Rock Your Resolution: January Challenge, Week 4 (1/22-1/28)



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    I'm not sure where to put this post since it's kind of random, inspired by another thread but I didn't want to divert from OP. (Would anyone else be open to a daily "randoms" thread on here? I've seen those on other boards and they're kind of fun and a good place to put random thoughts and questions that are at least somewhat on topic but don't really need their own thread.)

    I just updated my stats in the keto calculator commonly posted here and it said my BMR is 1309, daily calorie expenditure if I'm "sedentary" is only 1440, so eating at 1350 is only a 2% deficit! Even if I bump it to "lightly active" (which is more accurate), 1350 is a small deficit, "best for athletes who are already lean." That's kind of depressing ... yet I've managed to lose 18.8 lbs in 12 weeks at this small deficit. I love keto. ;) I know from experience that the scale would have barely moved if I'd eaten at this small deficit with different macros.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member

    SW: May 2015 184: Jan 1. 150
    CW: 148
    GW for January: 5 pounds

    Calories Goals: Yes!
    Carbs Goals: Yes.
    Exercise: No.

    UG. I had not weighed in for a few days and took the plunge this morning. Down 1 pound for the week. I was hoping for more. I've been playing with the same 3 pounds since November 23rd. I did get derailed over Thanksgiving, Birthdays and Holidays. I REALLY would like to see a new low number. My crystal ball is seeing a great weigh in on Monday. Here goes....Shooting for 145 for Feb. 13th. I can do this!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Since we have 3 days left of the challenge, anyone mind if we just keep to this thread until the 31st?
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    Will we be starting a new thread for this next week? 1/28-2/4?? I'm enjoying this check in!

    I'm planning to run 2-3 times a week with 2 weight/body weight training days each week. I'm excited to see more positive results as I continue LC and add in some more exercise...since I lost nearly 8 pounds these first 2 weeks with minimal exercise. Yay for progress!
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Sure, we can definitely tkeep it til the 31st, @baconslave!

    Cals: a little over
    Carbs: Under
    Exercise; Did some cleaning. I'm now having GI issues so I don't know that I'll get other exercise in tonight. Maybe some yoga/stretching.

    Tomorrow is my weigh-in for round 5 of my 6-month Transformer DietBet. I am thrilled to be comfortably under my goal. In all the 4-week DietBets I've done it was always a race to the finish; this morning I was 6.5 lbs under my final goal weight!
  • tgriffi3
    tgriffi3 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I guess I'm joining a little late but my resolution is here.
    I've been doing lchf since Monday.
    SW: 296
    GW: not worried about weight as much as how things fit. I'm a 3x now and would like to be down to a L. That's my main goal. Probably need to lose 80-90 pounds to get there. That and I don't have consistent access to a scale. The scale frustrates me so I'm focusing on doing the right things.
    Doing well, no cheating, still trying to get in ketosis. I'm getting the headaches every afternoon so I'm guessing I'm doing it right. Exercise and the motivation to do it is a challenge.

    So, I guess I will try to check in with how I'm doing food wise and exercise wise and if a buckle on the belt is reached.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    Will we be starting a new thread for this next week? 1/28-2/4?? I'm enjoying this check in!

    We'll just keep it here.

    The scale is dumb. I'm stir-crazy. And I've been RAVENOUS for fat and protein lately. My calories are bad. My eye issue is bad. Carbs are right on though. I'm indulging my fat/protein craving these past couple days. Scale is being dumb anyway regardless. I'll get back to behaving tomorrow. I'm feel like I'm starving. I'm just burnt out from logging and need a little break. Monday will see reasonable calorie numbers as we begin a new month.


    Thurs 1/28:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: NO
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: Moved up to the 20lb kettlebell! :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:

    Friday 1/29:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: BWAHAHAHAHAAAA! No.
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: HIIT :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:



    Week 3 & 4:

  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 30

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 216.8
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes

