How do you manage to eat enough fat?



  • SamandaIndia
    SamandaIndia Posts: 1,577 Member
    @Midnightgypsy0 I agree with above re reducing protein. One calculator I tried suggested 85g a day for you. Most use lean body mass which is your weight minus the weight of your fat: plenty of online calculators to determine percent fat. Such as:

    As an example, if you are 40% fat then lbm = 235 - (235×0.4) = 141 lbm. At 0.6 gram per pound of lean muscle you'd need 85g per day. Even athletes don't need the amount of protein you are consuming :)

    Only other thought to add to above is, when I minimised natural sugars and had no added sugar, I selected green leafy veg, meat n fish to keep my total carbs less than 20g. No fruit n no startchy veg. Some mfp entries neglect nutritional details. Worth checking if the foods you are consuming are genuinely low carb. For example, I found almost all yoghurt surprisingly too high in sugar for me. Good luck
  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    Just throwing this out there, but, your calories are kind of low for a big guy. Back off some on the protein and follow some of the above suggestions to increase the fat. Butter, ghee, coconut oil, cheese, cream, etc.

    This is what I was thinking, too.
    I'm 39y/o female, 5'7", but my macros are set at 10% C, 65% F, 25% P, for what it's worth. Seems to have worked pretty well for me. I was previously on a low carb/high protein diet closer to what you've been doing and while I did lose weight on it (during some periods; there were times it didn't seem to work for me), I have felt more satisfied on LCHF.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Seems to be telling me to eat more carbs. That's what put the weight on?
    So I'll try to lower the protein and increase the fat. Might end up eating butter and drinking olive oil to get enough fat.
    Bumped carbs up to 40 g. Seems like a lot for strict low carb.
    Calories will likely get too high.
    It's a learning curve.

    What's telling you to eat more carbs?

    AS @wabmester pointed out, you don't need to add fat to meet any kind of fat "goal" --- your own bodyfat has plenty of fat available to use. Keep carbs under your goal, hit your protein target (calculate based on size and activity as others have said) and fat is just to fill in the rest. If you're sated there's definitely no need to pound butter and oil to add arbitrary fat grams.
  • fatblatta
    fatblatta Posts: 333 Member
    I have a hard time with this too. I try to reduce meat at meals sometimes. A salad with bacon and some rich blue cheese dressing will do it. Buy the good stuff. Saute vegetables in lots of olive oil. These are high in satiety too. So you can eat a little and be happy.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Thanks again for all the great info. I'm going to keep fine tuning things until I get some results l
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    I am trying the intermittent fasting. No breakfast during the work week. No lunch and more activities on the weekend.
    Just need to convince my girlfriend that fried cheese is OK. Lol (She still thinks low fat)
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    IF is great for so many people. I hope it gets you great progress!
    Fried cheese is more than ok! :wink: maybe your gf will get on board when she sees how great you are doing in the coming weeks.
    Best of luck!
  • bowlerae
    bowlerae Posts: 555 Member
    edited April 2016
    You can check my diary but I eat at least one whole avocado per day (usually half for lunch and half at dinner), 2-4 pieces of bacon (breakfast and then in low carb wraps), eggs, salad dressing with a lot of fat (Caesar dressing is great for this), cheese and pepperoni snacks when needed, and fat bombs if I have enough calories and carbs left (usually my fat bombs will have some carbs so I have to make sure I can fit them in). Oh and bulletproof coffee with butter and MCT oil and I cook with coconut oil when I can.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    Just need to convince my girlfriend that fried cheese is OK. Lol

    I know you wrote lol but just for the full picture and for other people reading the thread---
    a. watch the breading on cheese sticks
    b. commercial fryer oil is low quality, and the high heat makes the ramifications worse
    c. fat calories still need to fall within your caloric goals

  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    I only skimmed, so forgive me if I'm repeating anyone.

    Can you lower the protein and shoot for 60% fat, and maybe even up your carbs to 10%? You'd still be pretty low carb, especially if you are getting enough fiber.

