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Weekly Post 28.03. - 03.04.2016

flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
Well, it's been a bit quiet in this group the last few days. Looks like everybody is still hunting for eggs :D I found mine and put them in the basement. Then at least I have to walk two flights of stairs to get them.

Of my 5 days off this is the last one and the first one, which I'm just spending at home. Had a nice run this morning. The first one in two weeks...got a little lazy. Doing some relaxing and a few household chores today.

Changed to summer time yesterday. Though I'm not a fan of the time change, the longer evenings should help me get more motivated to work out a few times in the evening after work....I hope ;)

I will be fasting tomorrow and Thursday. Anyone is welcome to join in the fast fun :p

Have a great week!


  • White_Pumpkin
    White_Pumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    I'm new here. I've been doing 5-2 for about 5 weeks. I lost a little weight at first but as of today I'm back to my starting weight. I think I need to be more careful on my eating days. I've been having dessert and cheese way too much. Fasting today though. I will probably have lentil soup tonight, but so far just coffee with very little milk.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    Fast day today for me as well. Lots of indulgences over the weekend with houseguests visiting!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Good job you two!!

    Last glass of wine is down the hatch. No special plans this week except for Wednesday evening. I made 4L of veggie soup that I will eat over the course of the week. Along with my two fasts, it shall be a good week and a short one ;-)
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    edited March 2016
    Began a good fd. Surprised by a friend and her lovely children to go to lunch. Most days I eat while I work so it was nice to see them and get out for a bit. I will be a little over today but the company was awesome and so worth it. Still didn't give myself free reign to eat like normal and stayed as close to my fd allotment as possible. Nsv too. I'm on a roll
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Hello everyone! I know I've been a little quiet lately... because I've been stuffing my face with my kids' Easter candy. I had to purchase more to replace it... I'm terrible I know. Last week wasn't so bad calorie wise since I really upped my exercise game and walked 12k steps 2 different days along with my regular average of 8000 or so every day. Still, I must remind myself to not binge on candy and ultimately, stop buying the stupid stuff. Today was suppose to be a Fast day for me but I've already consumed 2 homemade carrot banana muffins that I made - fresh out of the oven they were too yummy to resist. Now, I'm going to get the recipe calculated on here to figure out just exactly how many calories I've consumed. Maybe if I have my homemade soup from freezer for dinner the day may not be lost after all.

    Is anyone else weight training?? I'm trying to do about 3 days per week and I'm quite enjoying it!! I know you cannot build muscle while eating in a deficit but I can tell already that it is making me stronger and my legs feel strong during my walks.

    Poor Snaps, I hope your kids felt better to enjoy Easter.... having kids sick at home is draining, yet wonderful that you can nurse them back to health again which I felt very good about with mine, but I hope you didn't catch the bug too!

    Thanks Flumi for starting each week fresh!! Sounds like you've enjoyed your days off like you deserve!

    How's everyone doing weight wise? any significant lbs or inches off?? Are you like me and have been able to purchase a couple of new pair of pants?? I'm pretty much still at a 31" waist, but I do want to see that down to 30" by April 30th! The key for me, as always, is to log every single thing I eat! Cheers everyone... stay tuned on my calorie count for the muffins! :'(
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Update: 302 cals each for my muffins! And I cut the sugar down!! :s
  • namlakhorn
    namlakhorn Posts: 3 Member
    Hi all
    I just started on 5:2 today with a fasting day. It is my first time to try systematically fasting diet. It has been a great start, not so difficult as I feared.

    I'm currently 93kg (182cm) and is aiming for 82kg.
    I used to be 75kg in my twenties when I was an active triathlete. What I loved during that time was that I could eat everything and never had to worry about weight gain as my metabolism was sky rocketing due to intensive training program.

