How do you manage to eat enough fat?

Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
M 5'10", 235, 59, sedentary (arthritic knees) although I do try to walk a couple of miles every day.
MFP Set at 1500 calories, carbs at 5%.
I'm not doing bad with the carbs if I avoid beer. :'(
But I have a hard time eating enough fat and protein while staying under 1500.
Been here for a year. Haven't lost hardly anything.
Had some initial success with lchf and no more breakfast. :s


  • missabbyb
    missabbyb Posts: 30 Member
    Cook with oil and butter.
    Drink bulletproof coffee in the morning and sometimes bulletproof shake at night. Also eat more foods high in healthy fats like avocados. I'm sure there is a whole list somewhere.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    How much fat are you eating? The fat goal isn't something you have to eat to, if you aren't hungry.
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    If it's towards the end of the day and I don't feel I've eaten enough fat (ie, I'm still hungry), a cup of rooibos chai (no caffeine!) with heavy cream normally sounds heavenly.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    Heavy cream, avocados in salads, butter on veggies, camelina or coconut oil as salad dressing or in smoothies, full fat sour cream or Greek yogurt as a dip, cream cheese for sauces, full fat hard cheeses, bulletproof coffee. The options are endlessly yummy!
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Don't forget alfredo sauce!
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    How much fat are you eating? The fat goal isn't something you have to eat to, if you aren't hungry.

    If you're hunger is under control let your body use the fat from your body. No need to meet that goal. As long as your hunger is getting satisfied.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Saw no loss of weight at all until I quit breakfast a couple of weeks ago. Lost a couple of pounds in the last 2 weeks.
    Getting used to hunger in the morning.
    Seems that I have the metabolism of an elephant. And we all know how big they get. Lol
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Currently my target is:
    Fat 50%, 83g
    Carb 5%, 19g
    Prot 45%, 169g
    Calories 1500

    Minimal alcohol
    Would eventually love to go from 235 to 180.
  • wabmester
    wabmester Posts: 2,748 Member
    If you're sedentary, you don't need that much protein. Focus on the carbs, but rule of thumb is about 1g per kg of body weight for protein, and no need to hit a fat target -- just use it to reach satiety.

    Let your body fat meet your fat requirement. :)
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member

    In addition to what was my mentioned, I also will add a few nuts (pecans mostly) to my salads in place of croutons.

    Cheese on eggs are great too. I get the big blocks at Costco and use my food processor to make up a large batch of grated cheese so I always have some on hand. Toss it on salads, or anything actually.

    Melt cream cheese on veggies. I love mashing it with cooked cauliflower, makes a great mash that tastes remarkably liked mashed potatoes.

    Eggs are vitamin rich and are versatile fat source too, I keep hard-boiled eggs on hand always. I usually add them to my lunch salad.

    I make my salad dressing 'healthy fat' by blending avocado mayo, sour cream with some heavy cream and spices (Mrs Dash Garlic & Herb, buttermilk powder, jar chipotles)

  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks for all the great info. I'll be trying a lot of them out over the next few weeks.
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    What made you set your protein so high? Try lowering that a little following the info wabmester listed.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Seems to be telling me to eat more carbs. That's what put the weight on?
    So I'll try to lower the protein and increase the fat. Might end up eating butter and drinking olive oil to get enough fat.
    Bumped carbs up to 40 g. Seems like a lot for strict low carb.
    Calories will likely get too high.
    It's a learning curve.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    How many calories do you eat daily?
  • auntstephie321
    auntstephie321 Posts: 3,586 Member
    Seems to be telling me to eat more carbs. That's what put the weight on?
    So I'll try to lower the protein and increase the fat. Might end up eating butter and drinking olive oil to get enough fat.
    Bumped carbs up to 40 g. Seems like a lot for strict low carb.
    Calories will likely get too high.
    It's a learning curve.

    Are you going off what mfp is giving you?
  • becwana
    becwana Posts: 157 Member
    Currently my target is:
    Fat 50%, 83g
    Carb 5%, 19g
    Prot 45%, 169g
    Calories 1500

    Minimal alcohol
    Would eventually love to go from 235 to 180.

    You might want to try cutting protein - your body turns excess protein into glucose via a process called neoglucogenisis (I think) which can hamper your efforts - I try to do a 80%fat 15%protein 5%carb ratio.
  • becwana
    becwana Posts: 157 Member
    Actually think it might be gluconeogenisis
  • blacktie347
    blacktie347 Posts: 109 Member
    2 words: fried cheese

    (it's really delicious)

    Here's a website that shows how to do it:

    Also, here are some tips from that website, which I think are important enough to mention here as well:

    - You can also make fried cheese without the breaded part. Farmer's cheese and products labeled "frying cheese" will work. Paneer and queso blanco are Indian and Mexican varieties of farmer's cheese (respectively) that also fry well.
    - The oil will be very hot. Wear thick clothes and be cautious while dealing with the oil. Do not add water to the oil at any time. Some people put a drop of water in their oil to see if it is hot enough. Instead, you can put the tip of a wooden spatula part way into the oil to see if it is slightly bubbling. Then you will know the oil is ready.

    Basically, the cheese is like 60-70% fat and the rest is almost all protein, and the oil is pure fat. So this is a high fat, low carb perfect way to eat all of the fat.

    Enjoy! :)
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    How many calories do you eat daily?

    I do 16:8 intermittent fasting now (~5 wks), so total calories seem to be averaging 1200-1300 these days. Before I was closer to 1600-1800 day, And I lost ~70 pounds that way. Between Keto and IF, my hunger is way down. So now I save up for one big dinner meal, or two medium sized meals a day, and a light snack to break the fast. Net carbs ~30, and I get ~75 or so protein, so this is working out great for me. Yummy food, losing weight, getting healthy and feeling good. Couldn't ask for more.
  • ChoiceNotChance
    ChoiceNotChance Posts: 644 Member
    Just throwing this out there, but, your calories are kind of low for a big guy. Back off some on the protein and follow some of the above suggestions to increase the fat. Butter, ghee, coconut oil, cheese, cream, etc.