    You can feel free to look at my diary, I shoot for 60% fat and do hit it most days, though some are more conventional than others. If you are having a hard time skipping breakfast then you likely aren't eating enough fat. Ample fat in your diet should help keep you fuller longer between meal times. I typically don't eat after 6pm and my first meal of the day is usually 12pm at the earliest, and I'm almost never ravenous between meals.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    I need to get more fat and yet keep the calories down. Fried cheese sounds good. Bacon has the fat but lots of calories too.
    With the intermittent fasting I am slowly losing a tiny bit of weight.
    I'm sure if the calories go up so will the weight.
    Now the weather is getting nice it's harder to ignore that cold beer. :(
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member
    Currently my target is:
    Fat 50%, 83g
    Carb 5%, 19g
    Prot 45%, 169g
    Calories 1500

    Minimal alcohol
    Would eventually love to go from 235 to 180.

    If this is your macro goal, which I think the protein seems high, but regardless.... This ratio equals 1500 calories. No matter what. So if you're not finding it possible to reach the protein and fat amounts without going over on calories, then you're eating more carbs than your macros are set at. That's the only way the calories would be going over if you met the fat and protein numbers.
    For you to be under on one or more parts and reaching the calories, then you're going over on one or more other parts...

    If you keep carbs under 20g, then reach your protein target (based on your stats for a sedentary person) and eat enough fat at each meal that you're hunger is satisfied, then there's no reason to eat more fat just because this macro goal says so.
    I think these were shared already. But, try one of them to determine protein needs.
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Tweaked my macros again.
    Carbs 5% 19g 80cal
    Prot 30% 113g 480cal
    Fat 65% 104g 940cal

    Gonna try the bulletproof coffee tomorrow
    Be more diligent at getting my fat intake up.

    Thanks for all your help and suggestions.
  • ucbycindy
    ucbycindy Posts: 23 Member
    What good information...I learned a lot and not even my question.

    My macros are set at:
    Carb 5%,
    Fat 75% and
    Protein at 20%

    I have to admit that I struggle with the fat goal and I was trying to get to that point even though I wasn't hungry. Good to know I don't need too. As well I was not aware of the protein one needs is equivalent to the kg of ones weight.

    Thanks for all the info everyone, so much info to learn :)
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    >I have to admit that I struggle with the fat goal and I was trying to get to that point even though I wasn't hungry.
    Yup. Just think of the weight you're trying to lose as making up the difference. I think that Dr. Fung refers to your "on-board pantry"

    >As well I was not aware of the protein one needs is equivalent to the kg of ones weight.

    Well, that's one rule of thumb. It's not set in stone.
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    I've learned so much by just reading the posts in this group over the last year! Many questions answered without ever having to ask! Keep on reading @ucbycindy, and all! Always good information buried in threads you may not think your interested in!
  • Midnightgypsy0
    Midnightgypsy0 Posts: 177 Member
    Still have a hard time juggling the fat vs calories. Yesterday I thought I would pour olive oil and cider vinegar on my salad.
    Two tblsp of oil was a whopping 250 calories. Then I had added some cubes of mozzarella. It added another 200.
    Some chicken breast added another 200.
    I got some fat. But my salad was more than half of my daily calories.
  • RalfLott
    RalfLott Posts: 5,036 Member
    edited April 2016
    Twibbly wrote: »
    Don't forget alfredo sauce!

    Mmmm..... Now I'm hungry! Got a good LC recipe you like?
  • ettaterrell
    ettaterrell Posts: 887 Member
    I am sure it's already been said but just want to agree with anyone who said UP your calories... I'm a 5'2 woman and ate 1400 cals lost all my weight. don't know how much more men should eat would think at least 1800 (someone else better) also seen protein is high... Try cutting it back no than 25 % up fat lol. But what ever you do up your calories... This diet doesn't have be hard, people make it hard by thinking they listening MFP suggested 1200 cals!!.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,593 Member
    I edited my goals this week and need to see how this plays out the next couple weeks. I'm at 1400 with 25% Carbs, 45% fat and 30% protein. It is totally a mind change for me. I've eaten low carb off and on the past few years but Tamoxifen can make you gain weight so I've been satisfied with maintaining and not gaining. However, I would really like to lose the 30 I gained on chemo. I care more about the suitcase full of clothes that I'd like to fit back into than the scale.