    If I can get off this 4 lb roller coaster I've been on the past two weeks I'd be a lot happier. But still love this woe.
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Trying to get back into my own version of keto for weight loss as this month I've stalled. Also lost all of my loss history when my phone died. Oh well. New start, new month, new goals. Still experimenting with upping metabolism thru work diet plan, but currently moderating and adjusting it so as not to trigger my binge issues. Also want to get back on a losing track fast as I get discouraged so easily.
    So, I'm measuring everything again to counter possible carb creep. I'm also thinking of adjusting eating times for an IF type experience. All foods between 11AM-5PM. See if that helps. I might be almost doing that except for dairy in my coffee so it won't be too hard of an adjustment. Have to see about the hunger factor.
    Managed to save something for my weight loss corrective surgery. Still have a long way to go. Part time work does not help. Am looking for a second job that I could do without killing myself. I already feel so tired from my current job, but it might be necessary if I want to get this done before I die of old age. Sigh.
    So far my big decluttering activity is largely unnoticeable and my creative life feels neglected. I might just be one of those folks who thrives in chaos. Or needs a clean freak lover....
    Therefore February will be about streamlining keto and getting the creativity flowing again before I become an official, irrevocable drone.
    It ain't easy...
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    JAN 30
    The good news was I came in well under my goal for DietBet Round 5 official weigh-in.
    I was about 300 over my calorie goal, maybe 5gm over my net carb goal; I had a friend over for a sleepover and we did a lot of late-night delicious snacking.
    Exercise: YAYOG circuit training.

    The other bad news is I injured my back (I think triggered by the circuit training) so I've been in pain and barely moving all day today.

    JAN 31
    Cals: Under
    Carbs: Under
    Exercise: See above.
  • reblazed
    reblazed Posts: 255 Member
    JAN 31

    SW: 247 (12/12, started keto)
    SW: 228.2 (Jan 1)
    CW: 219.2
    GW for January: 220 (new) (was 224)
    GW for 12/31: 180
    Calories under 1200: yes
    Carbs Under 20: yes
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Had a little scale woosh this AM. New low weight. I so needed that boost. That, and my new hair color are making the day for me. Don't even care if it is a Monday!
  • tgriffi3
    tgriffi3 Posts: 7 Member
    Just weighed myself. -2.2 pounds after 5 days, overall down 8. I'm feeling pretty darn good. Hope everyone has a great day.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    What a month January was!! Can't believe it's already gone!!

    I accomplished beginning to exercise more routinely! I'm really liking the bit of planking I've begun! I feel stronger, and that feels so good! I am walking more too! It seems that the more consistent I am, the more I want to do it!
    I did some closet decluttering, and took four big garbage bags of clothes to my sister (I have way too many clothes!), but haven't done anything else with this project, yet! It's an ongoing process though!
    I ended the month at 193.2. That's a 7 pound increase for January! I had added a 14gm carb protein bar to my day, and feel it's created some inflammation that has been the reason for the jump. Yes, they created a bit of hunger too, that led to some moments of looking for something to eat (good reason to have a carb free home)! So, I've now found another food sensitivity, and it's been eliminated!

    Congratulations to everyone's success! You all inspire me!!

    Here's to February! Best of luck everyone!!
  • SelfHelpJunky
    SelfHelpJunky Posts: 205 Member
    Hi, all! Last week was the week from hell due to the east coast blizzard, illness, day care being closed, sister in the hospital, hubby traveling for work...but I stayed mostly on plan and even managed to lose a little! Here's a wrap up of my January goals:

    January goals:
    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol

    1) On track since January 2! I was around 40 carbs a couple of days due to poor planning, but still pretty proud of staying honest.
    2) 217.6 on 1/27, down from 218.6 prior week
    3) 11.4 pounds lost this month, exceeded my goal by 6.4 pounds!
    4) On track since January 2

    I'm trying to get better at tracking on the weekends and on the go, since my weight loss has slowed a lot. I'm also slowly adding in exercise. Those 11 pounds gone really made a difference as far as my endurance last night. I'm not going to be doing anything extreme, just enough to stay a little more active and get the mental health benefits of exercise. I don't want it to be like when I did CICO a few years ago and used exercise as punishment for eating too much crap.

    Here are my evolved goals for February!

    1) Eat <20g net carbs a day.
    2) Weigh weekly on Wednesday.
    3) Lose 5 pounds this month.
    4) No alcohol
    NEW! 5) Get in10,000 steps a day

    It's been very inspiring checking in with everyone this month, and eating this way has helped me feel in control when a lot of things in my life were VERY out of whack.
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    Happy Feb. 1st!

    SW: May 2015 184: Jan 1. 150
    CW: 147
    GW for February: 4 pounds

    Weekend Summary - I rocked it Keto!
    Calories Goals: Yes!
    Carbs Goals: Yes.
    Exercise: Treadmill and I are buddies again.

