March Mindfulness Challenge: Week 4 (3/22-3/31)



  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited April 2016
    macchiatto wrote: »
    HDL 103?? @baconslave, that's awesome!! And your ratio is fantastic. What did your dr say?

    A nurse called to tell me the results.
    The only note the dr left was. "Good news. Everything is fine. Except your cholesterol is slightly elevated at 225."

    I don't think I'm going back to that one. Grrrrr.
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Grr @baconslave, that would frustrate me too.

    Oh and my 3/31 report
    SW: 153.4
    CW: 131
    Maintenance range: 129-133
    Cals: under
    Carbs: right at goal
    Exercise: ran 2 miles, walked half
    Sleep: Good!
    Mindfulness: Eh, still needs work. ;)
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Well my first ten days dairy free did nothing and so I switched to the ground beef challenge and march ended with me 20 days into it. Mindfully eating wasn't an issue. Reducing my menu down to three items (ground beef, water, coffee) made my eating insanely simple and removed the distraction of intricate recipes. It allowed me to focus on other stuff all month and I ended the month over 6 lbs down. That's 6 lbs I couldn't shed for the previous three months no matter what I tried.

    So mindfulness probably wasn't what I achieved, but a certain amount of Food-Related Zen definitely was.

    I'm doing my own regimented re-introduction of non GB foods after my 30 days are up so I won't be joining the April challenges because they don't jive with my goals at this point.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    glossbones wrote: »
    Well my first ten days dairy free did nothing and so I switched to the ground beef challenge and march ended with me 20 days into it. Mindfully eating wasn't an issue. Reducing my menu down to three items (ground beef, water, coffee) made my eating insanely simple and removed the distraction of intricate recipes. It allowed me to focus on other stuff all month and I ended the month over 6 lbs down. That's 6 lbs I couldn't shed for the previous three months no matter what I tried.

    So mindfulness probably wasn't what I achieved, but a certain amount of Food-Related Zen definitely was.

    I'm doing my own regimented re-introduction of non GB foods after my 30 days are up so I won't be joining the April challenges because they don't jive with my goals at this point.

    Mindfulness, maybe not, but you learned a lot. And lost 6lb. So it's a win. :wink:

    For myself, I really learned how to listen to my satiety cues a whole lot better.

    My next step is to continue Ad Libbing. And I'm trying to decide before Monday whether I go full-out-hardcore-AIP or just go paleo and see what happens.


    All I know is that I didn't start having the burning thirst and nasal passages and a wave of fatigue until after supper. I have these periodically during the day. Not usually until I've eaten. The only thing that makes sense is either the mayo (soybean oil) and the cheese (packaged shredded), processed sausage, and butter.

    Regardless of what I choose, dairy, processed dips and mayo (my last processed-food holdouts), peanuts, and coffee are going temporarily. I'll still have BP-Green Tea I guess if I just go paleo. AIP cuts out chocolate, nightshades, seeds and spices from seeds, all nuts, and some other very annoying cuts like eggs. Of course, I hate eggs 90% of the time, but they are handy to hold together meatballs and mug-muffins, and I don't eat them very often anyway. It would be so much easier if I just went all meat and meat fat only. But I can't do that. DH would have a litter of kittens.

    He did agree to not give me grief about making my diet more anti-inflammatory. I just need to decide what that means.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Well you can tell him I did the ground beef as an anti inflammatory baseline! Maybe he'd let you do a week at least? (I so despise that he has this hold over your diet...)
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    @glossbones, that's great!
    @baconslave I might lean trying paleo next. But whatever you choose, KUP!
  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    edited April 2016
    Meat only worked as a great baseline for me. After 6 mths lchf then 6 days of meat (mostly fresh mince), in isolation, 6 hours after any food I ate part of a coconut macaroon. Spectacular sinus, headache, sneezing, watery eyes within 20 mins. Next day I had pork britsh lincolnshire sausages and noticed a milder reaction, but clear asdociation. By isolation and elimination I hope to find the source. Back to good meats again.

    In the very annoying stakes: if reducing histammines then fresh is best: no re heating and no leaving stuff out on the counter. Think how grandma cooked, fresh from market. No nuts and no soy so no protein bars (most). Snacks are a challenge. Finding options at work difficult. Worth it if we can work out what is responsible.

    BTW my husband said "you n your crazy diet" when he saw me pack frozen grass fed butter for my trip to malaysia. I am straight into work at 7am, after arriving at midnight and driving 2 hrs to site. Will need BPC. I used excuse it was for girlfriends who are meeting me latrr and still living in India (they will take what I dont finish). That butter is still in my case, at AMS airport. After >2 hrs on plane we were advised flight rescheduled to 26 hours later, 11pm tonight, so the case will be automatically put on board. Hmmm 2 to 10 degrees c. A bit above fridge temp so Think I need to buy butter today, freeze that n take it on flight with me! Melted Rank butter doesn't sound good. Good thing I double bagged it!!!
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    edited April 2016
    glossbones wrote: »
    Well you can tell him I did the ground beef as an anti inflammatory baseline! Maybe he'd let you do a week at least? (I so despise that he has this hold over your diet...)

    I'm just too exhausted to debate some things. It just becomes not worth it to even waste breath. I'll eat mostly meat and fat. And eat some stupid legal green something at supper every night so he'll leave me alone.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 6,958 Member
    Meat only worked as a great baseline for me. After 6 mths lchf then 6 days of meat (mostly fresh mince), in isolation, 6 hours after any food I ate part of a coconut macaroon. Spectacular sinus, headache, sneezing, watery eyes within 20 mins. Next day I had pork britsh lincolnshire sausages and noticed a milder reaction, but clear asdociation. By isolation and elimination I hope to find the source. Back to good meats again.

    In the very annoying stakes: if reducing histammines then fresh is best: no re heating and no leaving stuff out on the counter. Think how grandma cooked, fresh from market. No nuts and no soy so no protein bars (most). Snacks are a challenge. Finding options at work difficult. Worth it if we can work out what is responsible.

    BTW my husband said "you n your crazy diet" when he saw me pack frozen grass fed butter for my trip to malaysia. I am straight into work at 7am, after arriving at midnight and driving 2 hrs to site. Will need BPC. I used excuse it was for girlfriends who are meeting me latrr and still living in India (they will take what I dont finish). That butter is still in my case, at AMS airport. After >2 hrs on plane we were advised flight rescheduled to 26 hours later, 11pm tonight, so the case will be automatically put on board. Hmmm 2 to 10 degrees c. A bit above fridge temp so Think I need to buy butter today, freeze that n take it on flight with me! Melted Rank butter doesn't sound good. Good thing I double bagged it!!!

    Well that just sucks about your butter! :disappointed: