Quzzdragon's Weight-Loss



  • LottieStanley
    LottieStanley Posts: 290 Member
    Happy Birthday
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoy your day! :)

    As for the plateau, how long has it been since you've seen a loss? There are a lot of things that can mask a loss: TOM, sodium intake, new exercises, etc. If it's been 4-6 weeks, I would say it's either underestimating calories or overestimating your exercise burns.
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Quzz, don't get stressed out about hitting a plateau before you actually hit one. It looks like you are doing everything you should be, don't be afraid to step on a scale. I know there are a ton of ways to judge if what you are doing is working to their than what the scale says, but the scale is one of the important ones. If you don't see the scale moving for a couple weeks in a row, then you can worry about making changes.

    And happy bday!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! So far it's a beautiful day - looking forward to my walk(s) later. Hubby couldn't wait to give me his presents, so I opened them with breakfast before work. A Tupperware specifically designed to carry deviled eggs AND the expansion to one of my favorite games. Can't wait to try them both out.

    Tonight we celebrate with a leg of lamb and tomorrow with crab and my family. :yum: So tasty!

    I stepped on the scale (even though I said I wouldn't) and I'm fluctuating between 158 and 160, and can't seem to get it to go back down. I walk regularly but I don't track that in MFP, so I shouldn't be overestimating my exercise. It's possible I'm underestimating my calories, though since I started with the new account I double checked all of the ingredients and calories as accurately as the internet would allow. It hasn't been 4-6 weeks, so I'll try not to obsess about it too much. The plus side being that if I don't lose any more weight I won't have to worry about the new swimsuits fitting for the cruise. I won't worry about changing until after the cruise. I'll probably have a lot to lose after then anyway :innocent:

    Finally found a Dr. and Dentist in the area and made check-up appointments. Maybe the dr. will have other suggestions too.

    Thanks again everyone! :blush::heart: :joy::sunglasses:
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    You're welcome! I'm glad it's a beautiful day out for you! Awesome presents! What game was it for?

    Sounds like a great celebration! I hope you relax and enjoy it! :)

    Yeah, I wouldn't obsess about it too much. I had a week or so where the scaled would not budge either and I swore the thing was broken. It must have heard me talking badly about it though because the next day, it finally went down. haha :P Oh a cruise sounds nice! :)

    I need to find a doctor in my area too. I don't really want to get a different dentist though. I've been going to the same one for as long as I can remember and I hate change. haha

    Hope you enjoy your day! I look forward to your next update! :)
  • 50extra
    50extra Posts: 751 Member
    Quzz, try daily morning weigh ins just for a week. Do it as soon as you wake up, after you go to the bathroom and don't wear clothes. You don't have to do it for long just try it. I only officially weigh in once a week but I step on the scale regularly to monitor what's happening. If I wake up and I am a pound heavier than I was the day before then I can analyze what I ate the day before and make changes.

    Calorie creep happens to me often. A food scale and measuring cups are vital. The areas where I find it happen is the olive oil I cook eggs in or the dob of mayo on a sandwich. A real bad one is when I eat peanut butter, although I may think that one scoop with a butter knife is a tbsp, it's more like 2. That's a ton of calories to be missing out calculating. One thing I have done with the recipes is write down everything you are putting in it, then don't enter it into MFP until you know exactly how many servings you made. I agree with you on not entering the calories from walking. My rule is if I'm not working hard enough to have a raised heart rate somewhere above 140 and am sweating I don't factor in the calorie burn.

    You got that cruise coming up and I'm sure you want to feel your best while walking around in your suits. Try to buckle down for a few days and get to a point where you feel great. I'm sure it's just something small that needs to change and the weight will start falling off. Cruises feed you like royalty at every meal so be mentally prepared to gain weight. It will totally be worth the slight setback!
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    @WifiresGettingFit The game is called 7 Wonders. I have the regular, Cities, Leaders, and the most recent one which is Babel. I've had to change doctors and dentists so many time because I've moved so many times over the last 4 years. Hopefully we're settled here for a while and I can keep these ones.

    @50extra I'm glad I'm not the only one with the exercise calories. Especially now that I've been walking so much my heart rate definitely stays lower and I'm not as out of breath as easily. I figure I'm probably burning fewer calories and I need to add time or add weight to my walks (or both) but I haven't had time to add or time to pick up some weights.

    When I find a recipe, I usually print it out and immediately input it into MFP. This also lets me see if I'll be able to fit it into my calorie intake (or if I should just throw out the recipe) or what substitutions I can make to help lower the calories. Then, when I make it, I make tweeks and write them down and then change MFP and then log it. I try to be exact with things like oil, mayo, butter, and all liquids. I'm VERY loosey-goosey about how many spices I use - but they're so minimal that I very much doubt that using an extra teaspoon of garlic or an extra tablespoon of fresh rosemary will effect my weight. It does, however, effect the flavor of the dish.

    I definitely know I'll gain wait on the cruise, and it will be worth it. :) I figure now that I'm used to eating a lot less it shouldn't be TOO drastic, but I also know I have the unlimited beverage package and 3 days at sea. Hubby and I are already talking about hitting the gym on board as often as we can - hopefully that will help too.

    Thank you both so much for your encouragement! It really means a lot.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    @Quzzdragon12 I hadn't heard of that game before so I had to look it up. Looks fun! :) I hope you get to stay where you are for a while. Moving is exhausting (at least that's how I feel about it.) Maybe it gets easier the more you do it?
    I would just enjoy the scenery and time with your hubby! I think the gym time with help but again just enjoy your time. You don't get to go on a cruise every day and I'm a big believer in life is meant to be enjoyed!

    You're welcome, it's what I'm here for! :)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    Oh, it definitely gets easier the more you move because each time you unpack a little less and you throw out a whole lot more. We're hoping our next move will be into a house so it'll be for a little while.

    Went out for all-you-can-eat crab again last night with the family for my birthday. It was a LOT of fun. They sang and danced like they do at restaurants... AND I successfully avoided appetizers, drinks, desserts, and sides. I snuck in a bit of butter because otherwise I'd have come in under-calories, but otherwise the only thing I went crazy on was sodium. I drank a TON of water last night and even more this morning already, and I'm still thirsty.

    So I was weighing myself (on my Wii Fit) during the 30 minutes after my hubby left and before I left for work, but I'm moving my work schedule 30 minutes earlier, so that cuts that time out. My options are: 1) weigh myself only on the weekends or 2) switch to evening weigh-ins which I'd rather not do. Guess this will keep my weekend eating honest? :tongue: The plus side is now I leave when hubby does and get home when he does too. REALLY looking forward to that.

    Loving the new job more and more. Turns out that there's a large portion of event planning involved in my position and we're really getting into it now. LOVE IT. I almost became a wedding coordinator because I love event planning (but I like my nights and weekends with hubby too much to give up). Really excited I get to incorporate event planning into my current role.

    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That makes sense. I don't know where you're at but the buying a house process can be a real pain in the butt.

    I'm so glad you had a fun birthday outing! It sounds like you did awesome! I don't think I would have had the much restraint. Way to go!

    Yay more couple time! :) I would rather switch to just weighing on the weekends if it were the only time I could do morning weigh ins. I do weigh ins on my Wii fit as well at night but they aren't the ones I record into MFP or my spreadsheet. (Though i will say it usually isn't far off from the bathroom scale weigh in.)

    That's awesome! I'm so glad you're enjoying your job!

    Hope the week stays good for you! :)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I used to work in Real Estate (6 years - the last two of which I dealt with Foreclosures - which is when I gained almost 20 pounds) so I know very well how much of a pain the whole process is. We haven't really started yet, I just started watching the market. We discussed it last night and we're thinking about actually looking at houses starting in July or August :grin: VERY excited about it.

    My Wii Fit is the only accurate scale I have in my house haha! I thought about buying a new scale, but if the Wii Fit is accurate and tracks for me, why bother I say.

    Finally getting to a manageable space in my refrigerator for leftovers, which is good 'cuz I'm going to a Farmers Market tomorrow and I can't WAIT to try out new recipes with fresh, local produce.

    Lamb Curry tonight. Yumm!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    That's awesome and super exciting! It'll be here before you know it!
    I can't wait to get a house. It would be really nice not to have to share a washer and dryer with an entire apartment building.

    Exactly. I love my Wii Fit.

    Oh, it's been so long since I've been to a Farmers Market, I'm jealous! :P
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    I must say i'm a bit of a gadget person so I love the techy stuff. I have a fitbit Aria scale and now a Polar M400 watch. These two things have been an awesome investment for my weightloss journey. BUt as you say if the Wii Fit is doing it for you why bother. Everyone uses different things.
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I only use the Wii Fit for my scale (none of the exercises really). As I just replied to your thread, I LOVE my Garmin VivoSmart. The "lazy meter" and the step tracker... it's REALLY helped my weight-loss journey. I'm with you - tech all the way. If I had the money I'd have all the tech, but I have to pick and choose. Definitely glad I chose the VivoSmart :)

    Didn't make it to the Farmers Market (plus it was raining) but my sister and I did do 8 hours of shopping on Saturday (and the lamb curry afterwards was AWESOME). I got a new pair of jeans, new pair of sandals that are SUPER comfy, 2 new bikinis (tops and bottoms), a light little sweater thing (makes tank-tops work appropriate kinda thing with a lacy back), and about 8 new tank tops. WOO!

    I didn't take beginning measurements for my weight-loss journey, which I regret. However, I now have an update as far as cloth size changes:

    Starting sizes (US sizes):
    Shirt - large
    Pants - 12
    Bra - 36C
    Bikini bottoms - Large

    Current sizes:
    Shirt - Small/Medium (I have a long torso and wide shoulders, so I usually need the medium)
    Pants - 6
    Bra - 32C
    Bikini Bottoms - Small (I do wear them snug because I don't want them falling off)

    All-in-all I'm VERY happy with my progress so far, but still looking forward to making those smalls feel a little less snug. I cheated with the bikini bottoms - they're snug enough my butt muffin-tops a bit, so I got the kind with the little skirt attached to cover it. Now I'm sure it won't fall off AND it looks nice.

    Surprised at the weight loss over the weekend. I was not good at all, and yet there it is. Hopefully this signals me getting past the plateau I had hit.
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I enjoy the exercises on the Wii Fit and I tend to miss them if I don't do them for a short period of time. haha

    That sounds like an awesome shopping trip! :)

    Way to go on your progress so far! :)
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    I used to be really into the Wii Fit exercises - particularly the hula-hooping. I realized that hula-hooping was twisting my knees. Not good.

    I'm walking more and more and even on my hour+ walks I'm realizing that I'm not out of breath anymore. My quads and hips feel like they're screaming "go faster" or "keep going" but I'm afraid of hurting my knees if I try running. I'm also concerned about my asthma (sports-induced) kicking in. I'm going to talk to the doctor about it during my physical on Thursday and see if she has any recommendations. Or at the very least can give me a new script for a new inhaler. My other inhalers are all at least 6+ years old.

    Otherwise nothing much new on the health front for me. Oh! My boss came over to me today and asked where I like to eat. After discussing restaurants in the area, he told me there was a Noodles and Co in the area and I LOVE them. So he's taking me there tomorrow. Turns out tomorrow is Administrative Professionals Day - how sweet is that? I am SO freaking happy that I finally have a job that I like the work AND my boss is kind. I've only had that once before, but it was a 6-month contract job. Yay!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    I love the hula hooping! I'm sorry you had problems with it.

    Talking to your doctor sounds like a good idea and that's an awesome NSV!! :)

    That's awesome! At my last job, they usually ordered these awesome hoagies from down the road for Administrative Day - I miss that. haha Don't miss the job though.
  • Kell2912
    Kell2912 Posts: 485 Member
    Your boss sounds like a keeper and so does the job. Really happy for you that you have found something you like
  • Quzzdragon12
    Quzzdragon12 Posts: 79 Member
    WEEKEND TIME! I found this awesome-looking recipe for Lemon Ricotta Cookies - I CANNOT wait to try them. Going to make them tonight for a game-day tomorrow at a friend's house. Picked up all the ingredients last night and I am ready to go!

    Physical was fine. Gave me a tetanus booster and a new script for my inhaler. She suggested that I avoid running and do low-impact cardio videos/DVDs. If I'm determined to run, she said I should wear my knee braces, ice afterwards, and she gave me a script for an ointment to put on afterwards - basically a topical ibuprofen. I think I'll try it and if I hurt too much or if it turns out I hate running, I'll look around for other indoor/low-impact cardio exercises. I don't want to spend the money on a gym, but I do want to get more healthy and stay healthy.

    One week until the cruise - WOO! Not a lot of change in the scales recently (the one at the doctor said I was up, but it was also mid-day and I was wearing shoes and clothes so I'm not worried) but I've been feeling really bloated recently. The dr. suggested I take some fiber supplements to help, but it could take a few days to regulate anything. Hopefully that kicks in soon.

    Quiet rainy day in the office. Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!
  • WifiresGettingFit
    WifiresGettingFit Posts: 1,773 Member
    Those cookies sound so good!

    Glad you had a good doctor visit! I hope you find some other low impact exercises you can enjoy. I've thought about joining the gym but I always feel like I'd rather just work out at home since I already have all the stuff to do it.

    I'm sure the week will go fast and you'll be enjoying yourself on the cruise in no time!!

    It was rainy here yesterday and is rainy here today as well. It's very blah weather haha. Hope you have a great weekend! :)