Sean's OMAD Log

Eidian Posts: 35 Member
Hello everyone. I'm creating this journal to keep track of my OMAD diet -- I'm hoping that being more public with my diet will help me actually create some long-term consistency with it.

Today I've not done any dieting at all -- I've been quite terrible, in fact, having a hamburger and fries from Jack in the Box and later having chicken carnitas from a Mazatlan restaurant, so my "OMAD Diet" officially starts tomorrow.

I did take a walk today. I'm planning on getting a recumbent bike to help strengthen my legs and specifically my quadriceps and glutes to support my knees, increase my cardiovascular health, etc. I've got a surgery scheduled on Feb. 2nd, so I'm not sure how consistent I'll be able to be with exercise until after I heal up from that -- it should only take about a month though, it's a pretty simple eye surgery, so I'll get into a proper routine after that. I'll also start a stretching routine after I heal up from surgery to help with tight hips/etc. from computer use.


  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Hi, Sean.


    You can totally own up and stay with it. You've got plenty of support here and can succeed when you know you are ready. Your story is going to be "big" for sure. And the reactions from those around you will be more then enough to keep you going--they will augment your very image of how you perceive others as seeing you.

    There'll be time for exercise later. Doesn't matter. Keep your activity levels low while fasting and you will lose faster than you otherwise would.


  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    good luck for tomorrow Sean =)
  • samgamgee
    samgamgee Posts: 398 Member
    Welcome, Sean!
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everyone.

    Dinner tonight:

    I think I overdid it on the portions, but I'm more concerned about sticking to the fasting portion of things at the moment. I'll worry about portions after I get into a good groove. I successfully fasted all day today. It was pretty simple overall. I drank a lot of water. Got hunger pangs around the noon that went away, then some genuine hunger/headache around 4pm. Had dinner at 5pm. Pretty good day overall.

    I also weighed myself in at 358.4 lbs this morning, so that'll be my official starting point. I'll weigh in weekly on Fridays going forward.
  • Lipka1le
    Lipka1le Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome, good luck on your surgery and on your weight loss. Omad isn't as bad as it first sounds. It seems like a lot of us weigh in on Fridays so we will all succeed together. Have a great weekend.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
  • Nevadaden
    Nevadaden Posts: 971 Member
    Welcome, and best wishes!
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Another successful day down. I had much less hunger issues today and had quite a bit of extra energy during my fast today. I did have Diet Arizona Green Tea today which I think helped suppress hunger a bit and add to my energy levels. I didn't get a headache or have any nausea today either. I was pretty busy playing video games today and didn't really notice when dinnertime crept up, so I think a good element of fasting is the "keep busy" aspect of it!

    Cheesy Cauliflower
    Rice Pilaf
    Potato Soup
    I went big on the portions again today, but again I'm kinda focusing on perfecting the fasting portion, then I'll worry about calories. I don't think I'm doing that poorly on overall calories though.

    I was planning on taking a picture, but ended up eating it before I remembered that I wanted to do that. I'll start doing that eventually, I swear.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    your portions will go down as your stomach shrinks in my experience
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    the extra energy you get is an awesome effect.......Your doing great Sean!
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks everybody!

    Weighed myself this morning - 355.2 lbs; 3.2 lbs lost over just a couple of days with OMAD. Mostly water weight, I'm sure, but still quite motivational. My first "mini-goal" is to get under 350, so I've only got a little over 5.2 lbs to go!
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Today's meal, I went to the restaurant Ruby Tuesday's and had:
    (Since their web site has calorie counts I decided I'd add it up out of curiosity.)
    Chicken Bites w/ buffalo sauce (219 cal)
    Ribs & Chicken Tenders w/ fries (1282 cal)
    Chocolate Goblet Sundae (866 cal, I ate about half of it)

    So about ~2400 calories or so.

    I could have gone without the sundae, but I wanted to test out the dessert. Feeling pretty good overall. I'm planning on having a large breakfast tomorrow and then fast for the rest of the day for my surgery on Tuesday. I don't want anything in my stomach when I'm getting my eye poked, haha.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Good luck!
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Hey everybody. So yesterday and today I'm totally not following OMAD. I'll be getting back on it tomorrow - my surgery's kind of whacked out my eating a bit here, which I'm fine with.

    On the plus side my eye surgery went really well!

    Yesterday's eating:
    Gigantic breakfast at Shari's
    Later on, in the afternoon: 2 grilled cheese sandwiches + chicken soup & lemonade

    Muffin + Cranberry juice (after surgery)
    Cookie + Raspberry tea Snapple (after surgery)
    Burger King (2 chicken sandwiches, 2 fries) (~1pm)
    Massamun Curry (Beef) for dinner later (~5-6pm)

    I'm kind of "giving in" to the comfort food aspect these past two days, but I'll switch back to OMAD tomorrow. I'm planning on doing spaghetti.

    Also, I weighed myself at the hospital before surgery and was at 355 lbs (with shoes), so I'm probably more like 354 lbs overall. Not bad. I'll do an "official" weigh-in on Friday.
  • Lipka1le
    Lipka1le Posts: 163 Member
    Glad to hear the surgery went well.
  • mittenswillet
    mittenswillet Posts: 697 Member
    glad to hear everything went well !
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Good deal on the surgery. Now you'll have your rhythm back and be ready to go.
  • Eidian
    Eidian Posts: 35 Member
    Well, I'll just say I've been terrible about my diet here, haha. I'm gonna fast as much as I can over the next two days (which won't be much on Sunday, if I'm being honest) and then get 100% on OMAD on Monday. My surgery kind of whacked out my dedication, unfortunately.

    On the flip side I weighed myself at 355.8 today, so not a huge gain. I'll get back on track tomorrow, then try to do the best I can on Sunday, and then after that I'll be sure to stick to OMAD.

    I'm also adding a little note here to myself that I need to have OMAD at dinnertime because if I eat early in the day it just makes me more hungry throughout. Also, Diet Arizona Green Tea helps me as an appetite suppressant.

    Have a happy weekend everyone!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Don't awaken the beast, that is key!
  • arguablysamson
    arguablysamson Posts: 1,706 Member
    Eidian wrote: »
    Well, I'll just say I've been terrible about my diet here, haha. I'm gonna fast as much as I can over the next two days (which won't be much on Sunday, if I'm being honest) and then get 100% on OMAD on Monday. My surgery kind of whacked out my dedication, unfortunately.

    On the flip side I weighed myself at 355.8 today, so not a huge gain. I'll get back on track tomorrow, then try to do the best I can on Sunday, and then after that I'll be sure to stick to OMAD.

    I'm also adding a little note here to myself that I need to have OMAD at dinnertime because if I eat early in the day it just makes me more hungry throughout. Also, Diet Arizona Green Tea helps me as an appetite suppressant.

    Have a happy weekend everyone!
    Eidian wrote: »
    Well, I'll just say I've been terrible about my diet here, haha. I'm gonna fast as much as I can over the next two days (which won't be much on Sunday, if I'm being honest) and then get 100% on OMAD on Monday. My surgery kind of whacked out my dedication, unfortunately.

    On the flip side I weighed myself at 355.8 today, so not a huge gain. I'll get back on track tomorrow, then try to do the best I can on Sunday, and then after that I'll be sure to stick to OMAD.

    I'm also adding a little note here to myself that I need to have OMAD at dinnertime because if I eat early in the day it just makes me more hungry throughout. Also, Diet Arizona Green Tea helps me as an appetite suppressant.

    Have a happy weekend everyone!

    I hear ya, bud. But gently remind yourself that there will never come a perfect time when things just line up. :-)