Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 3 (1/15-1/21)



  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 18

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 222.2
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes

    I knew yesterday was too good to be true... oh well, KCKO
  • ratlmega
    ratlmega Posts: 2 Member
    Update: been doing pretty well.
    SW: 170
    CW: 159
    GW: 135
    I've been keeping my carbs below 50 (would prefer 20 or less) but I've been doing HIIT 3x week. Feeling pretty good, just need to keep my mind in it and try a little harder to drop my carb count lower to drop some fat a little faster. Thinking about doing a TLS cleanse. Anyone ever heard of it? If so would love some feedback. Thanks.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Monday, Jan 18:
    [–] Write - Nope, had to do bills with my writing time
    [√] Hydrate: 111/67
    [√] Step goals: 6,103/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away. Mall walking. Going outside to breathe (OMG WIND COLD).
    [√] Logging: Weight (140.2), Macros C/F/P (6%/75%/19%)
    [√] Daily NSV: Went out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner last night. The list of cheesecakes sounded amazing, but when my husband got his, it didn't even look like real food. I could SEE the margarine and crap in between the flavor molecules. Also, I easily found a couple options on the menu. Since I'm all meat, I had an omelette with bacon and ham, plus goat cheese and fontina. They gave me tomatoes on the side instead of potatoes, which my husband stole to put on his chicken sandwich. Did NOT feel like a waste of money, and the omelette was SO BIG I had most of the second half for breakfast today. (SO BIG). Very happy to be able to be carnivore and eat out (ha! I started to type 'meat out'). All my carbs from Monday were from my coffees. :D

  • disaberry
    disaberry Posts: 34 Member
    Very cool! Seems we're a similar weight and goal. Glad to hear your story!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Monday, Jan 18:
    [–] Write - Nope, had to do bills with my writing time
    [√] Hydrate: 111/67
    [√] Step goals: 6,103/5,000
    [√] Activity: Parking far away. Mall walking. Going outside to breathe (OMG WIND COLD).
    [√] Logging: Weight (140.2), Macros C/F/P (6%/75%/19%)
    [√] Daily NSV: Went out to Cheesecake Factory for dinner last night. The list of cheesecakes sounded amazing, but when my husband got his, it didn't even look like real food. I could SEE the margarine and crap in between the flavor molecules. Also, I easily found a couple options on the menu. Since I'm all meat, I had an omelette with bacon and ham, plus goat cheese and fontina. They gave me tomatoes on the side instead of potatoes, which my husband stole to put on his chicken sandwich. Did NOT feel like a waste of money, and the omelette was SO BIG I had most of the second half for breakfast today. (SO BIG). Very happy to be able to be carnivore and eat out (ha! I started to type 'meat out'). All my carbs from Monday were from my coffees. :D


    CW: 152.8
    That fast-day yesterday really got that water weight off. Dayyyum.
    We have no water today. It hasn't been over 20 deg the past few days (Farenheit) so either it's our pipes near the creek, or someone else's pipes froze. This is the 2nd time in the last 7 days. I'm not going to be getting my water in today. Ugh...I'm thirsty and I need to bathe! :rage:

    Sun 1/17:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Rest day.
    Prelogged next day: :+1:

    Mon 1/18:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: Fast Day :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: HIIT
    Prelogged next day: :+1:



  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    JAN 19 Monday summary

    SW: May 2015 184: Jan 1. 150
    CW: 149.8
    GW for January: 5 pounds

    Calories Goals: Close, but a bit over
    Carbs Goals: A bit over
    Exercise: I'm a machine!!

    I'm digging doing a plank test after every workout. Still nothing to report on the scale, but I've been running treadmill faithfully. I'm wearing black jeans today that I feel like I'm swimming in. They are usually very tight. I'm in disbelief that just 2 weeks of dedicated gym can make such a difference in my slacks, but not in my weight. It's weird. Maybe I just didn't dry them as much in the dryer? LOL.
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    January goals:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol

    1) On track since January 2! (not tracking on weekends, just avoiding sweets, starches, and alcohol)
    2) 222 on Weds, 1/13, down from 226.2 last Wednesday on 1/6
    3) 7 pounds lost this month, exceeded my goal by 2 pounds!
    4) On track since January 2

    It's been a while since I checked in, I'm building momentum. Didn't log over the weekend but got some testing strips and I'm in deep purple so that is encouraging. Shark week has started so I am not weighing; it's just too discouraging. Will be excited to see a loss over 2 weeks. Hubby is gone this week for work and that actually makes things easier as far as dinner- I can just throw a salad together instead of cooking a meal. :-)

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 19

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 218.2
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: NOPE

    ... my son made me a cookie. gotta love him <3
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Jan 19 summary
    SW: 153.4 on 8/30 (start of Transformer DietBet); 150.6 on 11/2 (started keto)
    GW: 133
    CW: 132.8!!!! That's right, officially made it to goal today! Very happy about that. :)

    My new goal is to possibly lose another 3-5 lbs and keep working on building strength. (Hoping to get to the "fitness" range of body fat percentage.)

