Can nuts really stall you?



  • MDAPebbles67
    MDAPebbles67 Posts: 181 Member
    Roasted, salted nuts pre packaged from the grocery store, 1 oz a day. No stall.
  • Emily3907
    Emily3907 Posts: 1,461 Member
    carlsoda wrote: »
    I also eat a serving size every day (30 grams) of pecans. I buy them from costco and roast them in my oven with melted butter and salt. I also store them in the fridge to keep them fresh. I haven't noticed any issues with weight loss. One of my most favorite snacks is cottage cheese and pecans. So yummy! :)

    Yay for costco pecans!! I love pecans, but they can be pricey. I love the bags from costco. I always have a couple bags in my freezer. Love your idea for roasting, stealing it!
  • Yi5hedr3
    Yi5hedr3 Posts: 2,696 Member
    Macadamia nuts are the healthiest. Cashews are high in carbs, and many other nuts are high in Omega 6's which cause inflammation. If you CAN actually control the quantity, I suggest Macadamia nuts.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    Given a 2 week flat line after averaging 1-2lb loss a week for over 2 months, I will weigh in on the side of cashew nuts are an axis of evil. Too tasty. Even though they are in my calories and in my macros, since the mega pack of salted roasted goodness arrived in my house my weight has stalled. Could be irrelevant and i can't rhink of any justification but given little else changed in my diet my vote is yes nuts can cause a stall.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    4-16 January stall @56.6kg +0.1 to -0.5. Bit frustrated. Maybe this is just a recovery period rather than nuts. Since 16 Oct I have been eating to minimise sugar (no fruit, startches, grains, cereals) and lost 14 pounds.

    I realise that in addition to nuts I have added more "healthy green leafy veg" but carbs still 40 to 70g (approx 15%) ; of which sugar 5 to 15g, fibre 20 to 30g. All still in macros, so soldiering on.

    I am thinking of trying a fast day with a bulletproof coffee. Given I have not had coffee in those last 3 months that could be spectacular! Hyperactivity warning!! Sounds like it has helped some of you. Anyone have a fave recipe? Else I will just try the website version. Thxs.
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    I just make my normal strongman coffee with 1tbsb HWC and 1/2 Tbs coconut oil I have 2 to 3 a day.

    Also I haven't had nuts all week and weight is starting to fall again, i am not saying the nuts caused by stall but I do think it did slow me down on the recovery. But I will try again later on to see if it effects me the same way just to be sure. (That's how I found out how sugar effected me was trial and error lol)
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    It's great to be in a place nutritionally that you can test yourself with certain foods this way! I've been able to do this with many food items over the past several months too! My latest trial was some dark chocolate, and I learned that it's best not to keep it around! It called to me, just like regular chocolate! So I ate it all, and it's now gone! Won't be getting any more for a long time! Eye opening to see how easy it was to fall back into bingeing!
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    Great to know! I will keep that out of the house lol
  • Kitnthecat
    Kitnthecat Posts: 2,070 Member
    Nuts definitely stall my weight loss. It's hard for me to have enough calories to spare in a day if I allow nuts to be part of my calorie allotment. I am not sure actually if I gain weight or stall weight loss because nuts, even lower carb nuts, contain more carbs than my body likes, or whether a higher calorie intake results from making nuts part of my my day. It is simply too easy to consume too many.

    I noticed about 13 months ago, that all the so- called healthy paleo type baked goods, which were baked with an almond meal base, that I made for Christmas 2014, sugar free even, resulted in weight gain and a feeling of sluggishness. I determined that I needed to cut down on them and go even lower carb. I still make a few baked items with almond meal, but really restrict my intake.

    It is also dangerous for me to even eat 1 oz of roasted salted nuts. They taste way too good. Which makes it easier to overindulge. I also don't feel good when eating too many nuts. My body doesn't like it. I am convinced that I will always need to restrict my intake of nuts, not only to lose weight or to maintain weight loss, but also to feel good. I feel sluggish and heavy after eating them, and my digestion slows and feels yucky.

    So, I no longer make almond meal "bread-like" substitutes. I no longer coat chicken or fish in almond meal. I will not usually buy roasted, salted nuts. I do always have raw almonds, walnuts and even pecans and macadamia nuts in the fridge or freezer. I might cook with them, or eat a very few. Eating raw nuts makes it more possible to eat just a wee bit. Salted, roasted cashews are not a good idea for me to have around the house... Too tasty and dangerous! Too many carbs.

    I did go through a phase where I would soak raw nuts in filtered water and sea salt, which makes them easier for me to digest. After soaking, I would dry them out at the lowest setting in my oven, then store them in the fridge. I was able to eat just a few of these, but no longer go through this ritual. It is easier to just stop trying to make nuts part of my regular routine.

    I have found that snacks of meat or cheese work better for me, or better yet, avoid snacking and just eat a meal of meat, eggs, and maybe a bit of cheese or low GI vegetable. I have less digestive upset or feeling of sluggishness this way, and weight loss continues.

    Come to think of it, I'd rather fast than eat nuts. It's just not worth it to me.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Karlottap wrote: »
    It's great to be in a place nutritionally that you can test yourself with certain foods this way! I've been able to do this with many food items over the past several months too! My latest trial was some dark chocolate, and I learned that it's best not to keep it around! It called to me, just like regular chocolate! So I ate it all, and it's now gone! Won't be getting any more for a long time! Eye opening to see how easy it was to fall back into bingeing!

    Yep! I've read on the boards a million times to swap to dark chocolate as you only need to eat 1-2 squares to feel satisfied.. Pffft whatever, it's not magic lol, it doesn't work for me, half a block is my minimum lol I no longer buy it either
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @Kitnthecat thanks for sharing
    Interesting. I suspect I may have same issues. I meticulously weigh everything that I eat, except I realise, nuts. I put a bag of nuts in my handbag as emergency supplies for a time when I am hungry but no protein without sugary sauce in work canteen. I count them, rather than weight them, which probably means I am eating more calories than I think. I think I may need to follow your lead and lay off the nuts!
  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    One of the MFP entries for Almonds says 24 = 1 oz. I find that to be pretty accurate, today, 25 measured out to be 1 oz exactly.