PCOS + Keto



  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    wesheets wrote: »
    Wow. Well there is a mix of encouragement and judgement here. To condense I will add the following:
    I measured 9 locations when I started. After a month the loss was negligible. The weight loss, too, was negligible. Disappointing? Discouraging? Yes and yes. I'm still at it though. Into week 6 at the moment.

    In terms of what I will or won't eat-first, I am barely in ketosis. Most of the time I'm in trace. Maybe. And that's with low carbs. Second, I mention foods I may have when I go on a date. It does not mean I will eat them all, or ensure I eat every carb I have in front of me. Simply-I don't have any of those things so my choices are my own and I own them. Third-going on a date is HUGE for us. I have a special needs child plus other children and adult children. We have 7. Time alone is rare and precious. Non-food dates are rare as well (like the movies) so for us, yes it IS like its our 30th. Period. And frankly I plan on including a cheat meal (not cheat day) EVERY MONTH....food is part of culture. I am the chief cook here and my husband also cooks well. Meals around ethnic foods reminds us all of small beginnings where food is all we could offer one another. I have a firm belief that this is the way it should be. Indulging or overeating or consuming high quantities is NOT how it should be. There is a difference. I'm not a spokesperson for others but for me this is how I view eating and food.

    Keto dieting is a great way to focus on how my body reacts. Having PCOS is an unfortunate attribute that hinders my progress. I am theorizing that I also have at least hypothyroid if not Hashimotos based off of symptoms and family history. So I may actually be fighting against nature at the moment. Having said that I can attest that my efforts are strong. My husband is concerned for all my effort is not producing
    Fruit. I, too, wonder what is going on.

    I have relapsed out of my level of
    Keto before and know what I'm facing. I can only hope that I can realize progress so my efforts are not for naught.

    @wesheets First of all, please accept my apology. I am very passionate about my own struggles, and I tend to forget how intensely I can come across in my communications. Since we have similar health issues and such, I was trying to share my own struggles that I've encountered low carbing, and I'm in a rough stage right now personally, and it made me very chaotic in my communication - and very ineffective.

    As @Sunny_Bunny_ mentioned I was not intending to judge. We all have to find a way to make dietary consumption fit into our lives - because heck, we've got to eat no matter what. I frequently say that we fight like heck so hard most of the time so that the occasional blip only sets us back a short distance, not miles and miles. I also do know that our perceptions of food and meaning and all of that change as we change, change as we learn things we didn't know before, etc.

    I was intending to share a perspective - that as you also say, small portions and reasonable indulgences are a normal part of life - but most people don't keep it to that. "Whatever within reason" is a very relative term - meaning a very different thing to very different people.

    You sound like a very level-headed woman, and you seem to have a good handle on your plan. Again, I only intended to offer some additional "food for thought" for you to think about, decide how or if it even applies to you, and discard what has no bearing whatsoever. Many times, others will give me advice, and only one tiny fragment applies to me. Other times, it seems like they could have written the example ABOUT ME.

    I did not intend to offend in any way, and I'm sorry you felt judged. It's the situation where if I can save anyone even a tiny piece of the struggles I've fought through by sharing my own miserable experiences, I'm happy to do so. That being said, you've gotten a huge amount of other great advice here.

    Good luck on your plans and enjoy your date! It's so lovely to see those things we sometimes forget to celebrate.
  • randomventures
    randomventures Posts: 25 Member
    Occasionally women especially 40 plus, with diagnosed metabolic imbalances e.g. Hypothyroidism do better on higher net carbs: approx 30g - 50g per day. The reason is not know as yet, although it's potentially the way all the hormone axis interact in the body. With any woe, it can take the body some time to adjust and do what it is supposed to do. At 50g per day weight loss is accepted to be slower, however you do become fat adapted. This is an issue I've seen with quite a few of my patients.
    @wesheets we're all individuals and you've done a brilliant job of trying to find out what is right for you. Keep going, I know it's frustrating at times, you will get there! As others have said LCHF is probably the optimal way for any woman with PCOS to loose weight.
  • WIChelle
    WIChelle Posts: 471 Member
    To the OP. Have you discussed with your Dr or tried Metformin? It is very effective for many with PCOS. If it hadn't depleted my b12 so badly I would have stayed on it.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Thanks ladies!! It's definitely a journey and often a frustrating one at that!

