

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited December 2016
    Morning Hatters!

    As I said earlier, i'm spending the last 3 days of the year trying to figure out what I want for myself in a couple of areas.. but as far as weight management for 2017 my one and only "goal" is to get back to my original GW.

    I've been doing a little surfing on some stuff, and came to realize it's a little overwhelming to try to figure out my entire life for the next year LOL.. but especially with the weight loss.. it almost seems like i'm sort of .. dreading the new year because it means I have to "start all over" as such.. and it seems a little daunting. well, i'm not actually dreading it.. far to excessive a word.. but it does seem to be presenting itself in a slightly negative connotation this time (losing weight).. just wondered if anyone else is experiencing that bit of apprehension rather than embracing the new year as a clean slate and great time to start over as its always been for me before?

    anyhoooooo.. that said... in my travels on the internet i found a neat little idea that i think might work for me, especially for January! to help ease myself into the right head space and see the journey to my weight loss as a positive thing again.. so i thought i would share in case the idea appeals to anyone else. its really just a tweak on what we already know of course.. but mentally i think it will be a good way for me to think.. so i'll post it below .. food for thought only lol. And looking forward to hearing what everyone else here plans for the new year with their weight loss journeys :)

    So the basic idea is instead of focusing on goals... to simply focus on new "habits" instead... and to make one new habit every month... and focus on just that one and do it every single day..

    One new habit every 30 days - focus on the habit, not the goal.. add them to your calendar, set alarms or reminders on your phone and do it every day!

    Now, most people suck at eating better because they try to make TOO many changes at once, their stomach freaks out and they run back to their comfort foods. My advice? Pick one food change every few weeks, and stick with it. Whether it’s eating less calories per day, drinking one less soda, eating more vegetables or cooking your own meal once a week…small changes can lead to big successes in the long run.

    And find an activity that makes you happy, and do it all of the time. Do you like to run? Awesome, do that (just do it right). Do you like to lift weights? Awesome, make sure your workouts don’t suck. Maybe you like yoga, or dodgeball, or Ultimate Frisbee, or rock climbing, or whatever! If you tell me that “I don’t like to exercise,” then you just haven’t found the activity that makes you happy yet.

    We’re genetically designed to be active. If you don’t like to move, then it’s time to try new things until you find something that you DO like. Sign up for a new class, join your company’s running club for a day, try out something in your basement or living room, just keep trying new stuff until you find something that you like. And then do it as often as you can.

    Remember, your diet is 80% of your success or failure. Exercising regularly will help you build muscle, strengthen your heart, lose weight, increase your endurance, stamina, and/or flexibility. On top of that, regular exercise keeps your mind thinking healthy, which in turn will keep your stomach thinking healthy, which will cause your mouth to want to continue eating healthy foods. It’s the circle of life,

    Put it all together: These are the steps you can take today:

    Determine your goals or habits you want to establish. Write them down and hang them up.
    Determine why you sucked in the past and how you can avoid it in the future. Start cleaning up your diet in whatever method works best for you. Pick an activity that makes you happy, and do it. A lot.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    LOve this!!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    Love the article Snooozie. I reminds me of when I first started this journey. I went to Canyon Ranch, initially for two weeks, but then left at one week because it was healthy on steroids there, and I, being the queen of unhealthy habits, was totally overwhelmed. I gained a ton of info on healthy living, like we all have, but couldn't possibly do it all, so I checked out, went home, and took on one change at a time. I didn't give it a set time but rather waited until I felt successful with that change before I moved on to the next. I then went back to Canyon Ranch for the second week several months later feeling much more receptive.
    It totally worked, I lost a lot of weight, and reversed my diabetes, BUT I felt miserable, like I was always having to deny myself and be so disciplined all the time, etc. So what I like about this article is they focus on what makes you HAPPY. That's the key for me I think, and what I am going to focus on- one change at a time, but making additions or substitutions with things that make me HAPPY! I think that has been my hesitation all along with committing to my healthy lifestyle goals again-I fear being miserable again. So I need to wrap my brain around that a healthy lifestyle can be a happy lifestyle, too :)

    Of course I need to get physically healthy and over this WP first. I am on day 3 of my antibiotics, and still not better and having violent coughing spasms and my doctor is not in all next week, so I am going to call and see how long it should be for the meds to kick in. I always heard if they don't work in 2-3 days then you need something else.

    I hope everyone else is doing well as this incredible year of 2016 is coming to an end, and wish all Hatters health and happiness as the new year rolls in :)

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    edited December 2016
    Susan - lmao at the "healthy on steroids"... TOO funny!! but totally get it!!

    i'm sorry you aren't feeling any better with the meds; I've never heard the 2-3 day thing, I always thought it was a 7-10 range.. but im wondering if because you have been SO sick for a couple of weeks whether its just taking abit of time for the meds to kick in and start working? hopefully you got in touch with the doc and either got some reassurance or new meds.... would be nice if you were feeling humanish after so long of the blech!

    As far as the "new habit" post, I think that's what resonated with me as well Susan.. the "happy" factor.. because like you (only you were able to express it way better than me lol) I think I was feeling that sense of "rut roh" and being miserable and deprived making me hesitate or "dread" the new start of the year.