    I started to gain weight when I had to quit the sport on semi professional level due to injuries.
    I still love to do sports and do swimming, running and weight training regularly 3-5times a week, but I gained to my current weight during last 10years due to eating wrong food and too much, and I have taken revenge on alcohol intake that I didn't / couldn't allow myself to enjoy during my young years. I simply love food and snacking. I have managed for some years to completely stop daily intake of candy, cake and sugary drinks. Very seldom I eat cake, dark chocolate (85%) and salted nuts. Unfortunately, I do like my alcoholic beverages and is daily consuming in average 2-3 units.

    My plan is to fast Monday and Thursday this week, taking 600 cal per fasting day. I did 625 today for my first fasting day, which I am ok happy with, also considering I exercise-burned 900cal. And no alcohol!

    Maybe would like to try fasting for 2 consecutive days once I get used to the fasting diet.
    For non fasting days, I plan to limit my intake to 2000cal the first 5 weeks, with the option to go up to 2500 during one of the weekend days as a celebration if weight loss is going as planned.

    Is there anything I should know about Limiting the cal intake during non fasting days??

    I'm actually quite excited about this 5:2 diet concept and do expect some good results with the right attitude and motivation.

    Good luck to all of you.

  • Starting my third 5:2 week today, doing my 5th FD. So far so good. Luckily my kids took their Easter candy with them yesterday when they went back to their colleges. As of this morning, before today's fast, I am down 5 lbs from my starting weight 2 weeks ago. I have a long way to go, but I'm determined so far. Thank you, Flumi, for starting these weekly threads, and many thanks and encouragements to everyone trundling along the 5:2 path. You are all helping me, and I'm very grateful.
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Welcome @namlakhorn it sounds like you're on your way to your goal... Keep in touch here! And great job too @GraetLifeIfYouDontWeaken losing 5lbs in two weeks is awesome so keep I up! I like hearing the enthusiasm from new people here as it reminds me I've still got work to do!

    Well to follow up on my day, I managed to close out the day with more cals than a fast day, so I'll look at doing one tomorrow.... Sigh :#
  • White_Pumpkin
    White_Pumpkin Posts: 12 Member
    My fast day yesterday went fine. I made yellow split pea stew and Ethiopian veggies. I hope MFP was right about the calories because it seemed like a lot of food. Now I just have to eat week today on non fasting.
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    After a week on vacation, I've come to realize a few things. If this starts to sound a little depressing, I apologize in advance. The past few weeks, I've been "testing the water" in this weight loss game. I've always known maintenance was where the real challenge lies, but because IF has been so successful for me, I figured I had the whole weight problem licked. Well, I was wrong. While still loosely fasting twice a week, I put some weight on. Not a lot, but enough to jolt me back into the stark reality that it's never conquered. I wasn't as vigilant about my FD and NFD in terms of tracking. I've also been consuming way too much alcohol, which basically invites weight gain. It really is counter to my weight loss goals. So, I'm home again, kids go back to school today, I'm back to fasting in the way it was intended, I'm tracking, and exercising as much as possible with the underlying idea that I can never get comfortable. I will always, always have to stay on top of my diet. I've worked too hard to let it slip away and deal with the self-loathing that follows.

    Ok, now before any of you reply with "thanks for the uplifting post, Flossy", remember that society as a whole is in the same boat. It is on vacation, when I'm relaxed that I look at strangers around me and realize how many people have a weight problem, most of them severe. I sometimes feel like "why am I the only one who has to think about their weight" or "why can't I be normal and just eat what I want"? I have to remind myself that I am like everyone else and this is a collective problem, not unique to me. So, hang in there, team. I know I am. I have the tools to be successful, as do you, so stick with it, be firm in your daily diet, and keep plugging along! I had a successful FD Sunday. I'm planning one today and Thursday. I haven't had any alcohol for 8 days and I'm noticing my eye-jowls (eye bags) start to recede. If that's the case, I'm staying alcohol-free for life. Vanity wins!!! Have a good week, friends!
  • Marmitegeoff
    Marmitegeoff Posts: 373 Member
    Hi All I am now back on the waggon having let thing slip a bit since Xmas. UP a kilo or 2 or 5 so things need to change.

    mamainthekitchen I do weight training, but I use lighter weights but with high reps, as I do not want to build large muscles, but I wan strong ones for the cycling.

    fd today but I will have a bigger supper as I need to carbo load for tomorrow. yep another long one to end March.

