walk Challenge



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    2 Mile Walk This way twice this morning
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,459 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles

    LilyMay I need to learn curling!!! Apparently walking is not doing very well so far! If I am going to be an inspiration to anyone, I need to get to it!! :laugh: Meh, back to work today and into a routine!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Week of Jan 4
    Mon: 2 miles - Leslie Sansone Walk it off in 30
    Tues: 1 mile & Leslie Sansone Firm it up in 30
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I have a friend that loves the Walk to the hits... so I am going to get that plus I will check out the website! Great info!

    I stepped on the scale today to get an "official" weight... starting challenges on Thursday sooooo WOW that was not fun. I gained SO much weight over the holidays... now more determined than ever to make this the year I get my BMI into a normal range!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I went to the park after dropping my grandson off at school. I managed 1.5 miles but honestly it was too cold to continue. I was not dressed for it and I rarely get cold.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    zichab wrote: »
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    LilyMay I need to learn curling!!! Apparently walking is not doing very well so far! If I am going to be an inspiration to anyone, I need to get to it!! :laugh: Meh, back to work today and into a routine!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:

    Brenda - not sure where you live - but you could head over to Vegas in a couple of weeks and watch the Continental Cup of Curling!! Or come on over to Saskatchewan and we will go bonspieling on the 15th weekend!! :) Lol
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Welcome to the group, I'm not on as much as I used to be nor am I working out, but you are and that's great. Thank your husband for his services and your right he's home with you. Happy New Years.

    Good morning everyone!

    I am new to this group. I had an account a long time ago, fell off the wagon, fell into a very deep depression when my dad died unexpectedly, and comfort ate myself too much.

    I started walking with Leslie Sansone after Christmas since I am TERRIBLY out of shape. I am starting with one of her 1 mile videos until I can build myself up to her 2 mile ones. I ordered a couple of her DVD's to use when I buy a portable DVD player. I do her walks in the bedroom at home when I get home from work. My husband and I have also started walking outdoors a few times a week, when his back is up to it. He's a disable veteran with a very bad back after sustaining injuries in Iraq 10 years ago. Thank God he came home safely!

    Anyway...back to my January goals. :D

    I am setting myself a goal of 20 miles of Leslie Sansone walks.

    January 2nd: 1 mile Leslie Sansone walk :D

    January 4th: 1 mile Leslie Sansone walk

    2 miles down...18 to go!![/quote]

  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Just making my note to myself, haven't worked out, I haven't gotten up early and either to tired/lazy at night, my loss.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Jan 1 - 3.4 miles
    Jan 2 - 4.8 miles - 10605 steps - 1/10
    Jan 3 - 3.7 miles
    Jan 4 - 1.7 miles....ugh!!! At work :(
    Jan 5 - 5 miles - 11156 steps - 2/10
    Jan 6 - 2.1 miles
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    2 Mile Walk This Way
    1 Mile Interval Walk
    2 Mile In home Walk
  • bandit5125
    bandit5125 Posts: 491 Member
    Hi everyone, Had my ortho appt. today. I am waiting to have an mri scheduled. The r says I had a bakers cyst which is what the pop at Christmas was, and it drained into my torn meniscus, yup, got that too. Or so he thinks anyway. we will know more once the mri is done. I am allowed to still walk, no jogging or running and no more then 3 miles a day. So looks like I need to bring it down a bit. Not sure what my miles will be this month. Oh I also had my thyroid ultrasound done today, will hear the results in a few days.


    12 miles with Leslie today
    20 Miles total with Leslie

    7 miles outside today
    11 miles total outside

    31 miles total- goal 125.

    Happy Walking!

  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    bandit5125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, Had my ortho appt. today. I am waiting to have an mri scheduled. The r says I had a bakers cyst which is what the pop at Christmas was, and it drained into my torn meniscus, yup, got that too. Or so he thinks anyway. we will know more once the mri is done. I am allowed to still walk, no jogging or running and no more then 3 miles a day. So looks like I need to bring it down a bit. Not sure what my miles will be this month. Oh I also had my thyroid ultrasound done today, will hear the results in a few days.


    12 miles with Leslie today
    20 Miles total with Leslie

    7 miles outside today
    11 miles total outside

    31 miles total- goal 125.

    Happy Walking!

    [Oh wow, what a pain I here, look on the bright side you can walk, it will be just a little slower for now and not as far. Maybe surgery and asll better for the nicer weather in a couple of months. Well wish to you.]
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    Well I got up early and did my two mile walk I ewas happy to have do it. However my eating was off the chart.
  • Wannabealoser2
    Wannabealoser2 Posts: 21 Member
    I walked another mile on Wednesday. That puts me at three miles down, 17 to go. I didn't walk yesterday. I was exhausted when I came home from work. I ended up going to bed early and am going to walk tonight for sure.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Jan 1 - 3.4 miles
    Jan 2 - 4.8 miles - 10605 steps - 1/10
    Jan 3 - 3.7 miles
    Jan 4 - 1.7 miles....ugh!!! At work :(
    Jan 5 - 5 miles - 11156 steps - 2/10
    Jan 6 - 2.1 miles
    Jan 7 - 4.2 miles - shovelling snow & curling

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    bandit5125 wrote: »
    Hi everyone, Had my ortho appt. today. I am waiting to have an mri scheduled. The r says I had a bakers cyst which is what the pop at Christmas was, and it drained into my torn meniscus, yup, got that too. Or so he thinks anyway. we will know more once the mri is done. I am allowed to still walk, no jogging or running and no more then 3 miles a day. So looks like I need to bring it down a bit. Not sure what my miles will be this month. Oh I also had my thyroid ultrasound done today, will hear the results in a few days.


    12 miles with Leslie today
    20 Miles total with Leslie

    7 miles outside today
    11 miles total outside

    31 miles total- goal 125.

    Happy Walking!

    Ouch - take it slow and easy, it is good you can still walk
  • Wannabealoser2
    Wannabealoser2 Posts: 21 Member
    I walked another mile on Wednesday. That puts me at three miles down, 17 to go. I didn't walk yesterday. I was exhausted when I came home from work. I ended up going to bed early and am going to walk tonight for sure.

    I DID IT!!!!

    I gave the 2 mile walk a go tonight and made it!!! My arms feel like noodles, but I DID IT!!

    That puts me at 5 miles down, 15 to go! :D:D:D

  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,035 Member
    I walked another mile on Wednesday. That puts me at three miles down, 17 to go. I didn't walk yesterday. I was exhausted when I came home from work. I ended up going to bed early and am going to walk tonight for sure.

    I DID IT!!!!

    I gave the 2 mile walk a go tonight and made it!!! My arms feel like noodles, but I DID IT!!

    That puts me at 5 miles down, 15 to go! :D:D:D

  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    I know we are not supposed to let "life" take over our workouts but it has been brutal for me lately! Long days and not enough time. My workouts have been nonexistent and my eating has been terrible! Man some days it is easier to just give up. I am going to get my workout in before I do anything else! The housework and bills can wait! I have some fat to burn off!
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.

    January 8 - 2.7 miles

    Jan 9 - getting ready for a party - DH thinks it should all be downstairs....so up down up down ... I will let you know how I do!! So far I have eaten my veggie allotment - because I had to taste them before I made the veggie platter :)