    Instead now, I am kinda pumped... because i'm not looking to go whole hog or "all or nothing" !! instead am definitely switching to new habits.. and i'm actually going to do exactly what they suggested.. write the habits down to do every day and publicize it.. well, with you guys anyway..

    Right now i'm thinking I am going to make 2 new habits a month; one involving diet and one involving movement. I totally fall into the "don't like anything" physical exercise.. so I will be looking at finding something I actually like by trying some new things.. HOWEVER.. since that will be a work in progress, I think that I am going to make going up the stairs at home 2x a day my new physical moVEMENT exercise for January... its 7 flights up... I will go down them as well lol.. but it will be the "up" factor as such.... I admit right now I have to stop on the 4th floor to rest a minute when I am forced to take the stairs.. so it will also be a measurable habit where I can see progress.. if I make it to the 5th floor instead LOL.

    Most importantly tho.. its "doable" and no possible excuse not to do it 2x every day.. no matter what shift i'm on. it's a small new habit.. but ... as is said.. small changes lead to big results! And will be easy to track - as I don't want to make it hard or time consuming to track my new habits either. And there is a bit of the happy factor in there cause I will at least be doing something different movment wise!

    I have yet to figure out what the diet habit will be.. I suspect it SHOULD be portion control... as I find ive slipped a bit back into OLD habits of full plates... and it IS the most important aspect for me not so much for the weight loss, but the T2. So I guess I have decided... lol but being a woman.. I still have a day to change my mind BAHAHAHAH.. it's my prerogative, right? giggle snort.

    i'm off to do a few chores today; had planned a jammie day yesterday for first day off, but got a call from a friend who was skipping out of work early to meet for a coffee. which ended up as a 4 hr brunch lol. but ws a lovely day and double bonus - eggs benny and catching up with a good friend.. and GREAT coffee at the place... score!! Small joys :):):)

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Congratulations on your new grand-nephew, Susan, and thanks for posting your lovely photos! I hope you're better soon. It sounds awful.

    I'm afraid I was too smug about my two pound gain, and it turned into a six pound gain. I have five of those left to lose. So frustrating. I feel so tired recently. I have had a little break from exercise as my classes have stopped for Christmas, so only been doing a little walking ... and I'm dreading exercise. I'm going to do something today, even if it's just minutes, but at the moment I just feel so tired. But determined to not let weight creep up any more. It has been such a struggle losing the extra that I gained - SO much harder than losing that weight in the first place!

    Anyway, it's good to check in here and read all your thoughts and plans. I love the idea of a happy lifestyle - so important! One, because being happy is good for your health, and two, because if something's making you unhappy you're likely to give up on it! I will take that advice on board - thank you, Susan and Snoozie!

    I love the idea of your stair habit, Snoozie, and of being able to measure progress by where you need to stop on the way up! I think walking upstairs is actually incredibly good exercise, as you are lifting your whole body weight up a few inches repeatedly. I remember one of the trainers at the gym telling me that the stairmaster was the best machine. It's horrible to use, but supposedly effective! Of course, doing it for real will have the same effect, but with the added bonus that coming downstairs is also exercise.

    Happy Hogmanay to those of you who celebrate, and all the best for 2017!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Vail I couldn't agree more about the frustration of losing the regain being far greater and far harder than the initial loss!! arghh - I feel for ya!! I'm sorry you are feeling so tired.... maybe its just your body saying I need to recharge my batteries so tke a few days and just chill.. indulge in the things you enjoy like a bubble bath, good book, a glass of wine or whatever brings small joys.. and don't stress over the couple of pounds still to lose.. the last 10 are always the hardest but the good news is we KNOW we can do it.... cause we've already done it!! it may suck we have to do it again lol... but the good news is we are 100% sure we CAN do it!! and that's good to know heading into a brand new year right??

    Happy Hogmanay to you as well, and wishing all the hatters a healthy 2017 !!

    And while I don't make resolutions on NY, im thinking these would also make great "new habits" for me to add in with the diet/exercise ones!! :)

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Happy New Year!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Happy New Year! I love the picture of the Japanese tidying up method! I have used that method, with some limited success, but this really made me laugh!
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    I agree with Vail, Snooozie. ROFL about the Japanese decluttering method! Thanks for sharing ;-)

    Vail-thanks for the well wishes and glad you enjoyed my family photos.

    Snooozie- thanks for the empathy and well wishes. While the antibiotic didn't seem to help the first few days, they did start to make a difference on day 4, so I am relieved to know they are helping and very slowly but surely I will recover ! Yesterday was day 5 and my last day of taking them, but they will stay in my system for another 5 - 7 days. And if I need to I can start another zpac at that point.
    As far as your new habits, I like your idea of 2 new habits a month, one diet and one movement. Once I get better, I think I'll do the same. Something encouraging to me, and I hope for you, is that we are starting this new year with our i plans of healthy habit changes from such a better place than when we first started. I already have so many more healthy habits ingrained , that now it's more like tweaking instead of major overhaul. And thank you , Snooozie , for your encouragement for everyone concerning starting the new year fresh and your good ideas.

    Happy New Year to all you lovely Hatters <3 ~ Susan
  • seehe
    seehe Posts: 946 Member
    PS- so is it time now to start a new 2017 page?