    And for today
    Calories: Under 1350
    Carbs: 16gm net
    Exercise: 10 mins yoga/stretching

  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    @macchiatto Congratulations!!!
  • llbreuer2006
    llbreuer2006 Posts: 29 Member
    I love this thread! It's awesome and very encouraging to see everyone sharing. Whether it's celebrating success or sharing trials, it's nice to know I'm not alone!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks, @reblazed!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Starting Weight: 138.2 lbs on 1/1
    Overall Scale Goal: 125 lbs (hoping by late Spring)

    Monday, Jan 18:
    [√] Write - Did a writing exercise that I was assigned at the workshop on Saturday. And I did something bigger... I wrote to an editor about looking at my novel. It's already revealed I might have to do a draft 6. Before I had a chance to look at his comments on my plot summary, I was ready to throw in the towel. Then he led his comments with a compliment over my unique setting, and I felt way better and am actually kind of excited. He only told me stuff I inherently already knew.
    [√] Hydrate: 71/67
    [–] Step goals: 3,336/5,000
    [√] Activity: Went outside, walked a bit, but clearly not enough. I think I lost some steps by holding stuff as I walked through Kohl's yesterday.
    [√] Logging: Weight (139.4), Macros C/F/P (4%/76%/20%) (Macros look good but levels were way high, unexpectedly, so no surprise I have some extra water weight today...)
    [√] Daily NSV: No one complained that the taco recipe I made last night was all animal product (aside from spices). They loaded up with lettuce and avocado and stuff on theirs and I just had cheese and sour cream. :D My mom's weight has leveled off, so I think Karlottap was right about her scary initial drop being water weight from inflammation. Hopefully she keeps adding the coconut oil to her coffee, I think that was helping her maintain a lot. She still won't drink heavy cream, and I know she drinks at least four cups of coffee with light cream in the morning, so I do worry she's going over on her total carbs. She said she's going to a new internist, so I'm waiting to hear the doctor has ordered her to go back to a whole grain-based diet. :P

    macchiatto wrote: »
    That's right, officially made it to goal today! Very happy about that. :)

    Awesome!! Congrats!! YOU DID THIS! Look at what you did! *rubs your nose in it*
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks, @glossbones!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    Cutting down on dairy: nope. Not working. I need to get on that horse again.
    Two workouts a day: I'll get there today, since workout number one is knocked out, but the rest of the week looks crazy busy, so maybe I'll get another twofer on Friday.
    Eating out: oh, Starbucks, you're my kryptonite.
    Other than that, I am doing great, not going over calories, and doing ok on my macros.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    macchiatto wrote: »
    Jan 19 summary
    SW: 153.4 on 8/30 (start of Transformer DietBet); 150.6 on 11/2 (started keto)
    GW: 133
    CW: 132.8!!!! That's right, officially made it to goal today! Very happy about that. :)

    My new goal is to possibly lose another 3-5 lbs and keep working on building strength. (Hoping to get to the "fitness" range of body fat percentage.)

    And for today
    Calories: Under 1350
    Carbs: 16gm net
    Exercise: 10 mins yoga/stretching

    WaHOO! Hot damn!
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    JAN 20 summary

    SW: May 2015 184: Jan 1. 150
    CW: 149.0
    GW for January: 5 pounds

    Calories Goals: YUP
    Carbs Goals: YUP
    Exercise: Took a break from running as my calves where a little sore.

    Since my pants were so loose yesterday, I'm wearing a new pair of slacks -size 10 today. HOOT! I tried on bathing suits last night at the store for my up coming trip in February. LOL.
    That was courageous. It wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be, but I still have a long way to go, until I'll be happy. Bought a tankini with a skirt bottom. It's kinda cute and hides what needs hiding.

    Everyone seems to be on a roll this week. Great JOB!

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member

    CW: 152.8 same as yesterday
    Fast day today. Thank goodness I'm a selfish witch and squirrelled away enough drinking water for coffee this AM. I may have to scrape snow off the deck, boil it and filter it for coffee tomorrow, but by GOD I'll have my coffee! :lol:

    I did not get much water and my carbs are slightly higher than I would like (but were still under keto range) due to diet juice (there is such a thing. 5 cals and 2 carbs per 8oz.) I had to drink something and I got tired of diet soda. Won't get warm enough to melt the pipes today. Maybe tomorrow.

    Tues 1/19:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: No. Did not have water to drink.
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Kettlebells :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:



  • AshleyC1023
    AshleyC1023 Posts: 272 Member
    I started late for a resolution (actually wasn't a resolution but realizing I'm almost another year older and still over weight) but...

    SW: 191 lbs 01/07/16
    GW: 125
    CW: 182 even as of this morning. I've lost an inch and a half on my neck (from a 14.5 to 13 inches) 3 inches on my hips (41 to 39) and 4 inches on my waist (41 to 38)

    I've kept my calories under 1200, easily as I'm just not hungry most of the time. I started out with my carbs lowered at 66 and now I'm easily keeping it around/under 20 a day (give or take 1-5 carbs). I actually didn't do research prior to starting, I just thought what if I cut out the pasta, bread, and rice. Then I started reading and cut out fruit (most of the time, unless I"m way under for the day) and other stuff I had no idea was so full of carbs. :) I feel better than I have most of my adult life.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Thanks, @baconslave! And sorry about the water situation! :( Hope that gets resolved soon.

    SW: 153.4
    CW: 132.6

    Calories: under
    Carbs: under
    Exercise: Oops ...