    Down 3 pounds for January. Not the 5lbs I was hoping for, but back in the right direction after the December mess. Took a while to get back in the groove. Still aiming for 145 for Feb. 13th. Start my cruise off on the right foot. There will be plenty of exercise, so I don't expect to get derailed in Feb.

    @tgriffi3 - Welcome! Sounds like you are off to a great start. There is a ton of great information shared in this group. Be sure to keep your sodium, potassium, magnesium and fat levels up. It will help with the headaches. There's a lot of folks here who have lost a lot of weight doing LCHF. I've lost 39 since May 2015 and feeling great. Check out the lots of yummy recipes to keep you going. Have a great week everyone!
  • Lillith32
    Lillith32 Posts: 483 Member
    1 February!
    Challenge finished.
    1. I did not quit dairy, but I significantly cut down on it - only cheese and only one meal a day. No cream cheese, no HWC, no ricotta or mascarpone, just a bit of hard cheese and I am good. I am happy with this outcome, and will strive to keep it up.
    2. Working out twice a day was rough, but the thought of a challenge pushed me to at least knock out some sit-ups and push-ups in the mornings, which is a plus. I did make it to the gym today, so maybe this month I'll actually be able to make it more of a routine.
    3. Brushing my teeth - I finally got into the groove when I forced myself to take my magnesium/potassium pills in the evening as well as in the morning. Bonus point, I have no more leg cramps, and less headaches.
    4. Saving money/not eating out - something I will work on next month. While I generally eat keto at restaurants, I need to try harder to avoid them.

    Overall, great month. I finally broke the 160's, and am hoping to get another whoosh next week. I've kept my calories more or less on track, and am working on incorporating more zero carb into my life. On to February!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member


    Sat 1/30:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: NO
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: 20lb kettlebell! :+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:

    Sun 1/31:
    Logged: :+1:
    Water: :+1:
    Electrolytes: :+1:
    Calories: :+1:
    Carbs: :+1:
    Exercise: hour walk:+1:
    Prelogged next day: :+1:



    Week 3 & 4:

    I've had a rocky month. My clothes are fitting better but my weight is higher. :confounded:
    The chronic dry eye is painful hell. I moved up to the 20lb kettlebell, and my workouts are great.

    I've been having a very hard time this past month. Calories were back on-point yesterday. My weight was as low as 150.2 last week and was 156 this morning. A few days of higher calories isn't enough to make a person gain that much fat in a week. My jeans are fitting better. I had to wear a belt. I've manage to avoid nut binges knocking me out of ketosis.

    Looking forward to getting my focus back this next month. Sigh. Maybe I'll only weigh once a week.
  • BRobertson23
    BRobertson23 Posts: 150 Member
    SW: 195
    Prior W: 189.8 (1/22)
    CW: 187.2 (1/29)
    GW: 160-165

    My wrap up to January included some major compliments about how amazing I looked from both friends and family...made me feel great! Additionally, I got to try keto coffee for the first time...Awesome! I also was tested on making the best decisions I could while going out to eat or being at the whim of my host. I did well! I admit that I drank 1 hard cider on Sunday, so I am holding off my weigh in until at least tomorrow, because I figure I "gained" water weight for that drink, but I was proud of myself for sticking with just ONE since we were at a tap house that I love and could probably go for 2-3 drinks easy while there!

    Did some weight training Sunday afternoon and enjoyed the circuit. Looking forward to a Fit February with running and weight training on my schedule each week!
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    I haven't posted since last Tuesday so I'll sum it up! I got my step goals two or three times, but I always went outside to breathe. Didn't strictly write every day but I did have a coaching session with the editor I hired and am feeling awesome about my writing progress (and potential).
    Got my water in all but (I think) one day.
    Kept it pretty positive, w/r/t NSVs, which mostly got posted to my profile news feed.

    I did not reach the weight goal by the end of January, in fact I was up. But the sharks came in with an early tide, and there were definitely a lot of days where I couldn't resist the cream in my coffee that does seem to make me stall. It's supposed to be lovely out now so when I meet my friend at lunch for coffee hopefully I won't need the cream.

    This month I want to stick to mostly being carnivore, and I think I'm going to back off on the tracking and the weigh ins. See if the world implodes or not.