March Challenge ~~ Mar 7th - Mar 13th

cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
Let's continue with our DVD workouts (or whatever you are currently doing) and add the Rearwards Challenge posted here. Do this every day or every other day. This will help our backs.


Let me know what you think.




  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    I think I'm gonna look silly on my tummy like a trained seal with this laptop on the floorin front of my face trying to peer at these pictures!
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    edited March 2016
    wpwarrior88 has some cool profile pics.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,900 Member
    edited March 2016
    Paula that is awesome! I love that quote! B) Print it off and place it low on a wall. But the image of you as a seal is so much more fun! :flushed:

    Chris funny, I have been working up to the dynamic bows! I can get one ankle....... ;)
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,900 Member
    Kathy I did log tonight. But then I added something and it made me over. But it still said I was under....So I deleted it. :s

    There is discord in my older tank. Jackson & Jillybean, the clown fish, do not like Ruby, the Flame Angel fish. Ruby is always taunting them. Might have to be an eviction! Why can the kids not play nice? Brats!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    There is discord in my older tank. Jackson & Jillybean, the clown fish, do not like Ruby, the Flame Angel fish. Ruby is always taunting them. Might have to be an eviction! Why can the kids not play nice? Brats! Shelley
    Oh, that's sad. :frowning:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Yes, so, so sad...
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Going to walk this morning w/DH and Bean if it stops raining (it's cold outside!) then I'm having lunch with two ladies I worked with in Martinez. Hoping I have my mojo back enough to get on the bike when I get home. Don't know if DDD and I are doing the gym. They might have D'land jet lag? ...Disneyland lag??? *snicker*

  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Heading back to Houston from New Orleans. Funeral went well, got to see lots of relatives. Will have some days without visitors before the Family from New Zealand comes to see us before they fly back home.
    Looking forward to normalcy and getting back to my routine eating.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Have a safe trip, Clara.

    Got my walking done and the bike...lunch was rescheduled for April 1st. too much rain/slick on roads and Hiwy 4 nastiness. DH working on the TV/DVD player/sound around thingy...will get a workout in before bedtime.

    Back later,


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    No workout...7.41 miles yesterday, 5.85 miles today and 13.00 bike miles today. Finished another book. I'm good! Back to 1st grade tomorrow.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    Chris, I tried Rearward (try saying that fast out loud three times)- anyway, my body has always had a difficult time lifting legs;my torso will tip over before the legs will go up. Don't know if its body-type (light on top heavy on bottom) or a lack of core muscles.

    How about if I do some planks & pushups to work on that core, will that do? Anyway, for now I am clenching toes again. It feels surprisingly good.

    I have to go let Maynard out of the little crate. He was a bad boy and sprayed in the kitchen near daddy. Poor baby was excited, but immediately knew it was a whoopsie.

    Best wishes to you all!
    :flowerforyou: Paula
  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Paula is Maynard named after the old Dobie Gillis character?
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,900 Member
    Oh no Paula! Better the crate than the boot I say! Hopefully Maynard has learned his lesson. And Paula keep trying it, but then do the planks. Well it works for me. Must wait for Chris to give you the final word! :*

    Chris great going. I know you had fun with your friends.

    Clara glad you will be back. I love company though. :blush:

    I took yesterday off. Hubby came back from Las Vegas. To a leak in the bathroom! Up on the roof he went. Silly boy, it was slick with snow and ice. Hopefully it is stopped now though. Not sure if I will get in a workout tonight or not. I will at least get in one of the Darebees that Chris posted. I must change some water out of my 65 gallon aquarium. I am treating it for red slime. Nasty stuff. But it is a sure sign that the hair algae problem I have been dealing with is on the way out!

    OK, good news. My Sgt. that is so awful to me has been promoted to LT. Which means she will be going back to the jail the 1st of April! I am so ecstatic! I so can't wait to see who will replace her. A bit nervous at this point.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Shelley...that's great news about your Sgt. making Lt.!! Only 23 days until she's gone! Had to reschedule with my friends. Red slime sounds awful!! I hope the treatment fixes it.

    Paula...ya gotta do what works! My body doesn't bend like the pictures do either! Bur Shelley's right...give it a try then do planks. Planks are good...

    Walked with DH and Bean then got on the bike for 53 mins and an episode of Covert Affairs then went to 1st grade. Then I had to go get avocados and bananas. Then I took Bean home. I'm making excuses for not doing the Darebees workout...We have the gym tomorrow night, but I have Thurs and Fri off from 1st grade so I will do it then.

    Tomorrow will be a great day for all of us!! :*


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    edited March 2016
    claram5415 wrote: »
    Paula is Maynard named after the old Dobie Gillis character?
    Yes, the goateed Maynard B Krebs (played by Bob Denver, later famous as Gilligan)! You're the first person who ever guessed that. He has longish hair on his chinny chin chin and always had milk dripping from it when he was a kitten. :laugh:
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,705 Member
    edited March 2016
    Okay, Chris, I will do planks! :ohwell:

    Shelley, Please congratulate your Sgt/Lt for me. :laugh:

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Walked w/DH and Bean for 4.0 miles in 91 mins (6.62 total miles for 14,430 steps) then got on the recumbent for 13.00 miles in 46 mins and and an episode of Lucifer then went to 1st grade then went to the gym w/DDD and met with our trainer for a brutal 60 min workout. I'm done!

    Hope you all had a grand Wednesday and will have a terrific Thursday!!

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,900 Member
    Just a quick question. Would anyone mind if I invited Michellewrangler to join us? I thought someone asked about her before. o:)

    I did congratulate her, and took in chocolate to make her remember me fondly! Muahaha

    Ok I know who Gilligan was, and then you two lost me. ;)

    Paula that was planks only after attempting the proper move! Sheesh I know not what to do with you!

    Got in 30 minutes of hall walking and half hour of yoga. Could not grip both feet though! :'( I so am trying though!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,445 Member
    Shelley...yes, we did talk about inviting Michellewrangler to join us. I think it would be a great idea. Cool move with your Sgt/Lt! :p And...maybe you are too young to remember Maynard B Krebs (I always thought it was Maynard G Krebs, though)!!! He was rather a beatnik... B)

    Paula...listen to Shelley. I know when I try that #6, the back of my thighs are both going to cramp up like crazy! They are starting to cramp up now and I'm just thinking about the move!! Egad!

    Getting the pup in a few minutes then we are off for our morning walk. No 1st grade today. They are having a Field Trip and have Mom's and Dad's to help out, so I'll get everything done this morning.

    Later, my friends!


  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    Haven't gotten to try moves yet but have been doing am workout in spite of relatives in the house and estate paperwork. Have been tracking and now I'm working on staying within my daily calories