Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    @LottieStanley not yet, but I have a play/shopping date set-up with my sister later in April to buy a new one. Since I'm still losing, I don't want to buy it yet 'cuz I have another month until my cruise. Plus if I buy it in a few weeks it can be a birthday present for myself :tongue:
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Wow quzz well done on your weight loss. That bikini is going to be teeny tiny. Well done on going down 2 pant sizes too. That's great. It really seems like thinks are coming together for you. Great stuff
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks! It's really exciting! I've apparently been inspiring my husband too. We both work out in the evenings (he does heavier weights while I do my PT and a few basic exercises like crunches and pushups). Every once in a while we compare tummies and they're definitely showing more definition! Neither of us are planning on getting into body building to lower our body fat % enough to get a 6pack, but even just a little definition is awesome.

    Weather has been up and down so much that I'm having weather-pain in my knees. Unpleasant, but still better than it was. Still trying to do my PT regularly, use ice, and my TENs unit when I need it. Definitely helps.

    Bracing myself for the weekend challenge ahead. We have friends coming down to visit and we all like to eat, drink, and be merry. Not to mention sit around all day playing games. Looking forward to it, just trying to think of plenty of healthy snacks. Planning on making hummus and chili so far.

    Happy Tuesday! 32 days 'till my cruise and only 14 'till my birthday!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I love hommus and maybe corn relish would be good too. Riccotta cheese is always nice. oh wow im getting hungry now yum
  • smiphette
    smiphette Posts: 177 Member
    Pickles (beans, carrots, asparagus, etc) are my go-to all-day-gaming-session snacking choice. It's more satisfying than plain crudites, but doesn't do much damage to the calorie budget. It can wreak havoc with your salt levels, but it is short term. :) Hope you have a great weekend.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks @Kell2912 and @smiphette for the snacking ideas. I have carrots, celery, hummus, chili, and homemade guac on the snacking & food lists for the weekend. Looks like it's supposed to be nasty weather, so we'll probably stay indoors even more than we were originally planning. They're not showing up until LATE Friday and have to leave early Sunday, so my bad eating habits should only come out for 36 hours or so. Hopefully I can't do too much damage in that time.

    Woke up with a scratchy throat this morning :warning::fearful: Took some Emergen-C just in case, but I think it's just this crazy weather. Hot cold hot cold dry humid dry humid. My skin is either reacting to the weather too (I hope that's what it is) or I'm having an allergic reaction to the new products I've been using. They encourage you to use the products in Mary Kay so you can speak from experience. So... Like I said, hopefully it's from the weather.

    Almost to the weekend....
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Well, the Emergen-C worked (or I wasn't getting sick) so I remained healthy for our friends visiting. Yay! Had a fun visit. Relaxing. Lots of games (and drinking) as promised.

    Last time this happened I weighed in 3 pounds heavier just from the weekend, and it happened again this time. It has to be water fluctuation because I KNOW I didn't eat an excess of over 10k calories. So going to hydrate extra this week and weigh in again in 2 days. Weighing every day has definitely made me a little too obsessed. Going to weigh again in a few days then cut back even more - definitely as far as once a week, maybe down to once a month.

    Hubby and I decided we'd like to both lose another 5 pounds before our cruise. Helps having someone as determined as I am to cook healthily for. Also makes it easy to convince him to go walking with me in the evenings.

    Gorgeous week ahead followed by a beautiful weekend. Hoping to get some sunning in so I don't burn on the cruise.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Glad the Emergen-C worked and you were able to enjoy your friends visit!

    Hope you have a great week and the weather stays nice!

    I look forward to your next update!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I've put myself on a self imposed weighing ban until 1st May because i was getting obsessed with the weighing thing too. It was getting me down so no scales for the next 2-3 weeks
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah, I'm definitely going take a page from your book, @Kell2912 time for a break from the scales.

    I've been walking a TON! It's been so beautiful outside it makes it easy to say "lets go for a walk" and end up walking 4 miles accidentally. Hoping to do that again today and as often as I can this week since it's supposed to be sunny until Sunday. Hopefully that'll be enough to kick off those 5 pounds before the cruise.

    Trying a new Pork recipe tonight: Mustard Leek Pork . Very similar to another Bon Appetit recipe I have with chicken, so I'm really excited to try it. Making 4 chops so I can have leftovers for lunch. Om nom nom. Bought a HUGE pork loin (3lbs) last week and cut it up into 2 roasts and some chops to use. It's really not a bad recipe for you either. I put it in MFP and it came out to about 400 calories (healthy size for dinner). Plus some veg and it'll be just right. :)

    Any of you cooking friends? I'm obsessed with trying all sorts of new recipes. Particularly in love with Leeks and Ricotta cheese right now.
  • quzzdragon
    quzzdragon Posts: 140 Member
    edited April 2016
    Friends - I found an awesome recipe I HAVE to share with you: Tomato Gazpacho with Avocado Grilled Shrimp. I cut the oil out completely and sauted my shrimp (I don't own a grill) and it was DELICIOUS! It's also SUPER healthy and low calorie. Highly recommend it.

    I've been loving this weather! I measured my walking speed yesterday during my lunch break for 20 minutes and I walk 1.4 miles in 20 minutes - which means I when I power walk I walk faster than 4mph! And the walk at home with hubby - there's a lake that's half a mile away, and it's a quarter mile to walk the full loop. So if we walk there, go around 4 times, and walk home it's a 2 mile walk. Just right for an evening stroll! :)

    I'm a little concerned about summer coming actually. I hate the heat and don't want to walk outside and return to work sweaty. I'm ok with it in the evenings because I can go right home and get a shower, but that means cutting a huge portion of my walking out of the day. It's making me seriously consider the Y membership nearby. I won't decide until it starts getting really hot, but if anyone has any other suggestions for cooler activities, I'm all ears.

    Borrowed Game of Thrones from a friend on DVD. Wow. I've seen season 1 before, but it just gets more intense the more you watch. Not to mention the 50 million characters. Luckily, hubby read all of the books and LOVES it, so I basically have a walking talking reference guide for the show.

    Hope everyone is enjoying the lovely weather!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You could always add a Leslie Sansone dvd at home to make up for the walks you miss during work when it's hot outside. I have to get a shower after a workout so I do my whole workout in one shot and it's usually one of the last things I do in my day for that reason.

    I watched the first season and I think some of the second season of Game of Thrones. My boyfriend has read the books and is up to date with the seasons and is impatiently waiting for the new season. haha
    From what I've been told/heard it doesn't really follow the books to the T so there may be some interesting surprises in store if your husband hasn't watched it yet.

    I'm loving the weather. Last week was full of rain and even some snow. I'll take sunshine any day! :)
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I think i am the only person on the planet who hasn't watched/ is not interested in watching GOT. Most of my friends are into it and also The walking Dead. Can't say im excited about either. But hey if you haven something you like then go for it.

    Can't really help you much with the heat thing. Living in Australia we get heat heat all the time and I hate it. As soon as spring hits i tend to hibernate in doors. I go to the gym which is air conditioned for exercise. Even now at 4 in the morning I am sitting here in a singlet and it is supposed to be mid Autumn. I don't envy you coming into Summer. Me on the other hand can't wait for winter and maybe a teensy weensy little bit of rain. We haven't had decent rain for months. It's ironic really because this time last year we were having a cyclonic storm that bought the city to a standstill and flooded us all out. I think mother nature needs a good psychologist.

    Anyhoo. Keep going on those walks they sound brill
  • tcunbeliever
    tcunbeliever Posts: 8,219 Member
    That recipe looks amazing and I'm going to try it with avocado oil instead of olive oil!!!

    Can you change clothes when you walk at work? A couple baby wipes make a quick non-shower clean up and if you have non-sweaty work clothes to change back in to, that might make the whole walking in the summer thing more pleasant.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    @Kell2912 GoT is not for everyone. I stopped reading the books after the first one, so I'm not sure how I'll fare with the TV show. I know what you mean about being warm. I have a slightly hyper thyroid and I'm warmer than everyone I know all the time. If I'm comfortable in a tanktop and short, most people are in long pants and possibly a hoodie. Hope you guys get some rain soon. :)

    @tcunbeliever Let me know how it is with Avocado oil - sounds tasty! I might start bringing a change of clothes or just push back my whole routine until I'm home from work. I just hate missing out on a chance to stretch my legs.

