Daily Exercise Thread



  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    April 2nd



    April 3rd

    (2.2 miles - Outdoor - 38 mins) = 12.7/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (3.0 miles - Indoor - 45 mins) = 3.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    - Power Walk Video and Loxley
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I love your consistency Tim :)

    Saturday I was lazy. Sunday I hiked part of the Pacific Crest Trail. I've hike many local parts of it but this was new to me. Ooooo so sore today. It was the first long hike I took my dog on, she seems pretty sore too lol
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    I'll make it out west one day and stepping on the PCT is on the To Do List.

    Sucks about the soreness. :(


    April 4th

    (2.2 miles - Outdoor - 38 mins) = 14.9/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (3.0 miles - Indoor - 45 mins) = 6.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    - Power Walk Video and Loxley (same thing as yesterday)
    - I need a couple of solid 10 mile+ days very soon in order to keep on top of my goal. We'll see what tomorrow brings...
  • kaylamcgraw79
    kaylamcgraw79 Posts: 58 Member
    Monday- I did a two mile walk on the treadmill

    Today, I got up early 6 mile bike ride and 2 miles on the treadmill before I went for my Root canal. Boy, am I glad I did that because I don't feel like doing anything!
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Thanks for logging Kayla and yikes about the root canal.


    April 5th

    (2.7 miles - Outdoor - 46 mins) = 17.6/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (6.0 miles - Indoor - 90 mins) = 12.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    - Power Walk Vidoes and Solo Outdoor Late Night Walk (Too many skunks so won't happen again)
  • kaylamcgraw79
    kaylamcgraw79 Posts: 58 Member
    Love the new profile picture, Kandi! I was like who is that!! Looking good! good for you !

    Yikes is right.
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    April 6th

    (0.0 miles - Outdoor - 0 mins) = 17.6/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (9.0 miles - Indoor - 135 mins) = 21.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    - Really cold today so I decided to stay in and catch up on my indoor miles
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    Thank you Kayla :)

    Aha funny I'm avoiding outside because it's too hot here! ugh

    Skipped weightlifting on Monday, too sore from lugging my 250 lb self up the mountain lol.

    Today was 5x5: squats:105lbs, ohp: 70lbs, deadlilfts: 145lbs. 30 minutes on the elliptical and a 2 mile walk with my dog.
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 3 day 1: leveled up......35 min. 10/25 jogging went from 60 sec intervals to 90 sec. Intervals....even with the break I had I was able to move on to this level. That felt really good!
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    edited April 2016
    And btw Kandi ....I woke up to 19 degrees this morning and had to wear long johns with my workout clothes! Lol
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 3, day 2...40 min....10/23
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    April 7th

    (2.2 miles - Outdoor - 38 mins) = 19.8/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (11.0 miles - Indoor - 165 mins) = 32.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    -Power Walk Vidoes and outdoor with Loxley
    -This was a record breaking day with 13.2 miles
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 3 day 3, 50 min....10/23
    I had many obstacles thrown at me...I drove to the gym 3x and kept getting called to do other things....I seriously thought of not going but I said ...NO! I am doing this ....I am sacrificing a shower and I didn't get to do some housework.....but I went, it's done and I am going to keep plugging!
    Good luck everyone, have a great weekend. B)
  • kandeye
    kandeye Posts: 216 Member
    I give you props having motivation in that cold weather!

    Today was 5x5. I didn't sleep well last night so I felt like it wasn't the best workout, but I did it. Squats:110lbs, bench press: 85lbs, row: 85lbs. 30 minutes on elliptical and a nice walk in the rain! Love this weather, it reminds me of Alaskan summers :)
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    Kandi and Michelle - Thanks for logging and Great Work on getting it done.


    April 8th

    (0.0 miles - Outdoor - 0 mins) = 19.8/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (6.0 miles - Indoor - 90 mins) = 38.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked

    - I was gonna take today off but my sister was catching up to me in our weekly fitbit step challenge (I'd never hear the end of it if she actually won for once)

    Have a good weekend everybody
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    If someone promises me that they will workout before the day is over, I promise I will go to the gym and do my day 4! Who's with me? :p
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Ok my friends, I went anyway....lol
    Week 3 day 4.....45 min o:)
  • UnkyTimFU
    UnkyTimFU Posts: 240 Member
    lol... Sorry Michelle. I took a rest day yesterday. Good Going on get it done anyways.



    April 9th



    April 10th

    (5.0 miles - Outdoor - 86 mins) = 24.8/100 Outdoor April Miles Walked

    (0.0 miles - Indoor - 0 mins) = 38.0/100 Indoor April Miles Walked
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Great job Tim ! The weather must be better for you to be outside for an 86 min walk! Enjoy the rest of your night and I look forward to posting tomorrow when my workout is over....lol
  • michelleregis
    michelleregis Posts: 76 Member
    Week 4 day1....50 min. 10/23
    Pull downs. 45. 10 x 5
    Tricep ext. 45. 10 x 4
    Arm curls. 35. 10 x 5