    @randomventures that is interesting. So, I was doing 30-50 net carbs. It basically ensured NO loss after the first week, and gain beyond that! It was so frustrating. Now if I keep my carbs around 20-25 (less if I can) then I DO lose weight. The higher number was tried for a solid month plus so I'm CERTAIN it's not what my body prefers. All that to say: if I end up with hypo I may be an anomaly to your experience!! We'll see....

    Lost another 1.5 lbs overnight but I also wake up famished. That is not my typical and I get a twinge of "I'm starving" comes in.....and we all know how that can sabotage PURPOSED dieting.

    Doctor visit: I have spoken of seeing a doctor but have not simply because we are changing insurance. I want to (need to) wait so that I begin with the new insurance-if I call for an appointment I don't have the new insurance info yet. When I do go I will be sure to ask about a few things. If I do end up with a thyroid issue (my theory based on symptoms and family history) then that won't necessarily be a game changer but at least I'll know what's what.

    Worked out just 25 minutes yesterday with a new app. When I simply can't workout it's nice to have a tough, quick workout. The app is Sworkit recommended by one of my MFP pals. I like it so far and it's free
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    edited February 2016
    The bottom of my post was cut off. So....

    Have a good weekend friends. We are going to have rib eyes tonight! WOOP!!
  • fatchimom
    fatchimom Posts: 256 Member
    Welcome! I'm glad you're here. This is a wonderful, supportive, informative group.
  • randomventures
    randomventures Posts: 25 Member
    @wesheets my comment was only an idea as I wasn't sure what your carb level was. You've done the most important thing and that is work out what is good for you. Enjoy your rib eye!
  • ldmoor
    ldmoor Posts: 152 Member
    You have gotten a lot of good advice so far, so I'll just note what my experience has been so you know you aren't the only one. :) I've low carbed for about 15 years, but had to go under 50 carbs to budge any weight, and then it was about a pound a month. After 6 months, I dropped down to 20 and had some limited success. But it wasn't until I started charting my food, that I found out I wasn't eating enough and actually had to increase my intake to meet a 1500-1800 cal a day minimum. At that point, I finally was able to lose fairly steadily - but even then it was less than 3 pounds a month.

    Everyone loses at different levels of carbs and calories, and at different speeds. Could be you just need to shake things up a little to find where your body is most comfortable. For me, it was actually eating enough food, as my intake just wasn't high enough.
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    @ldmoor thank you!

    I think being older and maybe peri menopausal is adding to the mystery. I'm eating 12-1500 calories usually 1300. However I hear you. It's depressing to have such LOW and SLOW weight
    Loss but I DO hear you.

    I shook it up yesterday with high carbs. I had about 2400 cals over my TDEE OF 2100.

    GUH. Just GUH. Lol.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    wesheets wrote: »
    @ldmoor thank you!

    I think being older and maybe peri menopausal is adding to the mystery. I'm eating 12-1500 calories usually 1300. However I hear you. It's depressing to have such LOW and SLOW weight
    Loss but I DO hear you.

    I shook it up yesterday with high carbs. I had about 2400 cals over my TDEE OF 2100.

    GUH. Just GUH. Lol.

    Ooh I'd be interested to see the repercussions of this, positive or negative. :smile:
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    Christine_72 I am too! Lol. I actually added in everything and I'm amazed. Today as a contrast I had just under 1300 calories. I am not hungry. At all! I also have zero cravings. Yesterday? My grand total was 3200 calories. I had Mexican food plus chips and salsa AND a large milk shake. It was crazy! My stomach hurt from all the intake.

    So today I didn't have Keto flu
    Even though I was right back at it. I also only gained about 1 lb so far. We'll see how I look tomorrow
  • wesheets
    wesheets Posts: 90 Member
    I posted a huge thing from my phone and it was cut off. I'm just not writing it again. This app stinks.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Ugh yeah, I don't like posting from the app. I usually wait til I'm on my laptop.

    I have PCOS too, apparently insulin resistant. I'm also 5'7" (and age 39). I have had to experiment but for me, sticking to 20-30gm net carbs seems to work best for me. When I do have a stall, dropping to a stricter 20 does seem to help. Hope you find what works best for you!