How many push ups can you do???

dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
I'm up to 13 in a set. I'm guessing some of you ladies probably can pass that number without breathing hard. I'm not sure my goal but I'm going to keep going. I'm also up to 80 lb dead lift (not counting the bar) and 50 lb bench press. My next challenge will be pull ups. Where are you at with push ups. :)


  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I did 27 without stopping for the push-up test during my Cpt practical training. I've not attempted to max out like that again.

    Push-ups took me years, but I love them. I do them almost every day. You're doing awesome!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Probably around 30...
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    Wow. Now I feel even weaker. I tried doing push ups the other day. I could only do 3.. I have no upper body strength. I really need help in developing that.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    I couldn't even do one four years ago. You'll get there in no time!!! Strength gains happen fast early on. Enjoy them. You're in competition with no one besides the person you were yesterday. Push-ups are no easy task. The fact that you can do any should be celebrated!
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Well, I can do one or two.......
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    Honestly haven't done any since doing NROLFW months ago. I switched over to an upper/lower until a few weeks ago, so I haven't trained pushups. I could do some though don't care enough about it to try and do many. Well, right now my right hand is acting up so probably not many today but otherwise. Though I also prefer to use dumbbells instead of having my hands flat on the ground.

    I did discover I can now do a pull up, so that's new and interesting to attempt.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited March 2016
    @DawnEmbers a pull up... wow I would love to be able to do that. Working on my push ups first.

    Trying to graduate from knees so at 10 full pushups but none of them as deep as I would like yet. Baby steps.
  • kelsgrif84
    kelsgrif84 Posts: 9 Member
    I started training back in June, couldn't do a push up. Now i do 30-40 during my warm up. I started improving my pushup by practicing incline first to build up the upper body strength. My bench has also improved significantly, and i am now able to bench 60% of my body weight through all my sets. Keep working. You'll get where you want to be.
  • DawnEmbers
    DawnEmbers Posts: 2,451 Member
    @SamandaIndia - I never had done pull ups before. I tried a little with the assisted machine on rare occasion and got in a couple attempts at working my way up but never quite fit it into program until recently. However, doing some lifts help. Lat pulldowns, overhead press, bench press and such over the last year along with losing some weight (since I used to be obese) has made it easier. I can only do 1 but it's a start.

    I could never do push ups on my knees at all. My stomach hits the ground too early so using rails to progress down was a better approach for me when working on doing push ups.
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @DawnEmbers thanks for the tips. Inspiring.
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    @DawnEmbers I tried a pull was a no go. Hopefully soon
    @kelsgrif84 30-40 in a warm up? Nice. I'd like to get there too.
  • Rubyayn
    Rubyayn Posts: 433 Member
    Girls gone strong has some great info on push-up techniques. Pull ups as well. An overwhelming amount of people don't do either correctly. In fact, girls gone strong is a great resource for women who lift. Check it ou!
  • dessiepenn
    dessiepenn Posts: 167 Member
    @Rubyayn awesome I will have to check that out.
  • kelly_e_montana
    kelly_e_montana Posts: 1,999 Member
    I can probably do 15 arms in close, good plank push ups unbroken but I've done as many as 200 in a Crossfit workout in small sets.
  • wishfullthinking79
    wishfullthinking79 Posts: 322 Member
    I can only do one regular one and 15 women one. I know that is sad. I just keep trying to add more and more..
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    edited March 2016
    I can do about 15. I went for 0 to 10 after about 3 months of training. I did band assisted push ups which is a great way to train for them if you have the equipment, i.e. a resistance band and a bar to hang it on.

    Currently working towards a pull up by doing band assisted and negatives. It's taking a long time but I have been able to move down to a lighter band and can hold my negatives much longer.
  • jenndenise
    jenndenise Posts: 28 Member
    I can do 20 regular and it took me several months to get there. Next challenge - pull-ups. @sucampbeN, I'm also using assist-bands and negatives and making slow but steady progress.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    It's hard work isn't it @jenndenise but we'll get there one day! :smiley:
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    We used to have to do a monthly assessment in one of my classes to gauge progress. I got to 100 but it took about a minute and 15 seconds and the last 20 were definitely a struggle. Body weight exercises are a big part of my classes and before you realize it with consistency everyone seems to progress without even realizing it.
  • jenndenise
    jenndenise Posts: 28 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »
    It's hard work isn't it @jenndenise but we'll get there one day! :smiley:

    Yes it is and yes we will! My goal is to be able to do 10 pull-ups with no assist - gotta dream big! :smiley: