Leslie Sansone January 2016 Walk Challenge



  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    PinkyPan1 wrote: »
    2 Mile Walk This Way

    How's your weather today?

    Frigid! No more snow but freezing cold...-13 degrees this morning with the wind chill. BTW...you did an awesome workout this morning.
  • coopscoopc
    coopscoopc Posts: 626 Member
    We got the snow! Ugh! It was so bad out yesterday with the wind, ice, and snow.. I decided to stay home. :smile: got my 2 mile walk in!

    Tonight I have to stop and visit mother. Then I plan to go straight home to workout!
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.3 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 2.2 miles=17.5 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=18.9 total miles
    1/9-WAH 3 mile Power Walk-3 miles=21.9 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=23.1 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=24.5 total miles
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=27.7 total miles
    1/12 Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=31.4 total miles
    1/13 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=34.4 total miles

    WOW bgoddess You're back! Look at you go!!! Rock those miles! :+1:

    OK, I am glad I complained about our "dusting" of snow because it has not stopped snowing since! Woo Hoo mid Michigan is finally all covered in white stuff. Color me happy. However, I can do without the freakin cold! LOL

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.

    January 8 - 2.7 miles
    January 9 - 5 miles - 11038 steps - 3/10,000
    January 10 - 3.2 miles
    January 11 - 2.4 miles
    January 12 - 2.5 miles
    January 13 - 4.5 miles - 10079 steps - 4/10,000 ...... curling - yeah!!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Sunny and 48 degrees today.....I went to the park and managed 6 miles. I may have pulled something ...hamstring perhaps while shoveling snow. It is a tight burning and stinging pain so after this months challenge I may have to rest up a bit. I want whatever it is healed before golf season.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.3 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 2.2 miles=17.5 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=18.9 total miles
    1/9-WAH 3 mile Power Walk-3 miles=21.9 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=23.1 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=24.5 total miles
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=27.7 total miles
    1/12 Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=31.4 total miles
    1/13 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=34.4 total miles
    1/13 Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=37.9 total miles
    1/14 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=40.9 total miles

    Be careful Pinky. Hamstring pulls are painful and take a while to heal. It may just be a minor pull that gets worse with over use. Burning and stinging muscles that are not lifting weights are trying to tell us something. :neutral:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Wannabealoser2
    Wannabealoser2 Posts: 21 Member
    Ugh!!! So frustrated!!!! I stepped on the scale...big mistake that was...I have put 3.5 pounds back on. I need to get it together. Not sure if it is water weight, crappy choices over the last couple of days, or a combination of both. *sigh*

    I did walk two more miles, one yesterday and one today. I have walked 9 miles this month so far with 11 more to go.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.3 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 2.2 miles=17.5 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=18.9 total miles
    1/9-WAH 3 mile Power Walk-3 miles=21.9 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=23.1 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=24.5 total miles
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=27.7 total miles
    1/12 Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=31.4 total miles
    1/13 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=34.4 total miles
    1/13 Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=37.9 total miles
    1/14 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=40.9 total miles
    1/14 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=45.0 total miles

    Ugh!!! So frustrated!!!! I stepped on the scale...big mistake that was...I have put 3.5 pounds back on. I need to get it together. Not sure if it is water weight, crappy choices over the last couple of days, or a combination of both. *sigh*

    The good news is, it is not possible to gain 3.5 pounds of fat in 2 days, so most of it is probably water with a little from crappy choices :wink: The best advice is to get back on track and drink a lot of water-I try to get in 12 glasses a day when I am losing and it helps a lot. I have no idea why water is such a magic bullet, but it definitely gets rid of water weight. Hang in there-one little scale set back will not stop you! :noway: You are on pace to your walking goal and that is a huge success! CELEBRATE!!! :smiley:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.

    January 8 - 2.7 miles
    January 9 - 5 miles - 11038 steps - 3/10,000
    January 10 - 3.2 miles
    January 11 - 2.4 miles
    January 12 - 2.5 miles
    January 13 - 4.5 miles - 10079 steps - 4/10,000 ...... curling - yeah!!
    January 14 - 3.4 miles

    Week 2 - 23.7 miles = total of 48.6 miles ... oh dear 11 miles behind schedule. Hopefully with at least 3 curling games this weekend I catch up.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    Ugh!!! So frustrated!!!! I stepped on the scale...big mistake that was...I have put 3.5 pounds back on. I need to get it together. Not sure if it is water weight, crappy choices over the last couple of days, or a combination of both. *sigh*

    I did walk two more miles, one yesterday and one today. I have walked 9 miles this month so far with 11 more to go.

    The scale is not our friend...I swear it is the devil in disguise. Look at you accumulating miles. You are doing great......keep going. The scale is just a tool that we use...how you feel is a much better indicator that you are moving forward with your weight loss. Keep moving and be diligent and that scale will catch up to your hard work. :)
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    edited January 2016
    Leg is doing better today...Dr. Google says it may be a bicep femuris strain. Rest and ice packs seem to help. After 5 Leslie miles it is slightly sore. More ice and rest.
    3 Mile 5K with a Twist
    2 Mile Walk This Way
  • SweetPeasMom55
    SweetPeasMom55 Posts: 3,385 Member
    52.5/100 I wasn't sure if I would get a walk in today but i took a nap and then got the walk in. :)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.
    Week 2 - 23.7 miles = total of 48.6 miles (4/10)

    Jan 15 - 4.5 miles - 10071 steps (5/10) Curling - yeah!!

