4.Group spirit challenge



  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
    Here :smiley:
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    Here... :o
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm here
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I am still around, just not well still
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
  • arlenestrohmaier
    arlenestrohmaier Posts: 67 Member
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    I am here and more importantly am out of bipolar sleep zombie coma
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm here :smiley:
  • audrey13027
    audrey13027 Posts: 215 Member
    I am here and more importantly am out of bipolar sleep zombie coma

    I am still here! :)
  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    I'm still here.. Struggling but here . not giving up
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
  • BigChangeNeeded
    BigChangeNeeded Posts: 671 Member
    April 18th. I'm here.

    I've had a bad couple of weeks, in terms of both food and exercise. Certain real life pressures really got to me, and I fell off the wagon. It didn't help that I'd sprained my ankle and it took a week to recover (although it still hurts now).

    However, yesterday I walked. I walked until my feet ached. It was a sunny day, I needed to get out of the house and be by myself, and have some time to just not think about anything. I listened to an audiobook, and I ended up walking 10 kilometres (about 6.2 miles). There was something about doing that that I think has kind of 'rebooted' me. I know that sounds weird, but I feel more focussed today, calmer, and I feel like I'm ready to get back on track.

    I've not posted too much over the last couple of days, but I'm ready to be accountable again.
  • ClarissaCLD
    ClarissaCLD Posts: 212 Member
  • RunawayCurves
    RunawayCurves Posts: 688 Member
    edited April 2016
    I am still here, was back to zombie state yesterday and today after having felt a bit better saterday. Been very unwell with gastric issues recently. I think because I was angelic for a few weeks then fell off wagon when mood crashed, the contrast drove my IBS to mega flare up, that or I have food poisoning. I still managed to gain 18lb over last few weeks 292 being lowest number I saw in good spell and 310 being the number I saw yesterday despite severe gastric upset. I do think a lot of that is fluid from inflammation. I am my own worst enemy when bipolar depressions strike. On plus side it will fall back off fast again when recover. My goal is to finish the month near to where I was at start of month. Sadly this is so often the nature of weight loss efforts. On a positive note I am still smaller than I was few months ago. For me it is a very up and down path. One day I might learn. Must live in hope. I totally sympathise with all who fall of the wagon. I am so far from perfect. Must make the most of it in the good times as if I did not keep trying again I am certain I would be unable to stand by now. Up and down weight loss is still better than up and up without the downs. Battles are won and lost but no surrender.