March Challenge ~~ Mar 7th - Mar 13th



  • claram5415
    claram5415 Posts: 512 Member
    I agree about inviting Michelle.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Okay...after repeated cramping of my left thigh muscle, I was able to grab a hold of the back of my socks and preform the exercise 6 perfectly...of course, my socks will never be the same! And I felt like a downward facing seal for most of it!! bwahahaha! :D

    Walked w/DH and Bean this morning for 6.0 miles in 126 mins (7.27 total miles for 15,867 steps) then got on the bike for 12.00 miles in 46 mins and an episode of Lucifer then did a little bit of our challenge...a little bit...then took a nap. First grade went on a field trip and had parents going, so DDD didn't need me. :(

    Tomorrow is my REST DAY. I'm having lunch w/my college journalism instructor and a friend I had journalism with. We've remained friends for 18 or 19 years. Journalism has changed so much in that time... :'( Some of it is better than the fiction I can dream up!!

    I weigh in tomorrow...we'll see. I was up this morning but I think it was because of the insane workout Wednesday evening. My thighs are so sore!! Egad!! :p

    Tomorrow, my friends!! :*

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    OMG, I would love to see Michelle more!
  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Sorry I've been missing lately but it's been a crazy busy work week and had to deal with a few personal family issues. Haven't completed the challenge this week but had tennis practice on Tuesday and coaching Thursday night.

    Shelley I missed 1 day if logging...I went to bed after practice and just forgot. Back at it today.

    Also invite whomever you want...any friend of yours....

  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    PaulaKro wrote: »
    OMG, I would love to see Michelle more!

    Aw, I feel so loved! :)<3 I'm excited to be here to get to know all of you ladies more!
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    ROTFLMAO, Chris I so am visualizing you grabbing them socks!

    Oops, got to run. Still at work, jury is out.
  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    edited March 2016
    Finally got home around 10:00 pm. Guilty verdicts in an indecent liberties with a minor.

    Ok I was looking for a stationary bike for my daughter. If I could I would so get her a Peloton cycle. Wow is all I can say. But you need $40 a month for the classes and a good WiFi. And that is after you buy the bike! Awesome bike!

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    edited March 2016
    Michelle...we have <3<3 spilling out everywhere...ya gotta be careful not to set in it!

    Shelley...I have a drawer full of socks that help me exercise...bwahahah! I am not flexible!

    I'm meeting DDD and SIL at the gym in 30 mins. We were given instructions by our strength workouts until we meet back with her on the 23rd. She has some plan in mind for us. So, I'm all cardio for the next week and a half.

    Then I'll walk w/DH and then get on the bike. The kids are coming over for cake and ice cream and a movie tonight.

    I'll check in later.

  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    Today was the day we cooked the aquarium rocks in a bit of acid. Crossing fingers this removes all the copper! Made a dessert, I so will not be eating lots of it. Sharing with the neighbors. o:) And walked my darling boys along the Platte river.

    Chris hope your gym date was productive with DDD. <3 I am doing cake and a movie tonight. But frozen yogurt instead of ice-cream. Great minds think a lot. So what is all this cardio? I think you just want out of lifting. Hmmmmm Nope that can not be it. >:) I want to know this plan of hers also. She is sneaky I tell you. B)


  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Shelley, cooking rocks in acid sounds like something you'd arrest yourself for...egad!! ;)

    I think our trainer is worried about my hip and my shoulder even though they haven't given me any trouble lately. And she wants to work on our form. She said she's been letting us slack a little and wants to clean it up. It also means no assisted pull ups...that makes me a little sad...not a lot...just a little.

    DDD and I walked on the treadmills for 30 mins while SIL played with all the big boy weights!! He can do some pretty amazing things like jump straight up on a tall table. I can't even get my body/mind to think that way!! I see myself jumping just high enough to scrap the skin off my shins on the way down...

    DH and I walked 6 miles after I got home from the gym. I have 10.41 total miles for 21,909 steps right now. No bike today.

    Today is my birthday...I really am older than Paula I had all my favorites. I would tell you about them but then you all would run out, get them and eat them because they are so stinking good! I do not want to be responsible for some mass binge!!! Just know that I had a good time with DH, the kids and Bean!! Tomorrow I will be back on track.

    Today was fun!


  • zumbaforever
    zumbaforever Posts: 6,976 Member
    Happy Birthday Chris! <3<3 So happy for you and the great day you have had. So did you have peanut butter? Chinese? Do tell. I promise no binging! <3 Poor form is no good. But glad to hear you have been feeling better. :) Cooking rocks is ok, meth is a no no! B)

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    I have been counting my toe wiggles as flex this week, and doing planks, wall pushups and TRX as strength, some drizzly walks for cardio - a well rounded workout week. :smile:

    I've been really good at cutting carbs this week and upping protein; and that is probably why cravings are diminished. Fingers crossed! And Chris, I'll catch up with you in September! :wink:

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    Happy Birthday Chris! :D

    We have our first tennis match of the spring season today. The team is really excited!

    Yesterday my BFF and I took her grandsons 8 & 2 to Barnes & Nobles to buy a couple of books. The 8 year old really loves books so we encourage it as much as possible. They are my godsons and I'm crazy about them. Their mom tagged along. She's a first grade teacher and we let her make the final decisions on their selections.

    I found a couple of DVDs for myself...Leslie Sansone Walk Your Belly Flat and AM & PM Stretch. Shelley I remembered you said on rest days a stretching DVD is a good thing. :)

    After B&N the kids wanted to go to Red Robin for lunch....they love the milkshakes. I ordered the South west salad and immediately put half of it in a togo was so big.

    Have a great Sunday! I'll let you know how the team does later. It may be a long day...scattered showers in the forecast.

  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Thank You, ladies!!! It was a good day!

    No exercising for me today...sick DH. Trying to keep it quiet around here. Can't bike because I have the TV cranked up. Bean leaves the room when I get on the bike and hides down the hall. No workout walking because there is a ton of rain and cold wind out there today!! It sounds worse when you go out back because of the tin roof over the patio...I love it!! We've walked in drizzle when the wind has been warmer but this is cold!

    I hope you are all having a fun Sunday!

  • KAR1959
    KAR1959 Posts: 4,319 Member
    My team won 3 of 5 matches. My doubles partner and I loss 2-6 & 4-6. It was a very long day, but I'm happy the team overall did well considering we moved up into a higher division.

    Headed to an Epsom salt bath and bed.

    Good night.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,747 Member
    Chris, I'm getting very fond of walking in drizzle, the weather actually makes me want to bundle up in my hiking boots and ankle-length storm coat. It's dry and safe inside the coat and feels so dramatic to be physically out in the storm.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    Kathy...nice wins!! Enjoy your bath.

    Paula... at our old house the wind wasn't as fierce and cold as it is here. I would walk with my umbrella or just my hoodie, depending on how hard it was raining. My family thought I was nuts, but I liked it! The only thing I ever have trouble with is black ice and uneven sidewalks. Yeah, I've gone down a couple of times. Our new neighborhood is newer so the sidewalks are in great shape...the black ice, however, spreads itself where ever it pleases!! Sometimes I think there is a Black Ice Faerie up there who shakes her wand and points to where she wants the patch around my car! Then she laughs like crazy and we think it's thunder...bwahahah!

    DH is getting better...hoping to walk and bike tomorrow then do our flex in the evening.

    Later, my friends!