    So MFP official says my "Quzzdragon" account is officially broken beyond repair. Unfortunately, that means that I'm going to lose my "days logged in" streak AND I'll have to relog all of my foods. I'll know that I've logged in for almost 100 days, but it was a point of pride to see that number go up. Luckily I can open two different browsers with my recipes and transfer them over. What I'll really miss is the information from the reports page. Oh well.

    Anyway, if you follow me on here but you're not friends with my Quzzdragon12 account, make sure to re-friend me! :)

    Quiet weekend - YAY! It's supposed to be gorgeous and its one of our few weekends when we don't have something going on. Planning on sleeping in, enjoying the sunshine, maybe visit the kite festival that's happening, and relaxing. Maybe I'll also have the chance to sit in the sun in my bikini so I don't burn on this cruise :tongue: haha!

    Hope everyone has a lovely weekend! I'm off to transfer recipes!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Sounds like a good weekend! It's still sunny here and the weekend weather is looking promising so we will be out and about most of it. Tomorrow we are planning on visiting our favorite ice cream shop for the best milkshakes around! I'm really excited about it! (And i've banked some calories just for the occasion! haha)
    We were supposed to go last weekend but the weather was cold and snowy so I'm glad the weather cooperated this weekend.

    What was wrong with your other account that they couldn't fix?
    Anyway, glad you made a new account and thank you for the add! :)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Oooh, that sounds like a fun weekend! Enjoy!

    I accidentally deleted it one night, and while they reactivated it, I can't post in any forum I hadn't previously posted in and I couldn't accept new friends or send messages. So I decided to take the plunge and just switch accounts.

    I've been transferring recipes all day (it's a slow day in the office) and it looks like I had a couple entered wrong. Now that I'm more experienced with the MFP program and how to enter recipes, I updated all of them and hopefully I now have a more accurate count for calories. I didn't transfer all of them, just ones I know I'll make again soon. I'll put in the rest as I need them. :)

    Thanks for adding my new account friends!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Thank you! So far, we are getting a very late start so I'm not sure if we will finish all of our plans for the day or not. haha :)

    Oh, that sucks! But at least something good came out of it! I'm sure some of my recipes are off too. haha

  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    What a beautiful weekend! Sunny and 70's the whole time. Hubby and I got to go out to a local Kite Festival (where my current picture was taken) and it was so much fun. Lots of kids running around excited and a ton of awesome kites. Walked there, around, and back and it was over 2 miles. Got a little sun while we were walking too which is nice. Still not anywhere where I'd like to be with that before the cruise, but it'll be what it'll be. Worst case scenario I'll have to do all of my sunning on the ship.

    Sunny week ahead and lots of birthday celebrations. I'm making a slow-cooked leg of lamb tomorrow (cooked in gin, red wine, rosemary, and garlic - SO GOOD). Then Wednesday we're meeting my parents, aunt and uncle, and sister for all you can eat crab! WOO! Then my sister is coming down this weekend to shop and play and my birthday party on Saturday. Even if no-one shows (which is what it's seeming it'll be) she'll be there and we'll have a grand time anyway. As long as I can keep my portions under control hopefully I can stay on track.

    Feeling like I've hit a bit of a weight-loss plateau. Not really sure what I can do to kick it up since I'm already walking almost 10,000 steps per day and eating less. Guess all I can do is stick with it and hope my body figures it out soon. Still avoiding the scale, I can feel that I haven't lost anything recently in how my clothes fit and how I feel. Anyone have an tips for getting past a plateau?

    Have a great week everyone! Happy Monday!
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    @Quzzdragon12 happy birthday for this week. Whatever you end up doing I hope you have a blast.
    In terms of your weight loss, the best thing you can do is change up your exercise. Your body gets used to doing the same thing all the time and needs a bit of a shake up every now and then. Try something different and use a few different muscles and you'll be surprised at how the weight will start to come off again