    Have a good week all.
  • megemrj
    megemrj Posts: 547 Member
    Okay my fd yesterday was fine... Until I got home. Totally blew up at that point :( but i am letting that go and admitting its okay. I will pull my big girl panties up and do my fd tomorrow instead. I have a taxing workout day planned with office stress to boot. Neither are conducive for me to live without chocolate and fat today.
  • noos2mee2
    noos2mee2 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi All, I am new here. Just started my first fast day today. It has been tough this morning since I woke up to my stomach growling, but so far I have only had some water and green tea. My fast days will normally be Monday and Thursday, but I went out to dinner last night so I thought today would be a better day to start. Planning to have a boiled egg for lunch and then some baked haddock and broccoli for dinner. Has anyone had any luck losing a fair amount of weight following this program?
  • flossyruby1
    flossyruby1 Posts: 337 Member
    Nice to see you, Marmite! I've been impressed with the number of miles in the saddle you've been logging! My husband is anxiously awaiting cycling season, especially the Tour!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    @flossyruby1 and @Marmitegeoff - we are in the same boat. I gained 4kg in the second half of 2015 and am still at my January 2016 weight minus maybe 1kg.... I am also one of the people that becomes a bit to lax when I don't log. I actually think...we are pretty normal :p

    So cracking the whip for myself too, otherwise my cute summer dresses will not fit, when the weather gets warm B)
  • mamainthekitchen
    mamainthekitchen Posts: 929 Member
    Oh gosh @flossyruby1 how many calories burned can I log from laughing at your post!!!??? My abs thank you :D

    @Marmitegeoff do you fast on a weight training day? So far it doesn't seem to bother/hinder me in any way.

    Good job @noos2mee2 how did the rest of your first fast go? Yes I've lost weight since I started in Oct'15. I don't weigh myself but I have lost in measurements (37" waist to 31") and I bought a new dress that is a slimming size 10! So I think 5:2 really works. Like anything in real life, if you're not honest, you'll fail. So log every bite even if it's something you regret, forgive yourself and go to bed early on fast days. And @megemrj that happens! Seems I'm always tugging at my big girl panties too! (Ah, another Choco lover)

    So far I'm my fd is going great although no one wants to have low cal soup for dinner! The son wants lasagna, the husband wants a stew and the daughter wants a quinoa burger! Omg...... B)
  • chiccam
    chiccam Posts: 239 Member
    Hi all! I'm doing 4:3 this week as I over indulged on the weekend.
    It's been working well for me. My biggest downfall is not tracking on the weekend so I still need to do that.
    Have a great week and happy fasting!!!
  • boombalatty123
    boombalatty123 Posts: 116 Member
    After a stubborn couple of weeks with no progress, suddenly I've lost 3 pounds! And that's after a marginally successful 750 calorie fast day yesterday. :#

    My husband and I have been scanning in all our family pictures. We've gotten up to the early '90's when we first started dating. He was a stringbean, and I can't believe I thought I was fat. With more mature eyes I see now that I looked just fine back then. It's good confirmation for me that 140-145 is a good goal weight for me now.
  • luciewhitefield25
    luciewhitefield25 Posts: 70 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Well done on all your fasts this week, I have already done my two (Tues & Thursday) but I think I'll try to squeeze another one in as I over indulged over Easter too! I haven't weighed myself in a while and I am going to do my first weigh in next week.. hopefully being extra good this week will make it less of a shock... fingers crossed!

    I am the same with tracking, if I don't plan and count I can easily loose my weigh. My goal is to loose around a stone for my birthday in 7 weeks.. that's me guesstimating my results from weigh in next week though!

    Does anyone think 2-3lb a week is achievable on 5:2?? I am also fasting 16:8 on normal days and I love exercise so workout 6 times a week, including some long runs!