    Oh dear - made a deal with the skip on our curling team - if we lost our game I would skip the next one. And we lost - so... I am already doing the math... I will only make 2 trips up and down the ice each end instead of 6 trips.. and the upper body workout (sweeping rocks) will be minimal... I think I may have to convince her she needs to skip again :);)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited January 2016
    Ugh!!! So frustrated!!!! I stepped on the scale...big mistake that was...I have put 3.5 pounds back on. I need to get it together. Not sure if it is water weight, crappy choices over the last couple of days, or a combination of both. *sigh*

    I did walk two more miles, one yesterday and one today. I have walked 9 miles this month so far with 11 more to go.

    For me - I notice when I increase my exercise I have a gain, as I get used to the increase the gain becomes a loss. Like PinkPan said - the scale will catch up to your hard work.
  • Wannabealoser2
    Wannabealoser2 Posts: 21 Member
    I appreciate everyone's reassurances! Y'all are awesome!!

    I did log this week as a slight gain. When I look back at my food diary, I can pinpoint exactly where I went wrong. I made too many "convenience" choices instead of planning ahead like I had been doing.

    Just gotta get back in the saddle and keep going! I told myself this morning that these things happen. Losing weight is hard!!
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    3 Mile American Heart Assoc
  • bgoddess2003
    bgoddess2003 Posts: 335 Member
    I forgot to log yesterday I did my 2 mile walk by LS and today switched videos and did a 3 mile dance to remix nice burn followed by some rubber band and light weight.

  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.3 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 2.2 miles=17.5 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=18.9 total miles
    1/9-WAH 3 mile Power Walk-3 miles=21.9 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=23.1 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=24.5 total miles
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=27.7 total miles
    1/12 Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=31.4 total miles
    1/13 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=34.4 total miles
    1/13 Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=37.9 total miles
    1/14 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=40.9 total miles
    1/14 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=45.0 total miles
    1/15 Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=47.6 total miles
    1/16 WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=52.6 total miles

    OK I am a little off the pace of my goal, but I hope to catch up this weekend since I have 3 days! I am getting these pounds off one way or the other! :rage:

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile:
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    January Goal:
    120 miles
    10 days over 10,000 steps
    Watch better for the hidden sugar and yeast.
    Measure, weigh and log foods!!

    Week 1 - 24.9 miles & 2 over 10,000 steps.
    Week 2 - 23.7 miles = total of 48.6 miles (4/10)

    Jan 15 - 4.5 miles - 10071 steps (5/10) Curling - yeah!!
    Jan 16 - 3.5 miles

    So - I lost the coin toss - I skipped both curling games Saturday. Didn't make my 10,000 steps :( ... but sure tried to. Sunday - 1 more curling game. I best wear more clothes - it was REALLY cold in the curling rink and -32 Celsius outside...... Still cold this morning.
  • zichab
    zichab Posts: 1,457 Member
    Goal-3.5 miles/day or 108.5 miles for the month

    1/1-Vivofit tracked 2.4 miles=2.4 total miles
    1/2-Vivofit tracked 2.0 miles=4.4 total miles
    1/3-Vivofit tracked 2.3 miles=6.7 total miles
    1/4-Vivofit tracked 2.7 miles=9.4 total miles
    1/5-Vivofit tracked 2.9 miles=12.3 total miles
    1/6-Vivofit tracked 3.0 miles=15.3 total miles
    1/7-Vivofit tracked 2.2 miles=17.5 total miles
    1/8-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=18.9 total miles
    1/9-WAH 3 mile Power Walk-3 miles=21.9 total miles
    1/9-Vivofit tracked 1.2 miles=23.1 total miles
    1/10-Vivofit tracked 1.4 miles=24.5 total miles
    1/11-Vivofit tracked 3.2 miles=27.7 total miles
    1/12 Vivofit tracked 3.7 miles=31.4 total miles
    1/13 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=34.4 total miles
    1/13 Vivofit tracked 3.5 miles=37.9 total miles
    1/14 WAH 3 Mile Power Walk-3miles=40.9 total miles
    1/14 Vivofit tracked 4.1 miles=45.0 total miles
    1/15 Vivofit tracked 2.6 miles=47.6 total miles
    1/16 WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=52.6 total miles
    1/16 Vivofit tracked .7 miles=53.3 total miles
    1/17 WAH-5 Mile Fat Burning Walk-5 miles=58.3 total miles

    Almost there! I need to get to 63 miles tomorrow and I will have made up for my lousy start this month.

    Holy Crap LilyMay, what are you doing out side at -32C!!!! We close school down here at -28C! That is skin freezing cold so bundle up!

    Walk Strong Everyone! :bigsmile: